Tongue in spanish


pronunciation: lenguɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tongue1 = lengua. 

Example: Although I do at times write with my tongue between my lips (the standard attitude of deep concentration), there are other times when it is equally firmly in my cheek.


» beef tongue = lengua de ternera.

Example: I had beef tongue curry for lunch yesterday and kept thinking about it the rest of the day.

» be on the tip of + posesivo + tongue to say = estar a punto de decir.

Example: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.

» bite + Posesivo + tongue = morderse la lengua, tragarse las palabras.

Example: I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.

» black hairy tongue = lengua oscurecida.

Example: Hairy tongue is an uncommon, benign condition that is also known as black hairy tongue or lingua nigra.

» cluck + Posesivo + tongue = chasquear la lengua, chascar la lengua.

Example: She used to cluck her tongue towards women who wore too much jewelry.

» forked tongue = lengua bífida.

Example: All snakes have forked tongues, but only some groups of lizards do.

» get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue = salir escaldado, salir malparado, enterarse (de) lo que vale un peine, poner verde, poner tibio.

Example: So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue = Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.

» hairy tongue = lengua peluda, lengua negra. [Crecimiento de pelos en la lengua]

Example: Hairy tongue is an uncommon, benign condition that is also known as black hairy tongue or lingua nigra.

» have + a long tongue = tener una lengua muy larga, tener una lengua muy suelta.

Example: The public has long memories and even longer tongues when it comes to the emotionally hyper-charged issue of child sexual abuse.

» hold + Posesivo + tongue = morderse la lengua.

Example: The article is entitled 'Hold Your Tongue: Bilingualism and the Politics of 'English Only''.

» loosen + Posesivo + tongue = soltar la lengua.

Example: The champagne had loosened her tongue more than she realized.

» set + (the) tongues wagging = dar que hablar, dar de qué hablar, dar que decir.

Example: In this edition we want to take a look back at some of the breakups that set the tongues wagging.

» sharp of tongue = mordaz en sus comentarios.

Example: Sharp of tongue, Watterston was often at loggerheads with the authorities, particularly the Joint Library Committee.

» slip of the tongue = transposición de los sonidos, enredo de lengua, lapsus linguae.

Example: The use of short 'tongue-twister' phrases in eliciting spontaneous slips of the tongue is a useful technique for collecting spoonerism data from children.

» smooth-tongued = con mucha labia, embaucador, engatusador.

Example: The father, Old Brightwell, curses his daughter, Jane, for preferring the love of the smooth-tongued villain, Grandley, to that of her own parents.

» speak with + a forked tongue = hablar en falso, hablar con lengua de serpiente.

Example: Instead, he opted to speak with a forked tongue, intoning the rhetoric of peace in English while speaking the language of armed struggle in Arabic.

» speak with + a split tongue = hablar en falso, hablar con lengua de serpiente.

Example: Who is there still to trust if even the most 'reputable' and highly paid accountants, auditors and finance analysts speak with a split tongue.

» speak with + a twisted tongue = hablar en falso, hablar con lengua de serpiente.

Example: Do not on these high matters speak with a twisted tongue; do not use words with double meanings; do not use sentences with hidden purposes.

» split tongue = lengua bífida.

Example: Hummingbirds have split tongues, which they fold into a tube when feeding.

» stay + Posesivo + tongue = morderse la lengua. [Controlarse a la hora de decir algo]

Example: But she stayed her tongue, and said instead: 'I don't have the materials I need to do the kind of work they want done'.

» stick out + Posesivo + tongue = sacar la lengua.

Example: Snakes have infamously poor eyesight, which is why they resort to sticking out their tongues all the time to get a sense of their surroundings.

» stick + Posesivo + tongue out (at) = sacarle la lengua (a).

Example: Whe she saw what was happening she looked at them as they walked out of the room and stuck her tongue out at them.

» talk with + a twisted tongue = hablar con lengua de serpiente.

Example: Developments in recent weeks have reaffirmed what some of us have been saying for a long time: Our present administration acts and talks with a twisted tongue.

» the cat + have got + Posesivo + tongue = el gato + comerse + la lengua.

Example: She was quite a talker till the cat got her tongue.

» the tip of + Posesivo + tongue = la punta de la lengua.

Example: The way his words roll off the tip of his tongue is like music to her ears.

» tongue + be unloosed = soltársele a Uno la lengua.

Example: Her tongue was unloosed now, and she gazed at him questioningly, piercingly.

» tongue depressor = bajalenguas, depresor lingual.

Example: These tongue depressors are made of 100% wood and are smooth and splinter-free.

» tongue-in-cheek = medio en broma, irónico, irónicamente.

Example: This is a tongue-in-cheek report concerned with reducing not only the 'growth rate' of library collections but also their actual size.

» tongue-lashing = reprimenda, regañina, rapapolvo, bronca.

Example: Iranian President went to Columbia University expecting tough questions but instead he got a tongue-lashing from the students.

» tongue of fire = lengua de fuego.

Example: Much of what lies before our eyes today like a tongue of fire -- animal pestilences and the poisoning of our foodstuffs -- was already announced many years ago.

» tongues + start + wagging = la gente + empezar + a chismorrear.

Example: Then they sat together at the velodrome this week, and tongues started wagging.

» tongue stud = piercing de la lengua, piercing para la lengua.

Example: Tongue studs frequently damage the person's teeth, causing tiny fractures and huge chips.

» tongue-tied = vergonzoso, tímido, cohibido.

Example: The picture he presents is of an intelligent, well-meaning, but tongue-tied monarch, whom he dubs Louis the silent.

» tongue twister = trabalenguas.

Example: The use of short 'tongue-twister' phrases in eliciting spontaneous slips of the tongue is a useful technique for collecting spoonerism data from children.

» with tongue in cheek = irónicamente, sarcásticamente.

Example: Rober Oppenheimer, with his tongue in cheek, said, some years ago, that if the American 'Physical review' went on expanding at its present rate, it would be fifteen times heavier than the earth by the end of the century!.

tongue2 = lengua, idioma. 

Example: Books, films, poetry in a different tongue open the door to cultures, values and ways of seeing that would otherwise be barred.


» dead tongue = lengua muerta.

Example: If you're going to learn a language, it might as well be one with a growing literature, rather than a dead tongue.

» foreign tongue = lengua extranjera.

Example: Schools often fail to equip children with anything other than a fragmented, phrase-book command of foreign tongues.

» mother tongue = lengua materna.

Example: The problem is that on-line data base services, designed for people whose mother tongue is a rare language, tend to be unprofitable.

» native tongue = lengua nativa.

Example: This database is suitable for use by people with a variety of native tongues.

» speak in + tongues = hablar en lengua desconocida, hablar sin ser entendido.

Example: The following papers were presented: 'Speaking in tongues: erecting a professional Tower of Babel'.

» talk in + tongues = hablar en lengua desconocida, hablar sin ser entendido.

Example: Many Baptists think talking in tongues is a demonic thing.

Tongue synonyms

spit in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪt part of speech: verb knife in spanish: , pronunciation: naɪf part of speech: noun clapper in spanish: , pronunciation: klæpɜr part of speech: noun lingua in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪŋgwə part of speech: noun glossa in spanish: , pronunciation: glɔsə part of speech: noun natural language in spanish: , pronunciation: nætʃɜrəllæŋgwədʒ part of speech: noun

Tongue antonyms

artificial language pronunciation: ɑrtəfɪʃəllæŋgwədʒ part of speech: noun
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