Titter in spanish

Reírse disimulada y tontamente

pronunciation: reiɹ̩sedisimulɑdɑitoʊntɑmente part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

titter1 = risita, risa tonta, risita tonta, risa nerviosa, risita nerviosa, risa contenida. 

Example: I noticed that there seemed to be some titters when that was mentioned, as if there were still some doubt as to whether such a beast as sexist subject headings exists.

titter2 = dar risitas, reírse nerviosamente, reírse tontamente, reírse con nerviosismo, dar la risa tonta, entrar la risa tonta, reírse de modo contenido. 

Example: Two-thirds of 2,000 people questioned said they had found someone injuring themselves funny and 14 per cent tittered at a funeral.

Titter synonyms

giggle in spanish: , pronunciation: gɪgəl part of speech: noun, verb
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