Todo in spanish

Que hacer

pronunciation: keɑθeɹ̩ part of speech: none
In gestures

to-do = jaleo, trifulca, marimorena, follón, zapatiesta, gresca. 

Example: There was such a to-do about it -- the notion at that time in this country of a black man and a white woman onstage was just unheard of.


» make + a to-do = montar un follón, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla.

Example: She must be mad to make a to-do about such trifling matters.

» make + a to-do list = hacer una lista de cosas pendientes, hacer una lista de cosas por hacer, hacer una lista de cosas para hacer.

Example: Making a to-do list is a great way to see at a glance what you need to get accomplished in a day.

» to-do list = lista de cosas pendientes, lista de cosas por hacer, lista de cosas para hacer.

Example: Most people's to-do lists are, almost by definition, pretty dull, filled with those quotidian little tasks that tend to slip out of our minds.

» write + a to-do list = escribir una lista de cosas pendientes, escribir una lista de cosas por hacer, escribir una lista de cosas para hacer.

Example: Some people may argue that writing a to-do list seems like an activity that only requires halfway conscious thought; I beg to differ.

do1 = hacer, realizar, efectuar. [Verbo irregular: pasado did, participio done]

Example: In all these cases where scientists studied what crafstmen knew how to do the resulting benefits have accrued to science not to technology.


» be all + Nombre + can + do to = ser lo único que + poder + hacer para, ser todo lo que + poder + hacer para.

Example: Even an atheist homosexual station owner would broadcast Christian religious programming if it was all he could do to keep his enterprise afloat.

» be a rotten thing to do = ser una cabronada, ser una putada.

Example: This is a rotten thing to do to people at any time of the year, but most all Christmas.

» be a shitty thing to do = ser una cabronada, ser una putada.

Example: Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.

» do + a better job = hacerlo mejor, mejorar.

Example: At the same time librarians need to do a better job communicating information about available research and instructional support.

» do + a botched job = hacer una chapuza.

Example: You can go to China for plastic surgery but if they do a botched job you can't sue them for damages.

» do + a bunk = huir, escaparse, salir huyendo, largarse, pirarse, pirárselas, ahuecar el ala, darse el piro.

Example: As soon as the advance was paid however the manager did a bunk with the money, around £100000, and was never seen nor heard of again.

» do + a cartwheel = dar una voltereta lateral, hacer una pirueta lateral, hacer una rueda de carro.

Example: If you are scared of doing a cartwheel, just know that your brain is thinking of the worst case scenario.

» do + activities = realizar actividades.

Example: Doing activities that have immediate connections to the real world increases learning and may increase the development or maintenance of dendrites in the brain.

» do + a disservice = perjudicar, hacer un flaco favor.

Example: I think that Mr. Scilken's point was that there's so much material on the traditional three-by-five card that it's less useful, that it's distracting, in fact, and does a disservice to the public library.

» do + a good job = hacer un buen trabajo.

Example: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

» do + a handstand = hacer el pino (con las manos).

Example: Anyone can learn how to do a handstand with a little practice!.

» do + a headstand = hacer el pino con la cabeza.

Example: Oscar the kitten is trying to do a headstand (I think), but just ends up being an adorable roly-poly wigglebutt instead.

» do + a job = hacer un trabajo.

Example: Her sister-in-law worked as a school librarian, and so she convinced Jay to hire a professional to do the job.

» do + Algo + again = rehacer, volver a hacer, hacer de nuevo.

Example: Once I register for the first time, do I have to do it again?.

» do + Algo + on a shoestring (budget) = hacer Algo con muy poco dinero.

Example: If you follow these ten simple, budget-friendly beauty tips, you will always look your best, and nobody will be able to tell that you did it on a shoestring budget!.

» do + Algo + over = rehacer, volver a hacer, hacer de nuevo.

Example: Theres never enough time to do it right, but theres always enough time to do it over.

» do + Algo + right = hacer Algo correctamente, hacer lo correcto.

Example: As an association, we feel that doing it right is offering support to people affected by aphasia.

» do + Algo + wrong = hacer Algo erróneamente, hacer Algo malamente.

Example: If everybody likes what you are doing, you're doing it wrong.

» do + all along = hacer hasta la presente.

Example: I think one thing is certain: we cannot simply attempt to do better what it is we have been doing all along.

» do (all) + the donkey work = hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado.

Example: If you tell him to take it easy, he'll sit back and let you do all the donkey work.

» do + a lot of good = hacer mucho bien, ayudar mucho.

Example: You do not do the users a lot of good when you send them jumping all over the catalog simply to draw together material.

» do + a moonlight flit = fugarse para evitar pagos pendientes, huir para evitar pagos pendientes. [Generalmente de noche y usado para referirse a personas que arriendan una vivienda ]

Example: On a number of occasions they had 'to do a moonlight flit' -- leave their home at night -- because they were in arrears with their rent.

» do + a moony = hacer una calva, enseñar el culo. [En broma]

Example: He once did a moony on stage in Italy unaware that the Pope was watching.

» do + an about-face = cambiar radicalmente de postura, cambiar radicalmente de opinión, cambiar radicalmente de actitud, cambiar súbitamente de postura, cambiar súbitamente de opinión, cambiar súbitamente de actitud, dar media vuelta, dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás.

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

» do + an excellent job of = hacer Algo muy bien.

Example: Her editorial does an excellent job of bringing to light the issues facing libraries, authors, and library patrons regarding the possibility and desirability of a single international copyright law.

» do + an interview = hacer una entrevista, realizar una entrevista.

Example: She loved doing interviews and would answer questions at great length, often very thoughtfully.

» do + anything = hacer cualquier cosa.

Example: The premise of the show is that gold diggers would do anything to marry money.

» do + a poo(h) = hacer caca, cagar.

Example: I have actually asked Jan why men take longer than women to do a poo.

» do + a poop = hacer caca, cagar.

Example: I have been massaging her anal area with cotton wool and warm water, but it has been 5 days now and she has not done a poop.

» do + a project about = hacer un trabajo sobre.

Example: For example, the child doing a project about birds will require books to give him background information, a record or cassette to let him hear a bird-song, and a film to help him to appreciate bird flight.

» do + a roaring trade = hacer muy buen negocio, venderse como rosquillas, hacer + Posesivo + agosto.

Example: In fact, the majority of stallholders did such a roaring trade that most of them sold out before lunch!.

» do + a runner = salir por pies, echar a correr, salir corriendo, salir pitando, salir disparado, darse a la fuga, salir como una flecha, largarse, pelárselas, pirarse, pirárselas, darse el piro.

Example: When they lost their jobs and the money dried up, some decided they had no choice but to do a runner.

» do + a service = ofrecer un servicio, prestar un servicio, dar un servicio.

Example: It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.

» do + a somersault = dar un salto mortal, dar una voltereta, dar una vuelta de campana, dar una pirueta, hacer una pirueta.

Example: She died after injuring herself while trying to do somersaults.

» do + a song and dance = hacer el pino con las orejas.

Example: I've become an entertainer -- I have to do a song and dance to capture my students' attention.

» do + a song and dance routine = cantar y bailar.

Example: I was about sixteen when I teamed up with my father to do a song and dance routine in local night clubs.

» do + a split = abrirse de piernas en el suelo. [Postura gimnástica]

Example: If you too always wanted to do a split, you need flexible hips and hamstrings.

» do as + Posesivo + heart + desire = hacer lo que + Pronombre + corazón + desear.

Example: As long as she's performing and doing as her heart desires, I'm sure she'll be happy.

» do as + Posesivo + heart + tell + Pronombre = hacer lo que + dictar + el corazón.

Example: Soon she realised she couldnt resist opening it, so she did as her heart told her even though her brain told her not to.

» do as + Pronombre + please = hacer lo que + Pronombre + placer, actuar a + Posesivo + antojo.

Example: For the first time in her life, Willa is free to do as she pleases.

» do + a squat = hacer una flexión de rodillas.

Example: To do a squat with dumbbells, hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

» do + assignment = hacer una tarea.

Example: As she stood by the secretary's desk waiting for her to terminate a telephone call, she continued to wonder why he has asked her to take his place and to do these assignments.

» do + a stint at = pasar tiempo haciendo Algo.

Example: Seven of the compositors, moreover, did short stints at press, and one of the pressmen had a turn at composition.

» do as you please = haz lo que te plazca.

Example: And he rejoined: "Do as you please" .

» do + a volte-face = cambiar radicalmente de postura, cambiar radicalmente de opinión, cambiar radicalmente de actitud, cambiar súbitamente de postura, cambiar súbitamente de opinión, cambiar súbitamente de actitud, dar media vuelta, dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» do away with = eliminar, prescindir de.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS does away with the multiplicity of files and catalogs.

» do away with + Reflexivo = suicidarse, cometer suicidio.

Example: When I first talked to you, you suggested suicide, and I admit that I got the wind up in case she should have done away with herself.

» do + a wheelie = hacer el caballito.

Example: Learning how to do a wheelie is the first trick that most people learn on a bike.

» do + bad = hacer el mal, perjudicar.

Example: Regardless of the opinion on whether or not she did good or bad for the country, the truth is she was human and humans sometimes get things wrong.

» do + best = dársele mejor a Uno, funcionar mejor, prosperar.

Example: It is time for the ALA to establish its priorities, concerning itself with those things libraries do best before dabbling in other, peripheral affairs.

» do + better = hacer mejor las cosas, hacer las cosas mejor, salir mejor las cosas, salir las cosas mejor.

Example: It may come as no surprise to teachers, but girls do better than boys in school.

» do + better for + Reflexivo = aspirar a algo mejor, prosperar en la vida, progresar en la vida, prosperar en el mundo, progresar en el mundo.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

» do + business = hacer negocios, mantener relaciones comerciales.

Example: A CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983 which revealed that companies doing business in Europe employed 1/2 million people.

» do + dope = drogarse, tomar drogas.

Example: The last time he did dope was yesterday, but he's homeless because he's robbed everyone that's tried to help him.

» do + double duty = tener una doble función, servir una doble función.

Example: A lot of common household items can be surprisingly helpful when you prep your dinner -- everything from a hammer to a hair dryer and rubber bands can do double duty in the kitchen.

» do + drugs = drogarse, consumir drogas, usar drogas.

Example: I feel out of place because I don't drink, do drugs, smoke or wear make-up.

» do + enough to get by = hacer lo imprescindible, hacer lo mínimo, cubrir el expediente.

Example: Some employees just put in time, doing enough to get by, but never really trying to take on responsibility or learn anything new.

» do + everything in + Posesivo + power to = hacer todo lo que + estar + en + Posesivo + poder para/por, hacer todo lo que + estar + en + Posesivo + manos para/por.

Example: Ever since her mother had left, Mindy's life had been chaotic and Spenser was doing everything in his power to put it back to rights.

» do + everything possible (to) = hacer todo lo posible (por).

Example: For over a week now, he had done everything possible to make her feel welcome and at home.

» do + everything possible (to) = hacer todo lo posible (por).

Example: For over a week now, he had done everything possible to make her feel welcome and at home.

» do + everything to = hacer todo lo posible para.

Example: It's a good attitude to push yourself forward and do everything just to reach your goal.

» do + evil = hacer el mal.

Example: We all know that when evil is done it is very hard to repair the damage = Es de todos conocido que cuando se hace el mal es muy difícl reparar el daño.

» do + exercise = hacer ejercicio.

Example: Doing exercise and being fit is a simple form of stress relief.

» do + good = hacer el bien, beneficiar.

Example: Regardless of the opinion on whether or not she did good or bad for the country, the truth is she was human and humans sometimes get things wrong.

» do-gooder = bienhechor, benefactor, filántropo, hermanita de la caridad.

Example: Cultural differences in attitudes towards punishing freeloaders and do-gooders have massive impacts on levels of cooperative behaviour.

» do + great = ir bien, progresar, prosperar, triunfar.

Example: The new CEO is finding her sea legs leading the organization and I expect her to do great over time.

» do + great guns = ir viento en popa, marchar viento en popa, ir que volar, ir cada vez mejor, ir a las mil maravillas, marchar a las mil maravillas.

Example: She is doing great guns and has turned in some fantastic work which really shows she's understanding what she's researching and learning.

» do + harm = dañar, hacer daño, causar daño.

Example: Miss Laski suggests that the depiction of life found in many novels is naive, over-simplified and, as a constant diet, can do more harm than good.

» do + homework = hacer los deberes.

Example: Children seek education deliberately when they use the library to do their homework while many of the other borrowers are looking for recreational fare.

» do in = matar.

Example: When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.

» do in = perjudicar, fastidiar, joder.

Example: I think he outlined the feasible way to go about meeting our needs without doing in anybody else in the process.

» do + injustice = cometer una injusticia.

Example: I'm not scared of the computer, nor do I believe AACR has done any injustice to traditional cataloging practice.

» do it for + a lark = hacerlo por diversión, hacerlo para divertirse, hacerlo de cachondeo.

Example: I will admit that I've taken a stab at it on a few occasions, but I did it for a lark and lost money on the wager.

» do it for + a laugh = hacerlo por diversión, hacerlo para divertirse, hacerlo de cachondeo.

Example: I did it for a laugh -- I never expected my picture to be on the front pages of newspapers and magazines all over the world.

» do it for + Posesivo + own good = hacer Algo por el propio bien de Alguien.

Example: She has since forgiven her mother and knows she did it for her own good.

» do it on + Posesivo + own = hacerlo por uno mismo, hacerlo solo, hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie.

Example: Unlike the nation's research libraries, which get what they need from LC, they must do it on their own, and it is very, very expensive.

» do-it-yourself (DIY) = que lo hace uno mismo.

Example: Employees must call upon the services of the librarians and not lapse into 'do-it-yourself' habits.

» do-it-yourself (DIY) = bricolaje.

Example: However, it is not a 'do-it-yourself' manual, though you may find some of the examples of what other libraries have achieved instructive or spark off ideas.

» do + justice to = hacer justicia a. [También usado con la construcción do + Nombre + justice]

Example: This approach does insufficient justice to the preliminary steps in the indexing process.

» do + little = hacer poco, ser poco eficaz.

Example: Amazingly, this has done little to temper their penchant for legalese and hair-splitting on international law.

» do + little more than = no poder hacer más que.

Example: This brief section can do little more than focus attention on the importance of library guiding.

» do + locum jobs = hacer sustituciones.

Example: It's quite easy for me to arrange to have the same weeks off work, because I do locum jobs in the library.

» do + more harm than good = hacer más mal que bien, hacer un flaco favor.

Example: Antidepressant drugs do more harm than good, and even cause the deaths of elderly patients, say researchers.

» do + more than justice = tratar magníficamente.

Example: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.

» do + more than + Posesivo + fair share = hacer más de lo que a Uno le corresponde.

Example: Women are doing more than their fair share of recycling, while single people living alone are less likely to recycle.

» do + much = conseguir mucho, hacer mucho.

Example: Our great repositories can do much by sharing online more of their rarely seen but appealingly human multimedial and manuscript treasures.

» do + Nombre + a favour = hacer un favor a Alguien.

Example: By eating slugs and leatherjackets the centipedes are certainly doing the gardener a favour.

» do + Nombre + a power of good = dejar como nuevo, sentar de maravilla, sentar de mil maravillas, hacer mucho bien, sentar de perlas, sentar la mar de bien, hacer la mar de bien, hacer todo el bien del mundo.

Example: I took my mother to Southend for a holiday as she had been very ill & it did her a power of good.

» do + Nombre + a/the world of good = dejar como nuevo, sentar de maravilla, sentar de mil maravillas, hacer mucho bien, sentar de perlas, sentar la mar de bien, hacer la mar de bien, hacer todo el bien del mundo.

Example: Aria used to be Rosewood's resident weird girl -- but that was before a trip to Iceland did her a world of good.

» do + Nombre + by hand = hacer a mano.

Example: Traditional upholstery uses materials like coil springs, animal hair, coir, straw and hay, hessians, scrims, wadding, etc., and is done by hand.

» do + Nombre + good = hacer bien, beneficiar, ayudar, ser bueno.

Example: It looks good, tastes good and, by golly, it does you good!.

» do + Nombre + no good = no hacer bien, no beneficiar, no ayudar, no ser bueno.

Example: Obviously, the lesson here is that looking back to days gone by does no good in the long term.

» do + Nombre + over = atracar, asaltar.

Example: He's lucky to be alive -- his shop was done over by a street gang = Tiene suerte de estar vivo, una banda callejera asaltó su tienda.

» do + Nombre + proud = enorgullecer, hacer sentir orgulloso.

Example: I thank all your staff for the help in the arranging of my mother's funeral -- I feel you have done her proud and that she has gone out in style.

» do + Nombre + Reflexivo = hacer Algo Uno Mismo.

Example: I just did my clutch and the only issue doing it myself was hoisting up the gearbox and trying to swing it into position.

» do + Nombre + to perfection = hacer a la perfección.

Example: If you start anything, do it to perfection, otherwise don't waste your time.

» do + Nombre + wrong = agraviar, perjudicar.

Example: So it was surprising to hear that many people harboured ill-will towards companies they felt had done them wrong.

» do + no more than = no hacer sino, no hacer más que.

Example: So, by making special provision for the disadvantaged, the library is doing no more than recognizing that there is a group that has special information needs.

» do + nothing = no hacer nada.

Example: It is worth doing nothing and having a rest; in spite of all the difficulty.

» do + nothing but = no hacer otra cosa que.

Example: Can't you seclude yourself and do nothing but work on this topic for the week?.

» do + nothing in particular = no hacer nada de particular.

Example: A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about.

» do + nothing wrong = no hacer nada malo.

Example: The passenger removed from the Dallas-bound US Airways flight did nothing wrong and was the victim of a pretty nasty trick.

» don't [do not] = no. [Contracción de do not]

Example: Here is our chance to act on our principles -- don't be fooled by Kent and don't allow ALA to be used as his mouthpiece.

» don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today = no dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy.

Example: One saying that I try hard to live by in my personal life as well as my professional career is 'don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today'.

» do + obeisance = rendir homenaje, rendir tributo, tributar homenaje.

Example: And it was so, that when any man came nigh to him to do him obeisance, he put forth his hand, and took him, and kissed him.

» do + one better = mejorar, superar, remontar, ser mejor.

Example: We grow up in our parents' home and share their life and then when we have kids we feel we need to do one better.

» do + one thing at a time = tomarse las cosas con calma, hacer cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: Doing one thing at a time is more efficient and mentally healthier for me.

» do + otherwise = actuar de otro modo.

Example: The computer operates by indexing under every word with which it is provided unless expressly instructed to do otherwise.

» do + penance = hacer penitencia.

Example: All Christ's faithful are obliged by divine law, each in his or her own way, to do penance.

» do + Posesivo + work = desempeñar la misión de Uno.

Example: This may result in the burden of the search being undertaken by the reader after the index language had done its work.

» do + Posesivo + utmost = hacerlo lo mejor que Uno pueda, esforzarse al máximo, dar el do de pecho.

Example: But all of them did their utmost and knew that their position was a key one within the school.

» do + Posesivo + share = poner de + Posesivo + parte, poner + Posesivo + granito de arena, cumplir con + Posesivo + responsabilidad.

Example: Let's by all means do our share, but we have to give the other ignorant person who uses the term Hottentot a chance to find out its meaning.

» do + Posesivo + bit = poner de + Posesivo + parte, poner + Posesivo + granito de arena, hacer de + Posesivo + parte.

Example: When it comes to the big issues, it's individuals that count, and so we asked some leading environmentalists how they were doing their bit.

» do + Posesivo + business = hacer + Posesivo + trabajo, desempeñar + Posesivo + funciones.

Example: And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government = Y los que manejemos el dinero público tendremos que responder de ello (gastar con prudencia, cambiar malos hábitos y hacer nuestro trabajo a la luz del día) porque sólo entonces podremos restablecer la confianza entre el pueblo y su gobierno.

» do + Posesivo + business = hacer + Posesivo + menesteres, hacer + Posesivo + necesidades, hacer de vientre, ir al baño.

Example: Every time I put my kitten in the litter box to show her where to do her business, she just jumps right out.

» do + Posesivo + fair share = hacer lo que a Uno le corresponde.

Example: What do you think should be done about an employee who is not doing their fair share of work?.

» do + Posesivo + hair = arreglar el pelo, arreglar el cabello, peinar.

Example: Cecily had a number of servants to do her hair and put on her shoes after she dressed.

» do + Posesivo + homework = documentarse, prepararse.

Example: The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.

» do + Posesivo + (honest) best = poner todo de + Posesivo + parte, hacer todo lo que Uno pueda, hacer todo lo posible, dar el do de pecho, esforzarse por.

Example: He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.

» do + Posesivo + job = hacer + Posesivo + trabajo, cumplir + Posesivo + misión, cumplir + Posesivo + función, cumplir + Posesivo + cometido, hacer + Posesivo + misión, hacer + Posesivo + función, hacer + Posesivo + cometido.

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

» do + Posesivo + math(s) = hacer las cuentas, hacer el cálculo necesario, hacer los cálculos necesarios.

Example: Do your maths before getting so hot under the collar defending a situation which sometimes is simply not acceptable.

» do + Posesivo + part = poner de + Posesivo + parte, poner + Posesivo + granito de arena, hacer lo que a Uno le corresponde, hacer el deber de Uno.

Example: We should do our part, but we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew.

» do + Posesivo + seat belt up = abrochar el cinturón de seguridad.

Example: He smiled back turned to face the steering wheel and did his seat belt up, I did the same.

» do + Posesivo + share of the work = hacer la parte de + Posesivo + trabajo.

Example: But after I was there a few months the feuding between the sisters got worse -- each was blaming the other for not doing her share of the work.

» do + Posesivo + thing = hacer lo que a Uno le gusta, hacer lo que a Uno se le da bien.

Example: So when you next want to do your Thing and help more people with it, remember that fortune favours the bold.

» do + push-ups = hacer flexiones, hacer flexiones de brazos.

Example: If a standard push-up is too difficult, you can start by doing push-ups against a wall, a table or a sturdy chair.

» do + quite well enough = bastar.

Example: But for now, having fun and feeling famous will do quite well enough.

» do + research = realizar una investigación, investigar.

Example: Optical storage media can facilitate the type of research done in academic libraries.

» do's and don'ts = recomendaciones, lo que hay que hacer y lo que hay que evitar.

Example: The author suggests some do's and don'ts for publishers.

» do + search = hacer una búsqueda.

Example: But If you want to do a comprehensive search, you may need to search archival discs as well as the current disc.

» do + shopping = hacer compras.

Example: Shopping agents are intelligent agents that do shopping.

» do so = hacerlo.

Example: Librarians, because of their unique skills, are well-suited to publish bibliographies and, as information specialists, have an obligation to do so.

» do + something about = hacer algo con respecto a.

Example: Then he added, yet again frowning, 'You should do something about this young man's attitude' = Y entonces añadió, frunciendo el ceño una vez más: "Deberías hacer algo con respecto a la actitud de este jovencito".

» do + something about it = hacer algo al respecto.

Example: The reason this country is going to shit is because we're not willing to give up our creature comforts, not willing to get off our asses and do something about it.

» do + something footloose and fancy-free = hacer algo alocado.

Example: I guess he should just break out of the box every once and a while and do something footloose and fancy-free.

» do + sports = hacer deporte.

Example: To tell the truth I don't do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life.

» do + study = investigar.

Example: I certainly think it would be very interesting for somebody to do a study of the whole question of storage.

» do + study = realizar estudios.

Example: The necessity for an employee to do study beyond the first professional degree is increasing constantly as library operations become more complex.

» do + the backstroke = nadar de espalda.

Example: A bungling burglar dived into a river and then proceeded to do the backstroke as police in Florida chased the robber by boat.

» do + the best + Nombre + may = hacer todo lo que Uno pueda, hacer todo lo posible.

Example: We are willing to try and do the best we may, however little or however much it may signify to any particular individual.

» do + the best + Nombre + can = hacer todo lo que Uno pueda, hacer todo lo posible.

Example: We would suppose that we would like to do the best we can and get comment and input from you about the mistakes that are made.

» do + the best possible (with) = hacer todo lo que Uno pueda, hacer todo lo posible.

Example: The library's approach has been to do the best possible with available resources.

» do + the best thing in the circumstances = hacer lo más acertado dadas las circunstancias, tomar la decisión más acertada dadas las circunstancias.

Example: They have done the best thing in the circumstances.

» do + the cleaning = hacer la limpieza.

Example: 27% of couples who live together argue about who should do the cleaning.

» do + the cooking = cocinar, preparar la comida, hacer la comida.

Example: Throughout history, women have always done the cooking around the house.

» do + the dance = seguir los trámites normales en estos casos, hacer los trámites normales en estos casos, cumplir + Posesivo + obligación.

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» do + the deed = hacer de tripas corazón, hacer la fechoría.

Example: Sadly, he has now come to the end of his working life and needs to be culled to make way for younger blood -- I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do the deed this week, but its going to be very hard.

» do + the dirty on = hacerle una jugarreta a, hacerle una mala jugada a, jugarle una mala pasada a, hacerle una mala pasada a, hacerle una diablura a, hacerle una cabronada a, hacerle una putada a, gastarle una putada a, hacerle una trastada a.

Example: I heard that after I'd gone you found consolation with a handsome dame from the Philippines, with sad eyes, but liable to stick a knife in you if you did the dirty on her.

» do + the dirty work = hacer el trabajo sucio.

Example: Women are always expected to do the dirty work -- always doing a thankless job.

» do + the dishes = lavar los platos, fregar los platos.

Example: 'The best time for planning a book is while you're doing the dishes,' Agatha Christie once said = "El mejor momento para planificar el argumento de un libro es mientras estás fregando los platos", dijo Agatha Christie una vez.

» do + the doggy paddle = nadar como los perros.

Example: Just about everybody opts for the classic freestyle, but you won't get kicked out of an Olympic triathlon for doing the doggy paddle.

» do + the dog paddle = nadar como los perros.

Example: I have been trying to do the dog paddle for a week now and I am absolutely unable to get my head out of the water to breathe.

» do + the hoovering = pasar la aspiradora.

Example: Ever since I've been feeling so sick there is no way I want to do the hoovering.

» do + the impossible = hacer lo imposible, hacer encaje de bolillos.

Example: The article carries the title 'Helping the bumble bees to fly or teacher librarians to do the impossible'.

» do + the ironing = planchar.

Example: Share the load with your partner and take it in turns week by week to do the ironing.

» do + the job = cumplir + Posesivo + misión, cumplir + Posesivo + función, cumplir + Posesivo + cometido, hacer + Posesivo + misión, hacer + Posesivo + función, hacer + Posesivo + cometido.

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

» do + the laundry = hacer la colada.

Example: Love it or hate it, everyone has to do the laundry at some point.

» do + the math(s) = hacer (los) números, hacer (los) cálculos, hacer (las) cuentas, hacer (las) cifras.

Example: If you do the math, films featuring women are a good investment.

» do + the plumbing = instalar la fontanería, hacer la instalación de la fontanería.

Example: In most cases, when a person tries to do the plumbing on their own, they are going to run into obstacles that they never even thought about.

» do + the polite thing = comportarse cortésmente.

Example: Despite Patti's baffling comments, Dina did the polite thing and responded to Patti's request.

» do + the right thing = lo que hay que hacer, hacer lo correcto, actuar correctamente.

Example: Vendors should take this trouble not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it is a safeguard against consumer litigation.

» do + the same = hacer lo mismo.

Example: He smiled back turned to face the steering wheel and did his seat belt up, I did the same.

» do + the shopping = hacer la compra.

Example: I do the shopping in my house because my wife has no clue as to cooking or preparing meals that do not come out of a box.

» do the sights = hacer turismo, visitar los lugares de interés.

Example: It also depends on what you intend to do in London -- if you want to do the sights, you might want to stay in the center.

» do + the splits = abrirse de piernas en el suelo. [Postura gimnástica]

Example: I cannot stress enough the key to doing the splits safely is stretch, stretch, stretch before attempting.

» do + the trick = servir, valer, ser útil, surtir efecto, funcionar, hacer funcionar, dar resultado, dar el resultado esperado, producir el resultado esperado.

Example: We are currently in the process of looking at two products that seem to do the trick.

» do + the unexpected = hacer lo inesperado.

Example: With a job that had him traveling around the country, he led an empty life out of a suitcase, until his company did the unexpected: fire him.

» do + the unthinkable = hacer lo impensable.

Example: When he first suggests his plan, making her his mistress, she quickly says no, but when he is about to wear her down he does the unthinkable and proposes marriage.

» do + the vacuuming = pasar la aspiradora.

Example: I don't always do the vacuuming but when I do I spend 90% of the time trying to suck up something I could pick up with my hands instantly.

» do + the washing = lavar la ropa, hacer la colada.

Example: Like most mums with a large family, I usually do the washing every day.

» do + the washing-up = lavar los platos, fregar los platos.

Example: As it was me who did the washing-up I didn't put up too much resistence.

» do + the world a favour = hacerle un favor al mundo.

Example: Hopefully the producers will do the world a favor and give her the bounce tomorrow.

» do + things = hacer cosas.

Example: That's for those who like to sit around and talk about ideas and idly stroking each other but don't like to put their balls on the line and do things.

» do + this/that + across + Nombre = gastarle una putada a.

Example: I wouldn't do to you what a lot of you have done across me.

» do + time = ir a la cárcel, cumplir una condena, cumplir una pena de cárcel.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

» do + what it takes to = hacer lo que haga falta para, hacer todo lo necesario para.

Example: There's a big difference between wishing for something and being willing to do what it takes to achieve it.

» do what + Posesivo + preach = predicar con el ejemplo.

Example: Because he neither believes nor does what he preaches, others find him repugnant, one of the reasons for their heavy-handed jokes at his expense.

» do + wonders = hacer maravillas, hacer milagros.

Example: He's a stormy petrel, to be sure, but he's a feisty, outspoken, cantankerous, brilliant guy who has done wonders on and off the basketball court for generations of young men.

» do + work = hacer un trabajo.

Example: Drawing largely on investigative work done on other professions, they have suggested that reference librarians too exhibit symptoms of what has been called 'avoidance behaviour'.

» do you reckon...? = ¿consideras que...?, ¿estimas que...?, ¿piensas que...?, ¿crees que...?, ¿opinas que...?.

Example: Do you reckon stress can make your blood sugar numbers suddenly go high?.

» fun thing to do = algo diverto que hacer.

Example: Sailing is another fun thing to do on a windy day.

» go and do it = ir y hacer lo.

Example: Since 2007, Jo's wanted to get her mitts on the European Champion title, and just three weeks after becoming World Champion, she's only gone and done it= Desde el 2007, Jo ha querido conseguir el título de campeona de Europa y justo tres semanas de convertirse en la campeona mundial, ha ido y lo ha hecho.

» go and do it again = hacerlo de nuevo, volverlo a hacer.

Example: Well, she's gone and done it again -- she's up the spout and with another sprog on the way.

» hard to do = difícil de hacer.

Example: The article 'Keeping up is hard to do' describes how to encourage librarians to read newspapers to improve their reference service.

» have + a great deal to do with = tener mucho que ver con.

Example: When it becomes evident that the elastic properties of available materials had a great deal to do with the bow, he branches off on a side trail which takes him through textbooks on elasticity.

» have + a lot to do with = tener mucho que ver con.

Example: Your genes have a lot to do with it, but there are ways to change your night-owl or early-bird habits to accomplish more each day.

» have + a lot to do with = tener mucho trato con.

Example: I always like keeping an eye on John's horses and how they are going because I have a lot to do with them.

» have + little to do = tener poco que ver.

Example: The various kinds of non-book media can be grouped into categories; this has little to do with their containing material whether video tape, ink on paper or holes in cards.

» have more + Nombre + than + Pronombre + know + what to do with = tener tanto + Nombre + que no + saber + lo que hacer con + Nombre.

Example: With two languages and more budding actors than it knows what to do with, Montreal is an epicenter for the performing arts.

» have + nothing to do with = no tener nada que ver con.

Example: Religion has nothing to do with science -- and vice versa.

» have + something to do with = tener algo que ver con.

Example: Classes of children can sometimes prove to be stubbornly set against having anything to do with book introductions, and it is better then to engage them in other activities rather than be doggedly determined to have one's own way and to go on in the face of their antagonism.

» have to do with = tener (mucho) que ver con.

Example: This blog talks about anything that has to do with sports, concerts, theater, and all entertainment.

» if you do the laundry I'll do the cooking = hoy por mí y mañana por ti.

Example: Now, if the T-shirt had said something along the lines of, 'if you do the laundry I'll do the cooking' that would have been perfectly fine.

» if you want something done right, do it yourself = si quieres que algo te salga bien, hazlo tú mismo.

Example: Unfortunately, it's all too tempting to follow that old mantra, 'If you want something done right, do it yourself'.

» in doing so = como resultado, como consecuencia, en consecuencia, con esto, con ello, de ese modo, de este modo, al hacer esto.

Example: The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.

» in so doing = al actuar de este modo, al hacer esto, con esto, de este modo.

Example: The next step is individual planning, which each library must do, and in so doing, it must provide the services that represent the goals of that library.

» it's/that's the least + Pronombre + could do = es lo menos que + poder + hacer, no faltaría más.

Example: After all, it's the least I could do to pay you back for what you've done to me.

» let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way = dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera, dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya, darle alas a Alguien.

Example: I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.

» little do + Pronombre + know that... = quién + Pronombre + ir a decir que....

Example: Little did I know that I was about to spend the next 11 hours of my life in a conference room, listening to a very meandering speaker.

» much to do about nothing = mucho ruido y pocas nueces, no decir nada nuevo.

Example: She described the controversy as 'much to do about nothing' and vowed that she would not resign.

» must-do = algo que hay que hacer.

Example: Despite uncertainty, Egypt remains a must-do travel destination.

» never leave for tomorrow what you can do today = nunca dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy.

Example: My grandfather lived by the principle: 'never leave for tomorrow what you can do today'.

» no can do = no se puede, no se puede hacer, no puedo hacerlo, imposible. [Forma muy coloquial]

Example: No can do! Apple has told a U.S. judge that it is 'impossible' to access data stored on a locked iPhone that uses its latest operating system.

» not do squat = no hacer nada.

Example: I'm a born righty -- I can't do squat with my left except shoot a firearm and move along the fret of a guitar.

» one thing + have + nothing to do with the other = una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra, confundir la velocidad con el tocino.

Example: But one thing has nothing to do with the other -- just because he wears eye make up it has nothing to do with him not being masculine.

» outdo = superar, mejorar, mojarle la oreja a, ganarle la vez a, ganarle la partida a. [También escrito out-do. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente ]

Example: This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and
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