Topple in spanish


pronunciation: deroʊkɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

topple = derrocar, derribar. 

Example: The latest opinion polls show that 48 percent of Americans would back the use of armed force to topple Saddam Hussein.


» topple + a barrier = derribar una barrera, eliminar una barrera.

Example: He examines the courageous efforts of some 'unsung heroes' who toppled barriers in education, voting, employment, housing, and other areas to participate more fully in democracy.

» topple onto = caerse a.

Example: Many kinds of book supports are marketed and these ensure that books remain upright on the shelves and do not topple onto the floor.

» topple over = caerse, volcarse.

Example: Make use of book supports on shelves to prevent books toppling over or falling to the floor.

» topple + the government = derrocar al gobierno.

Example: Two arms caches that may be connected with the alleged rightwing plot to topple the government were discovered yesterday.

Topple synonyms

tumble in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌmbəl part of speech: verb, noun
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