Tons in spanish


pronunciation: moʊntoʊnes part of speech: noun
In gestures

ton = tonelada. 

Example: Our warehouse shelter a 13 metre high, 60 ton ammonia retort and a 37 metre wingspan airliner.


» by the ton = por toneladas.

Example: The best way to purchase hay is by the ton, not by the bale.

» by the ton = a montones, a montonazos, a espuertas, a sacos, a mantas.

Example: 200g of chocolate is enough to kill a dog and yet we eat the stuff by the ton every year.

» come down on + Nombre + like a ton of bricks = echarle los perros a, echar una buena bronca.

Example: Sometimes the police tolerated them for a bit but sometimes they came down on them like a ton of bricks as soon as they twigged what they were up to.

» save + a ton = ahorrar un montón.

Example: You can save a ton by bundling your high speed internet service, phone service and cable tv all in one package.

» save + a ton of money = ahorrar un montón de dinero.

Example: On the bright side, by doing that they save a ton of money on makeup and costumes.

» spend + a ton of money = gastarse una millonada, gastarse un montón de dinero, gastarse un dineral.

Example: It is easy to get in the mindset that vacation is a time to spoil oneself, and that is true, but it shouldn't translate into spending a ton of money.

Tons synonyms

lots in spanish: , pronunciation: lɑts part of speech: noun scads in spanish: , pronunciation: skædz part of speech: noun oodles in spanish: , pronunciation: udəlz part of speech: noun scores in spanish: , pronunciation: skɔrz part of speech: noun piles in spanish: , pronunciation: paɪlz part of speech: noun stacks in spanish: , pronunciation: stæks part of speech: noun loads in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊdz part of speech: noun heaps in spanish: , pronunciation: hips part of speech: noun dozens in spanish: , pronunciation: dʌzənz part of speech: noun gobs in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑbz part of speech: noun lashings in spanish: , pronunciation: læʃɪŋz part of speech: noun rafts in spanish: , pronunciation: ræfts part of speech: noun wads in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑdz part of speech: noun slews in spanish: , pronunciation: sluz part of speech: noun
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