Topical in spanish


pronunciation: ɑktuɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

topical1 = temático. 

Example: A new method of quantative evaluation of the topical content of scientific research is proposed.


» beyond topical relevance = relevancia más allá del tema de búsqueda. [En recuperación de información, evaluación de la pertinencia de los documentos recuperados que tiene en cuenta elementos propios del usuario que van más allá de la mera coincidencia de la materia de los documentos y la materia objeto de la búsqueda]

Example: The article 'Beyond topical relevance' reports on part of a study of real users' behaviour in selecting documents from a list of citations resulting from a search of an information retrieval system = El artículo "Más allá de la relevancia del tema de búsqueda" trata de una parte de un estudio sobre el comportamiento de usuarios reales en la selección de documentos de una lista de resultados de una búsqueda realizada en sistema de recuperación de información.

» topical heading = encabezamiento temático.

Example: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.

» topical index = índice de materias.

Example: Both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia sections are arranged alphabetically, with access to specific information enhanced by the 513-page Propaedia (which functions in part as a topical index to articles in both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia).

» topical issue = cuestión específica.

Example: Weekly press briefings on general and topical issues and press conferences are given by visiting members of the European Commission.

» topical session = sesión temática.

Example: The first 2 days of the conference were devoted to contributed papers which were presented in 4 broad topical sessions: cognitive aspects, mediating, the user and documents.

» topical similarity = similitud temática.

Example: Topical similarity is only one of a host of factors that determine whether a document will be useful to a real user with a particular information need.

» topical subheading = subencabezamiento de materia.

Example: There is also a complete list of the 76 topical subheadings complete with scope notes and allowable categories.

» topical subject search = búsqueda por materia.

Example: Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.

topical2 = novedoso, de actualidad. 

Example: Consequently, the Commission issues a constant stream of topical, glossy and usually free leaflets, pamphlets, booklets and magazines which aim to project a positive image of the European Community and its actions in a lively and popular style.


» highly topical = de gran actualidad, de rabiosa actualidad.

Example: Other highly topical issues are the evolutions of toxins, secretion systems, and antibiotic resistance.

» topical theme = tema de actualidad.

Example: Often a library will compile its own book list on a topical theme, thus highlighting books that otherwise might remain unnoticed and unknown in their normal sequence on the shelves.

topical3 = tópico. 

Example: Hydrocortisone cream is a topical corticosteroid which is used for reducing itching, redness and swelling associated with many skin conditions.

Topical synonyms

current in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrənt part of speech: adjective, noun local in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊkəl part of speech: adjective
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