Tomography in spanish


pronunciation: toʊmoʊgɹ̩ɑfiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» computed tomography = tomografía por ordenador.

Example: This article details the work by a software engineering team to develop and evolve an interface for the electronic display of computed tomography medical images.

» computer tomography = tomografía por ordenador.

Example: Another, well-publicized, application of computers in health care is computer tomography -- the visualization of internal structures in the human body from data provided by an array of x-ray detectors.

» x-ray tomography = tomografía mediante rayos X.

Example: This article describes results obtained from the creation of a patent citation network on x-ray tomography.

Tomography synonyms

imaging in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: noun
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