Tomahawk in spanish


pronunciation: toʊmɑɑk part of speech: noun
In gestures

tomahawk = tomahawk, hacha de guerra. [Típica de los indios nativos de Norteamérica]

Example: So when the king gave the word his men pulled their tomahawks from under the coats and killed several and took the rest prisoners.


» bury + the tomahawk = enterrar el hacha de guerra, hacer las paces.

Example: Now is the time of all times to bury the tomahawk, throw aside all differences and unite in one great purpose of saving the State from further turmoil.

» dig up + the tomahawk = desenterrar el hacha de guerra, ponerse en pie de guerra.

Example: They call him a poet and magician, but when his favourite things are at stake, he does not hesitate to dig up the tomahawk.

» take up + the tomahawk = desenterrar el hacha de guerra.

Example: Many, many moons ago, they took up the tomahawk in tribal wars and many of their warriors were killed and their encampments destroyed.

Tomahawk synonyms

hatchet in spanish: , pronunciation: hætʃət part of speech: noun
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