Tolerance in spanish


pronunciation: toʊleɹ̩ɑnθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tolerance = tolerancia. 

Example: The librarian's common general values include the desire for competence and autonomy at work, cooperation, tolerance and a sense of duty, and an appreciation of basic human needs of security, acceptance and self-respect.


» drought tolerance = resistencia a la sequía, tolerancia a la sequía.

Example: Sorghum, a cereal grain, is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world, largely because of its natural drought tolerance and versatility as food, feed and fuel.

» error tolerance = tolerancia al error.

Example: The moral of this little story is that at each of the critical steps in the cycle the error tolerances were compatible, hence, the system functioned despite the error.

» fault tolerance = tolerancia al error.

Example: The effect of fault tolerance on the response time is significant, and cannot be ignored when evaluating the performance of multiprocessor systems.

» have + a tolerance for = aguantar, soportar.

Example: I have a pretty high tolerance for annoying characteristics but I cannot deal with insipidity and hold my tongue for too long.

» heat tolerance = resistencia al calor, tolerancia al calor.

Example: They also found that when the coral from the north and south were crossbred, genes for heat tolerance could be passed on.

» intolerance = intolerancia.

Example: Concern about the misuse of the Internet by those who promote violence, intolerance and pornography has led to suggestions for new legislation.

» religious tolerance = tolerancia religiosa.

Example: Islam is positively conducive to democratic pluralism, religious tolerance, and respect for human rights.

» zero tolerance = tolerancia cero, cero tolerancia.

Example: The large number of complaints from staff and students concerning the use of mobile telephones in the libraries led to the introduction of a pilot zero tolerance scheme to ban their use.

Tolerance synonyms

margin in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑrdʒən part of speech: noun leeway in spanish: , pronunciation: liweɪ part of speech: noun allowance in spanish: , pronunciation: əlaʊəns part of speech: noun permissiveness in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrmɪsɪvnəs part of speech: noun

Tolerance antonyms

intolerance pronunciation: ɪntɑlɜrəns part of speech: noun unpermissiveness pronunciation: ənpɜrmɪsɪvnəs part of speech: noun
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