Tool in spanish


pronunciation: erɑmientɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tool1 = instrumento, herramienta, instrumento de trabajo, herramienta de trabajo, útil, útil de trabajo. 

Example: Prior to the 1970s UDC was frequently to be found in large card indexes in special libraries and sometimes to be encountered in abstracting and indexing tools.


» abstracting and indexing tool = instrumento para resumir e indizar.

Example: Prior to the 1970s UDC was frequently to be found in large card indexes in special libraries and sometimes to be encountered in abstracting and indexing tools.

» access tool = instrumento para la recuperación.

Example: This congressional material was vastly underused because at that time there were no good access tools.

» assessment tool = herramienta de evaluación, instrumento de evaluación.

Example: The project demonstrated the efficacy of conventional assessment tools adapted to a particular collection and user community.

» authoring tool = herramienta de autoedición, función de autoedición.

Example: This article describes some of the authoring tools available for use with Apple Computer's HyperCard software to permit the integration of voice to produce multimedia applications.

» bibliographical tool = herramienta bibliográfica.

Example: It might be to the point to mention that most printed bibliographical tools are of this kind.

» bibliographic tool = instrumento bibliográfico. [Cualquier tipo de publicación en cualquier tipo de soporte documental que presenta de un modo sistemático referencias a material documental especializado]

Example: Not all users are equally proficient in using abstracts and other bibliographic tools, and thus the user imposes a self-limitation on the tools.

» computer tool = herramienta informática.

Example: The development of new information techniques -- informatics, computerisation, teledocumentation -- has given rise to a new type of documentalist trained in the special skills necessary to facilitate user access to international data bases using modern computer tools.

» cutting tool = utensilio para cortar.

Example: For example, DIAMONDS could be a NT under cutting tools as well as under GEMS.

» development tool = herramienta de desarrollo.

Example: The choice for those interested in creating an expert system lies between a specialised development tool and a scaled down version of an programming language = La alternativa para aquellos interesados en crear un sistema experto está entre una herramienta de desarrollo especializada o una versión reducida de un lenguaje de programación.

» diagnostic tool = herramienta de diagnóstico.

Example: The use of transaction logs as an effective diagnostic tool is hampered by the large amount of raw data produced.

» down (+ Posesivo +) tools = declararse en huelga, ponerse en huelga, hacer huelga.

Example: Thousands of sugar workers on Tuesday downed tools across the country as the sugar company refused to accept their demands for higher salary increases.

» evaluation tool = herramienta de evalución, instrumento de evaluación.

Example: Citation analysis provides a meaningful evaluation tool for bibliographers and collection managers.

» garden tool = herramienta para el jardín, herramienta de jardín.

Example: The design of garden tools has barely changed in the last hundreds, or even thousands of years.

» hand tool = herramienta manual.

Example: They use a variety of hand and power tools, such as air hammers, nail guns, cement mixers, small mechanical hoists, and surveying equipment.

» hot tool = hierro para dorar. [En encuadernación, pequeñas herramientas manuales usadas para estampar letras o decoraciones sobre la cubiertas o lomo de los libros]

Example: Finally gold leaf was laid in place over the blind impressions, and fixed into them with further impressions of the hot tools, surplus gold being rubbed off.

» idle hands are the devil's workshop/tools/playground = cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas; cuando el diablo está aburrido mata moscas con el rabo.

Example: The saying the 'idle hands are the devil's workshop' may be particularly apt in the case of Islamic rioters and terrorists.

» indexing tool = herramienta de indización.

Example: These comments are also intended to demonstrate the similarity between indexing and searching and to show how indexing tools feature in the searching process.

» information-managing tool = herramienta para la gestión de la información.

Example: This article examines opportunities for collaboration between specialists and research users in creating information-managing tools.

» machine tool = herramienta mecánica.

Example: The same principal was resurrected in 1952 with the introduction of numerical control of machine tools.

» management tool = herramienta de gestión.

Example: For the business community in particular, statistics can be an invaluable management tool.

» managerial tool = herramienta de gestión.

Example: The article is entitled 'Dusting off the cobwebs: turning the business archives into a managerial tool'.

» navigation tool = herramienta de navegación.

Example: The course covered the structure of the Internet in general and navigation tools and was aimed at people 'allergic' to information technology looking for confidence.

» pedagogical tool = herramienta pedagógica.

Example: The MetaMap is a pedagogical tool in the form of a subway map, the goal of which is to help people understand metadata standards, sets, and initiatives related to information studies.

» power tool = herramienta eléctrica.

Example: They use a variety of hand and power tools, such as air hammers, nail guns, cement mixers, small mechanical hoists, and surveying equipment.

» professional tool = herramienta profesional, herramienta para profesionales.

Example: To be successful you need professional tools, top quality supplies and also the knowledge of how to use them.

» reference tool = instrumento de referencia, herramienta de referencia.

Example: The Science Citation Index is a multidisciplinary reference tool that indexes over 3,300 of the world's most important science and technology journals.

» research tool = herramienta de investigación.

Example: The article 'How Shepard's Citation lost its flock' notes the difficulties involved in teaching law students the intricacies of research tools such as Shepard's Citation.

» retool = remodelar, reequipar. 

Example: Library automation vendors must be prepared to retool to continue to be effective in the present decade.

» retrieval tool = herramienta de recuperación de información.

Example: In searching, a user will postcoordinate truncated keys derived from words in various elements of the entries, thereby making possible an extremely powerful retrieval tool.

» scripting tool = herramienta de programación.

Example: SuperCard is a scripting tool for creating new Macintosh applications from scratch.

» search tool = herramienta de búsqueda.

Example: At the same time the search tool also has to accommodate common needs, such as simultaneous search on all library catalogues.

» selection tools = herramientas para la selección. [Todo tipo de publicación utilizado para la identificación de los documentos que van a ser adquiridos por la biblioteca]

Example: In such a rapidly developing field as online services, the birth and death rate of reference and selection tools is impressive but dismaying to those trying to stay abreast of new titles.

» specialist tool = herramienta para especialistas, herramienta profesional, herramienta para profesionales.

Example: Modern cars and vans require specialist tools and electronic devices to ensure the correct maintenance and corrective action is applied.

» tools of the trade = herramientas de la profesión. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Police are more likely to be killed by rational robbers fleeing the scene of a crime, who routinely use potentially lethal weapons as 'tools of the trade'.

» toolbar = barra de herramientas.

Example: This desktop toolbar allows users to add notes and highlights to Web pages so that they can share these notes and comments with others.

» toolbox [tool box] = utilidades, herramientas, caja de herramientas, aplicaciones.

Example: The project will develop a toolbox which will allow office workers connected in a LAN to cooperate synchronously or asynchronously while employing existing MS Windows applications.

» toolkit = juego de herramientas, juego de accesorios.

Example: This toolkit is designed to assist managers to blend today's multigenerational workforce to create harmony, mutual respect, and team effort.

» toolkit = herramientas de desarrollo. [Subprogramas de acompañan a un programa de ordenador que permiten adaptarlo/desarrollarlo de acuerdo con unas necesidades específicas]

Example: KnowledgePro and its accompanying toolkits can be useful to libraries and information centres for computer-based tutorials and system documentation.

» tool palette = menú de herramientas para trabajar con gráficos.

Example: The main features of this software program are: tool palette, word processor, database, spreadsheet, and communication module.

» tool shed = cobertizo.

Example: The owner of the tool shed was inside when the storm hit -- he hid in his tractor cab and came out unscathed.

» Web authoring tool = herramienta de autoedición para páginas web.

Example: Web authoring tools are little more than editors modified to output and display HTML.

» writing tools = ayudas para la escritura. [Todo tipo de diccionario, tesauro, manual de escritura, programa, guía, etc. de la que se sirve el escritor para facilitarle la composición escrita]

Example: This article reviews Microsoft's Bookshelf: a CD-ROM data base containing 10 important writing tools (Roget's 2: Electronic Thesaurus, American Heritage Dictionary, Chicago Manual of Style etc).

tool2 = estampar. 

Example: In bindings of the later hand-press period the title of the book was tooled on the spine.


» tool up = equipar, preparar.

Example: The article is entitled 'Tooling up for a revolution'.

Tool synonyms

drive in spanish: , pronunciation: draɪv part of speech: noun, verb instrument in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnstrəmənt part of speech: noun shaft in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃæft part of speech: noun dick in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪk part of speech: noun peter in spanish: , pronunciation: pitɜr part of speech: noun creature in spanish: , pronunciation: kritʃɜr part of speech: noun puppet in spanish: , pronunciation: pʌpət part of speech: noun pecker in spanish: , pronunciation: pekɜr part of speech: noun joyride in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɔɪraɪd part of speech: noun tool around in spanish: , pronunciation: tulɜraʊnd part of speech: verb
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