Tooled in spanish


pronunciation: fileteɑdoʊ part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

tool2 = estampar. 

Example: In bindings of the later hand-press period the title of the book was tooled on the spine.


» tool up = equipar, preparar.

Example: The article is entitled 'Tooling up for a revolution'.

tooled = estampado. 

Example: Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.


» blind-tooled = impreso en seco.

Example: Many books were still large and solid, their blind-tooled covers secured with clasps or ties.

» gilt-tooled = estampado en oro.

Example: And there was a steady output in the later nineteenth century of well-made prize bindings in gilt-tooled calf, which were slickly produced by specialist firms.
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