Top in spanish

Parte superior

pronunciation: pɑɹ̩tesupeɹ̩ioʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

top1 = parte superior, copa. 

Example: They all have space at the top for a key word and the index is arranged in alphabetical order by keyword.


» and on top of that = y además.

Example: And on top of that, sometimes knowing the law doesn't help.

» at/on the top of the hill = en la cima de la colina, en lo alto de la colina, en la cumbre de la colina.

Example: Along the way we passed the old wooden windmill that stands at the top of the hill.

» atop = encima de, sobre, en lo alto de.

Example: In Paris, the liberty cap atop the pike became an important icon aimed against the fading tyranny of the ancien regime.

» at the top = en la parte superior, en la parte de arriba.

Example: They all have space at the top for a key word and the index is arranged in alphabetical order by keyword.

» at the top of = en lo alto de, en la parte superior de, en la parte de arriba de.

Example: To mark the end of our holiday, we had supper in the revolving restaurant at the top of the KL Tower.

» at the top of + Posesivo + lungs = a grito pelado, a grito limpio, a voz en grito, a voz en cuello.

Example: I clenched my hands into fists, trying to keep composure and not scream at the top of my lungs.

» at the top of the stairs = en lo alto de la escalera.

Example: Three young mice brave the monster (that is, the cat) who lives in the dark at the top of the stairs.

» at the top of the tree = en la copa del árbol.

Example: The best apples were at the top of the tree but they didn't want to reach for them because they were afraid of falling and getting hurt.

» at top speed = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a toda marcha, a toda mecha, a todo meter.

Example: Loosing control at top speed on a highway full of cars, these guys where lucky they recovered without hitting any cars.

» be on top of everything = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de todo.

Example: Jeff is a pleasure to work with -- he is on top of everything and he strives to make sure that his customers are always more than satisfied.

» be on top of things = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de las cosas.

Example: Email is a wonderful invention for people who want to be on top of things.

» blow + Posesivo + top = ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: Yoga is better for people who are always blowing their top and who are therefore prone to high blood pressure.

» come out on + top = llevarse la palma, ser el primero, salir ganando, ganar la palma, llevarse el gato al agua.

Example: The real story here is that no matter which format ultimately comes out on top, the battle will be long and protracted, with both formats existing side by side for some time.

» come out + tops = llevarse la palma, ser el primero, salir ganando, ganar la palma, llevarse el gato al agua.

Example: The University of Toronto has come out tops in Canada for graduate employability for the third straight year.

» cooktop = placa de cocina.

Example: Grease is one of the major culprits behind the grime that accumulates on cooktops.

» countertop = encimera.

Example: With the proper care, your granite or marble countertop will stay new-looking for years.

» from top to bottom = de arriba abajo.

Example: Searching through a hierarchical structure moves from top to bottom.

» go over + the top = pasarse, excederse, pasarse tres pueblos, pasarse de la raya, pasarse de rosca.

Example: It is just sometimes the case that going over the top is a lot more fun than being sensible or reasonable about anything.

» hilltop = cumbre de la colina, cima de la colina.

Example: Wild pigs and deer bed down on the hilltop, so ascend quietly and you might catch them napping.

» keep + Nombre + in top shape = mantener en plena forma.

Example: To keep a horse in top shape, you should put it to bed no later than 10 pm.

» keep on + top of things = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de las cosas.

Example: It's a winning situation, as long as you keep on top of things.

» off the top of + Posesivo + head = sin pensarlo mucho, improvisado, sobre la marcha, espontáneo, sin pararse a pensar, sin pensarlo demasiado.

Example: Pricing trends for periodicals are discussed with reference to charts not reproduced in the article 'Publishing policies, off the top of my head' but shown at the conference session.

» on top = en lo alto, encima.

Example: Built for King Frederick William II. in 1788-91 with the Quadriga on top, a four-horse chariot driven by the goddess of Victory, holding the symbols of victory.

» on top of = sobre, encima de, en lo alto de.

Example: Cards are superimposed, one on top of another, and carefully aligned.

» on top of = además de.

Example: Librarians will have to acquire additional skills on top of the old ones.

» on top of all of this = además de todo esto/eso, para colmo, para más inri, para mayor inri, por añadidura.

Example: when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.

» on top of everything (else) = además de todo esto/eso, para colmo, para más inri, para mayor inri, por añadidura.

Example: On top of everything else, these corporations sponsor 'scientific' studies where their product is pitted against a worse convenience product.

» over-the-top = excesivo, demasiado, exagerado, desmesurado. 

Example: It seems all Hollywood can do now is take an original classic and flog it to death with over-the-top special effects.

» palmtop = miniordenador portátil, ordenador de bolsillo. [Ordenador del tamaño de la palma de la mano]

Example: Mobile multimedia devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), palmtops and laptops will also vary greatly in size and processing power.

» remain on top = seguir entre los primeros.

Example: This report examines IBM's past, present and future strategies and how it has managed to remain on top for so long.

» remain on top of = seguir al día.

Example: With technology changing at a rapid pace, sometimes its hard to remain on top of new ideas and technologies.

» rooftop = tejado, azotea.

Example: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.

» scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head = desgañitarse, gritar como un loco, chillar como un loco, gritar desaforadamente, vociferar, chillar a grito pelado.

Example: By the time I had gotten to the front door, however, I could hear a woman screaming at the top of her head some incoherent nonsense.

» scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs = desgañitarse, gritar como un loco, chillar como un loco, gritar desaforadamente, vociferar, chillar a grito pelado.

Example: Speaking specifically about manic depression, she asked, 'How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs?'.

» scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice = desgañitarse, gritar como un loco, chillar como un loco, gritar desaforadamente, vociferar, chillar a grito pelado.

Example: She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.

» second from (the) top = segundo, segundo por arriba.

Example: Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.

» set-top = que se coloca en lo alto del televisor.

Example: The set-top box may also contain remotely controllable descrambling circuits for services which are transmitted in a scrambled form.

» sing at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs = desgañitarse cantando, cantar a pleno pulmón, cantar como (un) loco, cantar a grito pelado, cantar desaforadamente.

Example: My mom frequently tells the story of how she sang at the top of her lungs all during her pregnancy with me.

» sit on + top = quedarse arriba, estar arriba.

Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).

» smack right on top of = justo encima de.

Example: He got hit with a cricket ball, smack right on top of his knocker.

» stay on + top = estar entre los primeros, estar muy puesto.

Example: Staying on top in any profession is difficult, particularly in golf, where there is so much competition.

» stay on + top of = controlar, no perder el control, estar al día de, mantenerse al tanto de.

Example: Adapting to change -- and staying on top of the changes -- is a huge key to success in industry = Adaptarse a los cambios y controlarlos es una gran clave para triunfar en la industria.

» stay on + top of the game = estar al día, estar muy puesto.

Example: Making progress and staying on top of the game in anything you set out to do is vital to ensuring a favorable outcome.

» stay on + top of things = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de las cosas.

Example: Climate change has moved up the agenda massively in recent years and the meat industry needs to stay on top of things to avoid being caught out.

» table-top [tabletop] = de sobremesa, de mesa.

Example: The Realist Valiant is a large, table-top model microfiche reader, designed primarily for viewing 2 document pages simultaneously.

» table-top [tabletop] = tablero, mesa.

Example: GIS technology can be considered as a table-top on which data are compiled, considered, manipulated and located.

» table top exhibit = mesa expositora.

Example: Table top exhibits are available to oganizations with annual sales under $100,000.

» the top of the tree = la copa del árbol.

Example: The height of a tree is measured from the top of the tree to the ground.

» top-down = de arriba hacia abajo, jerárquico, piramidal, verticalista.

Example: Results show that the agencies are geared up for a one-way, top-down flow of information.

» top edge = borde superior.

Example: A double leaf is a leaf of double size with a fold at the fore edge or at the top edge of the book.

» top-floor = en el último piso, del último piso.

Example: This top-floor apartment offers commanding views of the lake.

» top floor, the = último piso, el; última planta, la.

Example: Since many people like having a top-floor apartment, the top floor may cost you more than just extra calories as you huff it up and down the stairs.

» top hat = sombrero de copa, chistera.

Example: They were all decked out in top hat and tails, sipping champagne and preparing to shout their horse all the way home to the finishing post.

» top layer = nivel superior.

Example: Developed in accordance with the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, it is one of the first application to top layer standards to be ratified.

» top left corner = esquina superior izquierda.

Example: The header area at the top left corner is used to print either the main or added entry, the main entry is printed below it.

» top left-hand corner = esquina superior izquierda.

Example: The young professor said thanks with a smile and glanced at the name and address at the top left-hand corner.

» top level = nivel superior.

Example: The top level is the system or union catalog, which is shared by all libraries in the network.

» top-loaded = de carga superior.

Example: It is faster to wash your clothes with a top-loaded model than with the front-loaded version.

» top margin = margen superior.

Example: If you set lines per page to 54, 12 lines are allowed for the top and bottom margins.

» topmost [top most] = de la parte superior, de más arriba, primero.

Example: Thus each heap was delivered to the warehouseman with the final impressions of both formes on the topmost sheet.

» top right(-hand) corner = esquina superior derecha, ángulo superior derecho.

Example: I don't see a problem with it myself as the numbers are in the top right-hand corner out of the way.

» topside = parte superior.

Example: Because of the need to open and close the hatch, the traditional method of insulation has been to staple a glass fibre batt to the topside of the hatch.

» top-slice = reducir, descontar.

Example: This week thousands of us worked together to persuade the government not to top-slice the licence fee from the BBC funding.

» topsoil = capa vegetal, mantillo.

Example: But the fertility of the muck and silt topsoil soon made it a profitable farming community.

» topspin = efecto.

Example: In order to be effective with passing shots, you need to be able to impart a lot of topspin on the ball.

» worktop = encimera.

Example: All our worktops are available in a wide range of finishes and thicknesses.

top2 = tapa, cubierta. 

Example: Documents should be kept in acid free boxes with loose fitting tops on shelves preferably made from baked enamel steel.


» marble-top = con encimera de mármol.

Example: A small cranberry tree surrounded by holly sits on an antique marble-top table.

» screw(-on) top = tapón de rosca, tapa de rosca.

Example: Next, it's a lot easier to have a picnic with a screw top bottle.

top3 = blusa. 

Example: But how strange that a young lady of your clear intelligence should get in such a fluster over things like tops and 14-year-old boys.


» halter top = blusa de cuello halter.

Example: This is important for women who do not wear a bra with a halter top, since the straps of the bra would show.

» low-cut top = blusa escotada.

Example: A popular TV presenter in Turkey has been fired from her job for wearing a low-cut top.

» sleeveless top = camiseta de tirantes.

Example: Lightweight and cool feeling, these sleeveless tops are like wearing nothing at all.

» tank top = camiseta de tirantes.

Example: At the end of the concert, Yamin took off his shirt and threw it to the audience but he was wearing a tank top underneath.

top4 = mejor, principal. 

Example: ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.


» at the top of + Posesivo + voice = a grito pelado, a grito limpio, a voz en grito, a voz en cuello.

Example: It was a time when film directors believed in irreverence -- challenging the status quo and dissenting at the top of one's voice.

» at the top of the tree = en la cumbre, en la cúspide.

Example: The people at the top of the tree are enjoying the best things in life -- the richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of all wealth.

» be in top condition = estar en plena forma, estar que se + salir, estar hecho una máquina, ser un máquina.

Example: Airflow outside of the servers is similarly key to ensuring servers are in top condition.

» be in top form = estar en plena forma, estar que se + salir, estar hecho una máquina, ser un máquina.

Example: She will need to be in top form from the get go this year, when he takes on her opponent on Wednesday evening.

» be in top shape = estar en plena forma, estar que se + salir, estar hecho una máquina, ser un máquina.

Example: She hopes to be back in top shape for next week's league game in Monaco.

» be top notch = ser de primera categoría.

Example: If I make the assumption that they're top notch, I'll transmit that confidence to them and they'll live up to my expectations.

» shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs = desgañitarse, gritar como un loco, chillar como un loco, gritar desaforadamente, vociferar, chillar a grito pelado.

Example: She shouted at the top of her lungs, causing Gabrielle to cringe slightly.

» shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice = desgañitarse, gritar como un loco, chillar como un loco, gritar desaforadamente, vociferar, chillar a grito pelado.

Example: In no time she took off her sandals and thrashed one of the snatchers and started shouting at the top of her voice.

» the top of the tree = lo mejor.

Example: For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.

» tip-top = excelente, fantástico, de primera, de primera clase.

Example: It's a tip-top place from top to bottom with no letdowns whatsoever.

» Top 40 singles chart = los 40 principales.

Example: Billboard Top 40 singles chart data were examined to determine if the frequency distribution of artist productivity fits either of 2 laws of scattering.

» top administrator = administrador principal.

Example: So many books and articles are churned out about the top administrator's responsibilities toward staff.

» top aide = asesor. [Generalmente de un miembro del gobierno]

Example: Kelly reportedly said that top aides of Prime Minister Tony Blair had 'sexed up' intelligence reports to help justify an invasion of Iraq.

» top banana, the = cabecilla, el; mandamás, el; jefe, el; gerifalte, el; pez gordo, el.

Example: I don't mean to oversimplify life, but on some days it seems to me that society divides into two categories: the top bananas and the second bananas.

» top bod = jefe, mandamás, gerifalte.

Example: The top bods in any company all have one thing in common -- they are extremely busy people.

» top brand = marca más popular, marca más importante, mejor marca.

Example: The world's top brands were started by normal people with extraordinary determination.

» top brass, the = plana mayor, la; mandamases, los; jerifaltes, los; peces gordos, los .

Example: Women account for just about 14 per cent of the top brass at companies in India, as against 21 per cent across the world.

» top-class = de máxima categoría, de lujo, de gran lujo, de los mejores.

Example: Here are given a few top-class tips for writing a good essay.

» top dog = triunfador, peso pesado, pez gordo, mandamás.

Example: The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.

» top echelon = de nivel superior.

Example: In addition and in conformity with the Paris Principles, top echelon executive agencies, legislative bodies, courts, etc., are specifically named as bodies to be entered subordinately.

» top executive = alto cargo, directivo, ejecutivo superior.

Example: A survey of 40 organisations was used to identify the problems more frequently encountered by top executives using computers for decision support.

» top-flight = de máxima categoría, de lujo, de gran lujo, de los mejores.

Example: We're looking for top-flight professionals committed to creating and implementing innovative solutions that help transform businesses.

» top-grossing = más taquillero.

Example: Two of the top-grossing concert tours last year were by a jazz band and a rock band.

» top management = dirección, equipo de gobierno, equipo de dirección.

Example: Nevertheless, performance evaluation can be made more effective if, as stated earlier, the program is strongly supported by top management.

» top management team = dirección, equipo de gobierno, equipo de dirección.

Example: It is hardly a harbinger of an effective top management team when what binds it together is a shared 'grin and bear it' strategy.

» top manager = directivo, alto cargo.

Example: In comparison with the previous year, the remuneration of top managers grew on average by about 7.5% in 2002.

» (top) military brass = jerarquía militar, altos mandos militares.

Example: This naval air base has been maintained for many many years even though it is not used much except by military brass and government officials.

» topmost, the = más, el.

Example: A list of the topmost cited papers of the Proceedings is presented.

» top-notch = de primera, de altura, de pata negra, de élite.

Example: I'd hate to see that happen because she's a top-notch worker.

» top official = alto cargo, cargo directivo, directivo, jefe.

Example: Some who felt that many of the top officials in libraries and professional organizations were men.

» top-of-mind = principal, primordial, primero.

Example: Computer security is a top-of-mind subject for both IT managers and their corporate bosses.

» top-of-the-range = de primerísima calidad.

Example: The views of selected London investment bankers, regarding their use of top-of-the-range Internet and CD-ROM credit information services, are summarized.

» top of the line = de primerísima calidad.

Example: The aricle has the title 'Budget CD-Rewritable drives: to get the best deal, buy a CD-RW drive that's not top of the line'.

» top person [top people, -pl.] = alto cargo, persona más destacada, persona más relevante.

Example: If you are interested in learning about meeting the top people in the field please fill out the form below.

» top position = alto cargo, cargo directivo, directivo, jefe.

Example: In spite of the preponderance of women in the profession 44 of 61 top positions are held by men.

» top priority = prioridad principal.

Example: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.

» top quality = de calidad superior, mejor, de pata negra.

Example: The quality of a university's research library may not be sufficient to attract top quality students.

» top-ranked = situado en primer lugar, más votado, más prestigioso, preferido.

Example: In contrast, Brauen modified all of the terms but only in the top-ranked relevant documents.

» top-ranking = de alto rango, de máximo rango, de los mejores, entre los mejores clasificados.

Example: To be the winner is not easy, but to maintain top ranking is even more difficult.

» top-rated = situado en primer lugar, más votado, más prestigioso, preferido.

Example: They have analyzed user ratings and professional testing to find top-rated shampoo brands.

» top scorer = máximo goleador, máximo anotador.

Example: Going on previous seasons he has a very good chance of being the top scorer.

» top scorer = persona con la mejor nota.

Example: The top scorers on the engineering exam will be awarded scholarships.

» top scorer = persona con la mejor nota.

Example: Congrats to the highest scorers, you all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.

» top-seeded = cabeza de serie.

Example: The top-seeded Spartans looked invincible early on in their first season as reigning national champions but hit a rough patch in February, dropping three of their last five league matches.

» top-selling = más vendido, superventas, de más ventas, de un gran éxito de ventas, de un gran éxito comercial.

Example: Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.

» top story = noticia más importante, noticia de primera plana, noticia de cabecera.

Example: Here's a monthly recap of some of the year's top stories.

» top ten = diez mejores, los.

Example: It is important to note that our list of top ten highest earning bands is dominated by rock bands.

» top term = término superior.

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

» top-tier [top tier] = superior, de rango superior.

Example: It is much to the credit of the British government that in the current reorganisation of local government it has insisted that public libraries be controlled by the top-tier authorities, those responsible for education and other major services.

» top-up = de puesta al día.

Example: Those women who have chosen to take a career break for child rearing may need access to top-up training on returning to the profession.

top5 = trompo, peonza. 

Example: The author reports on a project for the revival of traditional toys in which a group of adults made toys (e.g., dolls, carts, tops, whistles) that recalled their childhoods.


» peg top = trompo, peonza.

Example: To spin your peg top you must first learn to wind the string around the top properly.

» spinning top = peonza, trompo.

Example: The article is entitled 'Making sense of metadata: reading the words on a spinning top'.

» whipping top = trompo, peonza.

Example: We have shown that the electrons in the atom have no orbital movement, they interact with the nucleus like a rotating whipping top.

» whip top = trompo, peonza.

Example: The children were in the habit of playing whip-top during the day.

top6 = superar, sobrepasar, exceder. 

Example: As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.


» top off = llenar, llenar hasta el borde, colmar.

Example: They topped off their glasses and grabbed a few fistfuls of the remaining delicacies.

» top + Reflexivo = mejorarse a Uno mismo, superarse a Uno mismo.

Example: The pop star is always trying to top herself with wacky costumes.

» top up = llenar, rellenar, completar.

Example: Lastly, one needs a spirit duplicating machine and a supply of spirit solvent with which to top up the solvent container incorporated in the machine.

» to top it all (off) = para colmo, para colmo de males, por si fuera poco, para más inri, para mayor inri, para rematarlo, para remate.

Example: They never recieved the money order because the fucking mail lost it, and to top it all off my mom lost the tracking number so there was no way to find it.

» to top things off = para colmo, para colmo de males, por si fuera poco, para más inri, para mayor inri, para rematarlo, para remate.

Example: To top things off, we had to put one of our dogs down on November 10th.

top7 = encabezar. 

Example: Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves top the list of information sources respondents thought provide worthwhile information = Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves encabezan la lista de fuentes que los encuestados consideran ofrecen información pertinente.


» top off = rematar, acabar, terminar, liquidar, concluir, finalizar, culminar.

Example: Top it off with spicy yacamole and it's worth the nosh.

» top + Reflexivo = quitarse la vida, suicidarse.

Example: He wanted me to follow his wife and when he found out she was having an affair he topped himself.

» top + the list = encabezar la lista.

Example: Some recipe classics never go out of fashion and fairy cakes top the list.

» top with = poner encima, echar por encima, cubrir con.

Example: Place one shortcake on a plate, top with about half of the peaches and whipped cream .

Top synonyms

head in spanish: , pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun pass in spanish: , pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun clear in spanish: , pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective arch in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑrtʃ part of speech: noun cover in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌvɜr part of speech: verb, noun tip in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪp part of speech: noun peak in spanish: , pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective first in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb transcend in spanish: , pronunciation: trænsend part of speech: verb crown in spanish: , pronunciation: kraʊn part of speech: noun boss in spanish: , pronunciation: bɑs part of speech: noun crest in spanish: , pronunciation: krest part of speech: noun pinnacle in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪnəkəl part of speech: noun chief in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃif part of speech: noun summit in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌmət part of speech: noun exceed in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪksid part of speech: verb acme in spanish: , pronunciation: ækmi part of speech: noun superlative in spanish: , pronunciation: sʊpɜrlətɪv part of speech: adjective height in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪt part of speech: noun pinch in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb foremost in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrmoʊst part of speech: adjective, adverb elevation in spanish: , pronunciation: eləveɪʃən part of speech: noun maximum in spanish: , pronunciation: mæksəməm part of speech: adjective, noun upside in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌpsaɪd part of speech: noun greatest in spanish: , pronunciation: greɪtəst part of speech: adjective maximal in spanish: , pronunciation: mæksəməl part of speech: adjective whirligig in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrlɪgɪg part of speech: noun overstep in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrstep part of speech: verb teetotum in spanish: , pronunciation: titətəm part of speech: noun big top in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪgtɑp part of speech: noun go past in spanish: , pronunciation: goʊpæst part of speech: verb circus tent in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkəstent part of speech: noun spinning top in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪnɪŋtɑp part of speech: noun round top in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndtɑp part of speech: noun top side in spanish: , pronunciation: tɑpsaɪd part of speech: noun top of the inning in spanish: , pronunciation: tɑpʌvðəɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun upper side in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌpɜrsaɪd part of speech: noun

Top antonyms

bottom pronunciation: bɑtəm part of speech: noun, adjective bottom of the inning pronunciation: bɑtəmʌvðəɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun
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