Topping in spanish


pronunciation: kubieɹ̩tɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

top6 = superar, sobrepasar, exceder. 

Example: As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.


» top off = llenar, llenar hasta el borde, colmar.

Example: They topped off their glasses and grabbed a few fistfuls of the remaining delicacies.

» top + Reflexivo = mejorarse a Uno mismo, superarse a Uno mismo.

Example: The pop star is always trying to top herself with wacky costumes.

» top up = llenar, rellenar, completar.

Example: Lastly, one needs a spirit duplicating machine and a supply of spirit solvent with which to top up the solvent container incorporated in the machine.

» to top it all (off) = para colmo, para colmo de males, por si fuera poco, para más inri, para mayor inri, para rematarlo, para remate.

Example: They never recieved the money order because the fucking mail lost it, and to top it all off my mom lost the tracking number so there was no way to find it.

» to top things off = para colmo, para colmo de males, por si fuera poco, para más inri, para mayor inri, para rematarlo, para remate.

Example: To top things off, we had to put one of our dogs down on November 10th.

top7 = encabezar. 

Example: Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves top the list of information sources respondents thought provide worthwhile information = Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves encabezan la lista de fuentes que los encuestados consideran ofrecen información pertinente.


» top off = rematar, acabar, terminar, liquidar, concluir, finalizar, culminar.

Example: Top it off with spicy yacamole and it's worth the nosh.

» top + Reflexivo = quitarse la vida, suicidarse.

Example: He wanted me to follow his wife and when he found out she was having an affair he topped himself.

» top + the list = encabezar la lista.

Example: Some recipe classics never go out of fashion and fairy cakes top the list.

» top with = poner encima, echar por encima, cubrir con.

Example: Place one shortcake on a plate, top with about half of the peaches and whipped cream .

topping = ingrediente, aderezo, relleno. 

Example: Let guests decorate their sundaes with toppings of their choice.


» pizza topping = ingrediente adicional de la pizza. [Que se coloca en encima según el gusto de la persona]

Example: The study revealed the best chat-up lines were light-hearted questions such as 'What's your favourite pizza topping?'.

» topping-out = cubierta terminada. [Expresión que se utiliza en el mundo de la construcción para indicar que se ha terminado el tejado del edificio]

Example: Sometimes the librarian may recognise the words in the question but be uncertain of their meaning in the context, eg, a query about trolley dressing, or random clumping, or topping-out.

Topping synonyms

superior in spanish: , pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective top-hole in spanish: , pronunciation: tɑphoʊl part of speech: adjective top-flight in spanish: , pronunciation: tɑpflaɪt part of speech: adjective
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