Toilet in spanish


pronunciation: bɑnjoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

toilet = servicio, aseo, váter, inodoro, retrete. 

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.


» be busting for + the toilet = estar que + mearse/cagarse, necesitar un servicio urgentemente, necesitar un váter urgentemente.

Example: He had a funny look on his face -- a bit like the look people get when they're busting for the toilet, but someone else is using it and they have to wait.

» flushing toilet = inodoro con cisterna.

Example: The camp area has two ablution blocks with solar lights, hot and cold running showers, and flushing toilets.

» flush + the toilet = tirar de la cadena, tirar de la cisterna.

Example: You can see that, even if someone were to cut off the water to your bathroom, you could still flush the toilet.

» go to + the toilet = ir al baño, ir al servicio, ir al aseo, ir al váter.

Example: Everyone who handles food must always thoroughly wash and dry their hands, especially after going to the toilet.

» portable toilet = aseo portátil, sanitario portátil.

Example: The space inside a portable toilet is usually pretty cramped, with the inside width measuring 42 inches and the inside depth measuring 21 inches.

» public toilet = servicio, aseo público.

Example: This paper presents arguments for and against libraries in the USA having condom dispensing machines in their public toilets.

» squat toilet = retrete de pie, retrete de agujero en el suelo.

Example: If you're traveling to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, France, and some parts of Latin America, you're likely to encounter a squat toilet (otherwise known as a squatty potty).

» toilet block = bloque sanitario, bloque de aseos.

Example: The campsite is immaculate as are the toilet blocks and the swimming pool.

» toilet bowl = taza del váter, taza del inodoro.

Example: Fortunately, most toilet bowls can be unclogged with a plunger, often referred to as a plumber's friend.

» toilet flush tank = cisterna, cisterna del váter.

Example: The water in the toilet flush tank is cold, and because of the temperature difference there will be condensation on the outside of the flush tank.

» toilet lid = tapa del váter, tapa del inodoro.

Example: The above experiment can be very useful in encouraging pupils to close the toilet lid before they flush.

» toilet paper = papel higiénico.

Example: If we need a title to satisfy demand, we will buy it on spiral bound toilet paper if that is the only way we can get it.

» toilet roll = rollo de papel higiénico.

Example: Toilet roll is something most of us use every day, and yet it's rarely discussed in public.

» toilet seat = asiento de inodoro, asiento de baño.

Example: Hotel guests not only steal towels and toiletries, but some of them even take home unusual objects like sex toys, stuffed animals and toilet seats.

» toilet tank = cisterna, cisterna del váter.

Example: If your toilet tank is cracked, there is no way to repair the damage, so it must be replaced.

» toilet-trained = enseñado a pedir el baño. [Usado generalmente para niños pequeños]

Example: Some cats can be toilet-trained, eliminating the litter-box and its attendant expense.

Toilet synonyms

can in spanish: , pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb facility in spanish: , pronunciation: fəsɪlɪti part of speech: noun pot in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑt part of speech: noun john in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɑn part of speech: noun privy in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪvi part of speech: noun, adjective stool in spanish: , pronunciation: stul part of speech: noun throne in spanish: , pronunciation: θroʊn part of speech: noun lavatory in spanish: , pronunciation: lævətɔri part of speech: noun commode in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmoʊd part of speech: noun bathroom in spanish: , pronunciation: bæθrum part of speech: noun potty in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑti part of speech: adjective, noun lav in spanish: , pronunciation: læv part of speech: noun crapper in spanish: , pronunciation: kræpɜr part of speech: noun
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