Told in spanish


pronunciation: ditʃoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

tell = decir, contar, referir, comentar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio told]

Example: Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.


» do as + Posesivo + heart + tell + Pronombre = hacer lo que + dictar + el corazón.

Example: Soon she realised she couldnt resist opening it, so she did as her heart told her even though her brain told her not to.

» every picture tells a story = una imagen vale mil palabras.

Example: The article 'Every picture tells a story' describes a new labelling system for the categorisation of library materials which includes a star-shaped badge for Westerns, a flower for gardening and plants, a tank for war, and a clown's face for 'funny stories'.

» foretell = predecir, pronosticar, augurar, vaticinar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio foretold. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]

Example: By asking readers to indicate whether the reference had been of interest or not, a degree of feedback can be obtained which can be used to modify their profiles, but there will never be any means of foretelling the 'wayout' article which may prove of interest.

» kiss and tell = beso de Judas, el.

Example: The author analyzes the index to Alain de Botton's novel 'Kiss and tell'.

» must-tell = relato obligatorio de contar, anécdota obligatoria de contar.

Example: What kind of secrets are must-tells, and what are simply meant to die with you?.

» (only) time will tell = (sólo) el tiempo (lo) dirá.

Example: Only time will tell whether the rather gimmicky approach to libraries and to culture in general as manifested in the centre is the shape of things to come.

» Something tells me that... = Algo me dice que....

Example: Something tells me that if we could turn the clock forward ten or fifteen years, we'll be using an entirely different lexicon altogether.

» tell + a different story = discrepar, diferir.

Example: The more experienced physicians, however, told a different story about lifesaving practices in pediatrics.

» tell against = ir en contra de.

Example: What factors told against them?.

» tell + Alguien + the score = poner a Alguien al día (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al tanto (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al corriente (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al loro (de/sobre).

Example: Someone needs to have a chinwag with them and tell them the score.

» tell + a lie = decir una mentira, contar una mentira.

Example: These people do not just tell lies but they live a lie -- everything they say and do is tainted with dishonesty.

» tell-all = revelador.

Example: The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.

» tell + a porky = decir una mentira, contar una mentira.

Example: We were telling porkies all along about this being just a peace treaty.

» tell + a secret = revelar un secreto, confiar un secreto, hacer una confidencia.

Example: Fully 50% of the respondents to my survey say the person to whom they're most likely to tell a secret is their significant other.

» tell + a story = contar un cuento, contar una anécdota.

Example: I have already said that on the whole it is not difficult to stimulate children into telling stories.

» tell + Nombe + off = regañar, reprender, reñir, amonestar, echar una bronca, echar un rapapolvo, tirar de las orejas, cantarle la cartilla a Alguien, leerle la cartilla a Alguien, increpar, apercibir.

Example: Teachers should tackle bad behaviour in class by praising their pupils instead of telling them off, according to research published today.

» tell + Nombre + a joke = contar un chiste.

Example: Every time I make a joke I expect a few laughs and recently I told this girl a joke and it was very awkward when she didn't laugh.

» tell + Nombre + apart = distinguir, diferenciar.

Example: No two paper moulds of the hand-press period were ever precisely identical, and individual moulds can be identified by their paper images; even the two moulds of a pair, which were deliberately made to look alike, can be told apart by the paper made in them.

» tell + Nombre + a thing or two = decirle a Alguien un par de cosas, decirle a Alguien cuatro cosas.

Example: Evelin should have told her a thing or two about manners.

» tell + Nombre + for a fact = decir a ciencia cierta.

Example: As a referee, I can tell you for a fact that what he did was not bookable.

» tell of = contar de, hablar de. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio told]

Example: Roger Horn tells of a librarian who actually complained in print that just as the materials began to pile up nicely the enquirers were in the habit of disappearing.

» tell out into = dividir, separar, contar.

Example: The finished paper was sorted for imperfections and told out into quires and reams for sale.

» tell + Posesivo + life = contar + Posesivo + vida, relatar + Posesivo + vida.

Example: They do not profess that their lives were better or worse but just tell their lives as they were .

» tell + Posesivo + story = contar + Posesivo + historia, contar + Posesivo + vida.

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» tell-tale [telltale] = revelador, indicador.

Example: The tell-tale signs that mark a KWOC index include in a KWOC index all of the words that appear as headings have been extracted from titles.

» tell + tales = contar historias, contar experiencias.

Example: All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.

» tell + tales out of school about + Alguien = contar chismes de Alguien.

Example: 'I'd be disappointed to learn that my boss or subordinates -- or peers for that matter -- told tales out of school about me to others'.

» tell + the difference = diferenciar.

Example: The user will have no means of telling the difference.

» tell + the tale = resolver el dilema.

Example: It is the quality of American men and women who are already of voting age that will tell the tale.

» tell + the truth = sincerarse, decir la verdad.

Example: He told the truth in reply to the question from the chairwoman.

» to tell the truth = a decir verdad, la verdad sea dicha.

Example: To tell the truth, I may speak, on this being indeterminate and indivisible, only tautologically: the being is the being.

» to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth = decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad.

Example: The speaker advises administrators to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

told = Tiempo pasado y participio del verbo tell (decir). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]

Example: He told him that the entries were too brief and often left him uncertain as to whether the books he had selected for purchase and those he found in the catalog were of the same editions.


» a little (dicky) bird told me = un pajarito me ha dicho, un pajarito me ha contado.

Example: A little dicky bird told me you have a soft spot for a man in uniform.

» all told = en total, en resumen.

Example: There are eighteen entries all told under the latter heading, so the search is not particularly tedious.

» economically told = dicho sucintamente.

Example: The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is more than a survival saga.

» if the truth be told = la verdad sea dicha que, la verdad es que, a decir verdad, en (la) realidad, realmente.

Example: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.

» untold = incalculable, inenarrable, inefable.

Example: Cable TV offers US libraries an avenue of community information service with untold possibilities for both the public and librarianship.
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