Together in spanish


pronunciation: xuntoʊs part of speech: adverb
In gestures

together = en su conjunto, juntos, a la vez. 

Example: An entry is a logical grouping of elements arranged in a prescribed order which together constitute a single unit of information to be filed or arranged as such in a register, list, catalogue, etc.


» AND together = hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador Y.

Example: If you do this, the system ANDs together the results of query 1, 'juvenile delinquent', and the new term, 'counseling'.

» band together = agruparse.

Example: For example, a group of neighbors bands together to buy their food in larger quantities so they can get it at a cheaper price.

» be together = juntarse, estar juntos.

Example: 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together= "Siento mucho admitirlo", ella añadió mientras su cara se arrugaba dibujándose en ella una sonrisa de complicidad, "algunos de mis mejores amigos son bibliotecarios y no puedo entender cómo critican a otros colegas suyos cuando se jutan".

» bind + Nombre + together = unir, ligar, aglutinar, atar.

Example: People value the public library highly as an educational and community resource and the library acts as an 'information junction' to bind the community together.

» bring + closer together = acercarse aun más, acercarse más aun.

Example: Automation can bring the work of reference and lending librarians closer together to the benefit of both librarians and users.

» bring together = reunir, agrupar, aglutinar, allegar.

Example: For example, Recreation, previously dispersed over several main classes, is now brought together as a new main class, and Space Science has been added between Astronomy and the Earth Sciences.

» combine (together) = combinar, agrupar.

Example: Search aids are available in the form of logical statements which combine terms in order to be able to trace subjects according to a more specific document profile.

» come + closer together = acercarse aun más, acercarse más aun.

Example: I also have the impression, and it is no more than an impression, that the two are coming closer and closer together.

» come together = unirse, reunirse.

Example: A co-operative group may come together to generate a union catalogue.

» come together = cuajar.

Example: As for timing, a number of things are in process, and there is some hope that by next spring they might come together.

» coming together = unión, fusión.

Example: Knowledge generally evolves from an identifiable base, and often new subjects arise from the coming together of two previously separate subjects.

» draw + closer together = acercarse aun más, acercarse más aun.

Example: Librarians and information workers, who have often been working separately, must draw closer together.

» draw together = agrupar, reunir.

Example: The application of the classification schemes, once constructed, involves synthesis, or the drawing together of the single concepts which are listed in the scheme from their different facets, in order to specify compound subjects.

» fit together = encajar, integrar, adaptar.

Example: The narrative may be unfamiliar in its structure so that they are unsure about the way different elements of the story fit together.

» get back together = juntarse de nuevo, reconciliarse.

Example: I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.

» get back (together) with = regresar con, volver con.

Example: Think back to the last person you were in a serious relationship with, would you ever get back together with them?.

» get on well (together) = llevarse bien, congeniar, compaginar, hacer buenas migas.

Example: They got on well together and there was a genuine affection.

» get + Reflexivo + together = recobrar la compostura, recobrar la calma, recobrar la serenidad, reponerse, calmarse, serenarse.

Example: Whatever the reason, after getting herself together, Myrielle wrote this book almost in one sitting.

» get together = reunirse.

Example: ALA or its subdivision have been sitting back while these powerful people get together and decide what should be good for us.

» get together [get-together] = reunión informal.

Example: 'Now, whenever you want to see me about anything between these get-togethers,' she resumed, 'don't hesitate to drop by anytime'.

» go back together = volverse a juntar, volverse a ensamblar.

Example: The ball joint came apart with only a few slogs with the club hammer and it all went back together like a dream.

» go out together = salir juntos. [No necesariamente como pareja]

Example: She had many friends at work, and they went out together every week or two.

» go out together (as a couple) = salir juntos (como pareja).

Example: Needless to say, by the end of the party, he asked if we could go out together as a couple.

» go together = conjuntar, ir juntos.

Example: One of the flaws we have seen with these show houses is that none of the rooms seem to go together.

» group together = agrupar.

Example: Some schools favor subject arrangement, other group together everything by publisher, and others sort everything out according to a theme.

» hang around together = pasar el tiempo juntos, estar juntos, andar juntos, ir juntos.

Example: Furthermore, there's also not much of a divide between students and staff here and it is commonplace to see students and staff hanging around together.

» have + the craziest time together = pasárselo pipa juntos.

Example: I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her -- we have the craziest times together!.

» hold it together = mantener la compostura, no perder la compostura, mantener la serenidad, mantener la calma, no perder la calma, no perder la cabeza.

Example: I had always been told to hold back the tears, to hold it together, but this year I have been training myself to let myself be.

» hold together = mantener, conservar, perdurar, salvar.

Example: The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.

» hold together = sujetar, mantener unidos.

Example: Trees can be covered with a wigwam of canes covered in plastic and held together with clothes pegs.

» joining together = fusión, unión, combinación.

Example: Such schemes are essentially analytical in nature, but do not permit any synthesis or joining together of concepts that have been divided from one another.

» join together = unir.

Example: A portfolio is a container for holding loose materials, e.g. paintings, drawings, papers, unbound sections of a book, and similar materials, consisting of two covers joined together at the back.

» keep it together = mantener la compostura, no perder la compostura, mantener la serenidad, mantener la calma, no perder la calma, no perder la cabeza, mantenerse en calma, mantenerse sereno.

Example: In the aftermath, I was quietly sitting at my desk trying to keep it together, but then my hands started shaking, my breathing started getting sporadic, my heart was pounding.

» keep + Posesivo + head together = mantener la cabeza, mantener la calma, mantenerse en calma, mantener la serenidad, mantenerse sereno.

Example: How the author kept her head together to write the book is beyond me.

» keep together = mantener junto.

Example: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.

» live together = convivir, vivir juntos.

Example: Political philosophy is the study of how we can and how we ought to live together.

» lock together = entrelazar, entramar, trabar.

Example: As the water was draining away between the wires of the sieve, he gave the mould a sideways shake locking the fibres together and 'shutting' the sheet.

» lump together = agrupar.

Example: He also lumps himself and librarians together as 'devoted and in some instances veteran pursuers, preservers, and disseminators of truth'.

» more than all of us put together = más que todos nosotros juntos.

Example: In fact, he boasts that he knows more about library work than all of us who have our master's degrees put together.

» move + closer together = acercarse aun más, acercarse más aun.

Example: When water boils the particles do not move closer together but further apart.

» move together = acercarse, juntarse.

Example: The idea of tectonic plates moving together or apart is known as a continental drift.

» not have two dimes to rub together = no tener donde caerse muerto.

Example: She had the world at her feet, while he didn't have two dimes to rub together.

» OR together = hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador O.

Example: If you do this, the system Ors together the results of queries 1, 2, and 3.

» piece + Nombre + together = unir, juntar, combinar.

Example: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.

» pull + Reflexivo + together = recobrar la compostura, recobrar la calma, recobrar la serenidad, recomponerse, sobreponerse, serenarse, calmarse, reponerse.

Example: Sadie decided that she'd better pull herself together before he sensed what she was thinking.

» pull together = reunir, agrupar, formar.

Example: This library decided to launch an attack on illiteracy by pulling together a variety of approaches to learning to read.

» pull together = trabajar juntos, trabajar en común, aunar esfuerzos, tirar del carro, arrimar el hombro, ayudar, colaborar.

Example: She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.

» put + a few things together = preparar algo.

Example: It would be of enormous help to us if you could put a few things together for us to look over.

» put + Nombre + back together = volver a ensamblar, reensamblar, volver a montar, volver a armar.

Example: The first time I took the thing apart it took a few hours to finally figure out how to put it back together.

» put + the pieces together = atar (los) cabos sueltos, tirar de la madeja, sumar dos y dos, hacer el cálculo necesario, hacer los cálculos necesarios, hilar, atar (los) cabos.

Example: The question then is, what are my options and how do I put the pieces together to solve the puzzle?.

» put + things together = agrupar cosas, poner cosas juntas.

Example: I have this tendency to put things together that are completely unrelated.

» put + things together = hacer cuadrar las cosas, organizar las cosas.

Example: Knowledge comes by taking things apart -- analysis -- but wisdom comes by putting things together.

» put together = agrupar, compilar, juntar, reunir, armar, montar, ensamblar, elaborar.

Example: The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.

» put together = organizar, preparar.

Example: I have many people to acknowledge, beginning with my co-editor who offered untiring support and many useful suggestions in putting together the institutes.

» put together = en su conjunto, juntos.

Example: Put together, these risks -- or challenges -- constitute 'The Digital Divide'.

» put together = hacer Algo rápidamente.

Example: People needed housing, and providing this was left to jerry-builders who put together cheap flimsy dwellings that soon fell into disrepair.

» put + two and two together = atar (los) cabos sueltos, tirar de la madeja, sumar dos y dos, hacer el cálculo necesario, hacer los cálculos necesarios, hilar, atar (los) cabos.

Example: Although there's no evidence at all of a link between caffeine and cancer, we're putting two and two together and saying that caffeine can induce these changes.

» put + two and two together to make five = llegar a una conclusión errónea.

Example: This article suffers from a classic case of putting two and two together to make five.

» rub together = frotar.

Example: After wetting the hands with clean, warm water, applying soap, and working up a lather, the hands should be rubbed together for at least 20 seconds.

» stand + together = agrupar, estar juntos, aparecer juntos, ser una piña, hacer piña, hacerse una piña.

Example: For instance, in reproduction of Renoir's work under the subject IMPRESSIONISM, Renoir's works would not stand together in the catalog but be spread out according to their titles.

» stick together = pegarse.

Example: However, in practice the task of removing material proved more difficult than expected, since books stuck together and there was little room for staff to work.

» stick together = mantenerse unidos, permanecer unidos.

Example: 'I've always felt that professionals should stick together and not wash their dirty linen in front of others -- particularly strangers'.

» tie together = relacionar, asociar, aglutinar.

Example: Time is automatically recorded to tie the two records together.

» together with = junto a, junto con, además de.

Example: Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.

» way of putting things together = forma de ver las cosas.

Example: As in real-life management situations, participants usually reflect different perceptions of the situations, of the people involved, and of the interpersonal relations, and reflect their own frames of reference and ways of putting things together.

» work + closely together = trabajar estrechamente.

Example: Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.

» work together = funcionar conjuntamente, trabajar juntos.

Example: The principle of the cylinder platen was hardly a new one even then -- the rolling pin is an ancient device, and the copperplate press used two cylinders working together.

Together synonyms

collectively in spanish: , pronunciation: kəlektɪvli part of speech: adverb assembled in spanish: , pronunciation: əsembəld part of speech: adjective jointly in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɔɪntli part of speech: adverb put together in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊttəgeðɜr part of speech: verb, adverb conjointly in spanish: , pronunciation: kəndʒɔɪntli part of speech: adverb unitedly in spanish: , pronunciation: junɪtɪdli part of speech: adverb in concert in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkɑnsɜrt part of speech: adverb in agreement in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnəgrimənt part of speech: adverb unneurotic in spanish: , pronunciation: ənuɜroʊtɪk part of speech: adjective in collaboration in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkəlæbɜreɪʃən part of speech: adverb
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