Tone in spanish


pronunciation: toʊnoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tone1 = tono, tonalidad. 

Example: 'Get on with this,' the principal dictated, in a somewhat less severe tone.


» Adjetivo + in tone = de tono + Adjetivo.

Example: At first, paper made from bleached stock was not so handsome as the unbleached papers of the hand-press period had been -- apart from any foxing, it tended to be greyish in tone.

» dial tone = tono de llamada.

Example: These information seekers believe that up-to-date quality information is free and only a dial tone and a click away.

» establish + the tone = marcar el tono, marcar las pautas.

Example: The manner of this initial presentation is important because it will establish the tone for the discussion that follows.

» flat tone = tono apagado.

Example: But for the most part chromolithographers combined the three-colour method with the superimposition of flat tones and used a larger number of colour stones than the basic three.

» half-tone = mediatinta, tono continuo modulado. [En imprenta, procedimiento de grabado calcográfico que se utiliza para la reproducción de claroscuros]

Example: Art paper (the shiny paper used for printing fine-screen half-tones from the 1880s) had a coating of china clay applied in a special machine to one or both sides of a web of body paper.

» in a + Adjetivo + tone = con un tono + Adjetivo.

Example: 'As you wish,' she had temporized, in a resigned tone.

» muscle tone = tono muscular.

Example: Syncope is temporary loss of consciousness and muscle tone due to decreased cerebral blood flow.

» ringtone = sonido de llamada.

Example: There are several companies that offer ringtones and screensavers via download.

» set + the tone = sentar las bases, marcar las pautas.

Example: For instance, if a person is working on building a radio program, the librarian should provide her with background information that helps to set the tone of the program, with facts and foibles of celebrities, with case histories of successful campaigns, with analogies, quotations, and anecdotes, and so on.

» tone of voice = tono de voz.

Example: The tone of voice should suggest that the inquirer's interest demonstrates something positive about the person -- if not charm, wit, or intelligence, then perhaps earnestness.

» touch tone telephone = teléfono de botones.

Example: They've never known a world without touch-tone telephones, VCRs, microwaves, compact discs, personal computers, and the Internet.

» undertone = tono, trasfondo, connotación, matiz.

Example: Speakers covered the history of the campaign to alert parents to racist undertones in children's books.

tone2 = dar tono, tonificar. 

Example: Parts of the plate were toned by roughening it with a serrated rocker, the tone then being graded by burnishing.


» tone down = moderar, atenuar, restar importancia, restar fuerza, quitar hierro.

Example: We found an increasing trend toward a more structured approach in data gathering procedures, while loose data collection was toned down significantly.

Tone synonyms

look in spanish: , pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun note in spanish: , pronunciation: noʊt part of speech: noun, verb spirit in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪrət part of speech: noun feel in spanish: , pronunciation: fil part of speech: verb quality in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑləti part of speech: noun step in spanish: , pronunciation: step part of speech: noun shade in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃeɪd part of speech: noun smell in spanish: , pronunciation: smel part of speech: noun, verb timber in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪmbɜr part of speech: noun feeling in spanish: , pronunciation: filɪŋ part of speech: noun tincture in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪŋktʃɜr part of speech: noun timbre in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪmbɜr part of speech: noun flavor in spanish: , pronunciation: fleɪvɜr part of speech: noun strengthen in spanish: , pronunciation: streŋθən part of speech: verb tint in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪnt part of speech: noun tonus in spanish: , pronunciation: toʊnəs part of speech: noun tonicity in spanish: , pronunciation: tənɪsəti part of speech: noun musical note in spanish: , pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlnoʊt part of speech: noun tone up in spanish: , pronunciation: toʊnʌp part of speech: verb pure tone in spanish: , pronunciation: pjʊrtoʊn part of speech: noun whole tone in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊltoʊn part of speech: noun tone of voice in spanish: , pronunciation: toʊnʌvvɔɪs part of speech: noun whole step in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊlstep part of speech: noun

Tone antonyms

atony pronunciation: eɪtəni part of speech: noun atonia pronunciation: ətoʊniə part of speech: noun atonicity pronunciation: ætənɪsəti part of speech: noun amyotonia pronunciation: æmioʊtoʊniə part of speech: noun
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