Tobacconist in spanish


pronunciation: estɑnkeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tobacconist = estanco, tabacalera. 

Example: But outlets known in the trade as 'CTNs' (confectioners, tobacconists, and newsagents) can often sell quite a variety of books.


» tobacconist's shop = estanco, tabacalera.

Example: Even in tobacconists' and newsagents' shops there are plenty of examples to be seen of those books which are commonly referred to as 'coffee-table' books.

Tobacconist synonyms

tobacconist shop in spanish: , pronunciation: təbækənɪstʃɑp part of speech: noun tobacco shop in spanish: , pronunciation: təbækoʊʃɑp part of speech: noun
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