Topic in spanish


pronunciation: temɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

topic = tema, materia, cuestión, asunto. 

Example: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.


» address + a topic = tratar un tema.

Example: In addition, political topics were addressed more neutrally than in the past.

» be on the topic = estar hablando del tema, estar con el tema.

Example: 'Since we're on the topic,' he sighed, massaging his temples, 'let me share a few other thoughts with you'.

» be on topic = ser pertinente, ceñirse al tema, no desviarse del tema, ser relevante.

Example: Reading through the comments, some of them were off-topic but a surprising number of them were on-topic and very thoughtful, forcing me to reconsider some of the viewpoints I'd expressed.

» bring up + a topic = sacar a colación un tema.

Example: She brandishes a 'Hands Off' sign whenever that topic is brought up.

» broach + a topic = tratar un tema, mencionar un tema.

Example: During the short time I've been here, people have broached the topic of a bookmobile with me.

» controversial topic = tema polémico.

Example: I want to hear people's opinions on controversial topics, like gay marriage and abortion.

» discussion topic = tema de discusión, tema de debate.

Example: Television shows foster titillating discussion topics and trivialize troubles.

» heated topic = tema polémico, tema controvertido.

Example: The light-skinned vs. dark-skinned debate has been a heated topic within the black community for decades.

» hot topic = tema candente, tema de actualidad, asunto candente.

Example: Futurology has become a hot topic in today's world, particularly for managers.

» off-topic = que no tiene que ver con el tema debatido, que no viene a cuento.

Example: But on the other hand, these electronic message boards can have a hit-and-run quality where vitriolic or off-topic comments are posted by contributors hidden in the safety of anonymity.

» on another topic = en otro orden de cosas, cambiando de asunto, cambiando de tema, por otro lado.

Example: On another topic, how much trust and confidence do you have at this time in your mayor and city council, when it comes to handling city problems?.

» red-hot topic = asunto de plena actualidad, cuestión de plena actualidad, tema de plena actualidad, cuestión candente, tema candente.

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

» research topic = tema de investigación.

Example: Lists of possible research topics are included = Se incluyen listados de posibles temas de investigación.

» roam over + topics = divagar sobre varios temas.

Example: During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.

» search topic = tema de búsqueda. [Materia objeto de una búsqueda]

Example: As you review your search results, use the related records option to find additional articles on your search topic.

» state + Posesivo + search topic = construir el enunciado de búsqueda.

Example: For example, you might state your search topic as shown below.

» topic area = tema, área temática, disciplina.

Example: This is the second revision of the topic areas in as many years.

» topic-centred = centrado en un tema específico.

Example: Special libraries and information centres tend to develop smaller, more topic-centred collections.

» topic kit = paquete de objetos e información sobre un tema concreto.

Example: The public library also provides a service whereby collections of material on a given topic (including, in addition to books, such items as topic kits, wallcharts, filmstrips, illustrations) are delivered to schools to supplement the school's own resources.

» topic map = mapa temático.

Example: The author considers the role of taxonomies and topic maps in improving information retrieval on the Web.

» topic of interest = tema de interés.

Example: This is not a criticism of the book or the author since it was not a topic of interest to her.

» topic pack = paquete informativo, dosier de información. [Paquete de objetos e información sobre un tema concreto]

Example: In addition to providing books the staff have introduced topic packs which are used for group discussion, and take to the elderly persons' homes old but familiar household objects which can stimulate reminiscences.

» topic sentence = frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo.

Example: Hence, any elements that might contribute to relevance assessment must be incorporated into the topic sentence.

» wander off + topic = divagar, irse por la tangente, irse por las ramas, salirse por la tangente, desviarse del tema.

Example: Occasional wandering off topic is allowed, but should be kept to a bare minimum.

Topic synonyms

issue in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun matter in spanish: , pronunciation: mætɜr part of speech: noun subject in spanish: , pronunciation: səbdʒekt part of speech: noun, adjective theme in spanish: , pronunciation: θim part of speech: noun
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