Title in spanish


pronunciation: tituloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

title1 = título. [Palabra o palabras con que se conoce un libro, publicación periódica o parte de ellos y que generalmente hace referencia a su contenido]

Example: The title of a work is a word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in an item, naming the item or the work contained in it.


» abbreviated title = título abreviado. [Generalmente el título de una revista citado de una forma abreviada en las referencias bibliográficas, como por ejemplo 'BNB' (British National Bibliography)]

Example: When citing journals in bibliographic references, abbreviated titles may be used if they are standard abbreviations and can be understood.

» added title entry = asiento secundario de título.

Example: In the cataloguing of such materials, no added entries are made at all, except for occasional added title entry, and in cases of conflict between personal and corporate author.

» added title page = anteportada, portada adjunta. [La portada que, en ocasiones, precede o sigue a la escogida como base para la redacción del registro]

Example: An added title page is a title page preceding or following the title page chosen as the basis for the description of the item and which may be more general, as a series title page, or equally general, as a title page in another language.

» alternative title = título alternativo. [Segundo título de una obra por el que a veces es más conocido y que está unido al primero por una conjunción disyuntiva]

Example: The alternative title is the second part of a title proper that consists of two parts, each of which is a title; the parts are joined by the word 'or' or its equivalent in another language.

» author/title catalogue = catálogo de autores y títulos.

Example: Author/title catalogues contain both title and author entries.

» banned title = documento prohibido.

Example: About 3,000 formerly banned titles have been re-admitted to public libraries.

» bestow + title = otorgar un título, conceder un título.

Example: This title can be bestowed not only upon libraries staffed by professional librarians but also upon those served by volunteers.

» binder's title = título de cubierta. [Título que aparece en la cubierta dado por el encuadernador para distinguirlo del que el editor le dio originalmente]

Example: A binder's title is the title lettered on the cover of an item by a binder, as distinguished from the title on the publisher's original cover.

» caption title = título de cabecera. [Parte superior de la primera página en donde figura el título, compositor, autor literario, etc. en el caso de música impresa o texto y fotogramas iniciales en los que aparecen los datos para la identificación de la película en el caso de películas]

Example: Added entries are also made for any other title, for example, cover title, caption title, which is significantly different from the title proper.

» catch-title = título abreviado. [Título de una obra en el que se omiten normalmente las palabras vacías de contenido o irrelevantes al contenido de la obra]

Example: Abstractors may not be expected to be indexers, but they can be instructed to look for identifiers such as proper names, catch-titles, and key terms which will be fundamental to an index.

» catchword title indexing = indización por palabras clave del título. [Indización de títulos en la que éstos aparecen debajo de cada una de las palabras claves contenidas en ellos; más conocido como indización al estilo KWOC]

Example: Catchword title indexing has been used for many years in such bibliographical tools as British Books in Print and in the indexes issued by periodicals.

» champion title = título de campeón.

Example: Since 2007, Jo's wanted to get her mitts on the European Champion title, and just three weeks after becoming World Champion, she's only gone and done it! = Desde el 2007, Jo ha querido conseguir el título de campeona de Europa y justo tres semanas de convertirse en la campeona mundial, ha ido y lo ha hecho.

» collective title = título colectivo, monografía con carácter colectivo. [Título propiamente dicho de una publicación que contiene varias obras independientes]

Example: A collective title is a title proper that is an inclusive title for an item containing several works.

» common title = título común. [Título o parte de un título común a varias unidades bibliográficas que forman parte de un conjunto]

Example: The title or part of a title common to several bibliographical units which form part of a set is known as common title.

» courtesy title = tratamiento, tratamiento de cortesía, título de cortesía.

Example: There are several different kinds of courtesy titles in the British peerage.

» cover title = título de la cubierta. [Título que aparecía en principio en las pastas de una obra, a diferencia del título que luego le asigne el encuadernador o que aparezca en el lomo]

Example: Added entries are also made for any other title, for example, cover title, caption title, which is significantly different from the title proper.

» defend + Posesivo + title = defender + Posesivo + título.

Example: He has became the third athlete to successfully defend their title after a runaway victory around a loop course in the city streets of Daegu.

» descending spine title = título del lomo descendente. [Título impreso verticalmente en el lomo de una obra]

Example: A descending spine title is a longitudinal spine title to be read from the top to the bottom of the spine.

» forthcoming title = publicación en prensa.

Example: Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.

» half title = anteportada, portadilla. [Hoja anterior a la portada de un libro, en la que generalmente consta el título de la obra, algunas veces abreviado]

Example: A half title is a brief title of a publication appearing on a leaf preceding the title page.

» honorific title = título honorífico.

Example: Libraries in Somali introduced divergences in the spelling of names and honorific titles to aid both cataloguers in their hoice of name entries and library users.

» Incunable Short-title Catalogue (ISTC) = Catálogo de Títulos Abreviados de Incunables. [Base de datos inglesa que contiene registros bibliográficos de todo tipo de material impreso con tipos móviles antes de 1501 en todo el mundo]

Example: BLAISE-LINE's Incunable Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) is a data base which aims to become the complete list of European 15th century books and ephemera available in all the libraries of the world.

» informative title = título informativo.

Example: Even an informative title is by nature of a title, succinct, and therefore severely limited in the quantity of information that can be conveyed.

» job title = denominación del puesto de trabajo, categoría profesional, cargo. [Título del puesto de trabajo]

Example: The job title is designed to indicate the group (professional, associate, technician, or clerk) to which the job belongs and the level of the job within that grouping.

» journal title = título de la revista.

Example: Output can be arranged by subject (assuming keywords were assigned) or by journal title (a current contents list).

» keep + a title = retener un título, mantener un título.

Example: To win this race and keep the title was a major goal for us.

» key title = título clave. [Título único asignado a una publicación seriada por el Centro ISDS nacional o regional y asociado inseparablemente con su ISSN]

Example: A key title is the unique name assigned to a serial by the International Serials Data System.

» KWIT (Keyword-in-Title) = índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título).

Example: KWIT indexes is merely another name for the same type of index (i.e., KWIC index); KWIT stands for Keyword-in-title.

» league title = título de liga.

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

» long-title catalogue = catálogo de títulos sin abreviar.

Example: A long-title catalogue besides being more expensive is more bulky and therefore less convenient.

» occupational title = denominación del puesto de trabajo. [Título del puesto de trabajo]

Example: The United States Labor Department has diligently worked on removing both age and sex reference from their official occupational titles in accordance with federal law and executive directives.

» original title = título original. [Título de la edición original]

Example: The original title is the title of the original edition of a publication.

» other title information = subtítulo y/o información complementaria sobre el título. [Cualquier título que no sea el título propiamente dicho o el título paralelo, o cualquier frase explicativa que los acompañe]

Example: Other title information is any title borne by an item other than the title proper or parallel titles; also any phrase appearing in conjunction with the title proper, parallel titles, or other titles, indicative of the character, contents, etc. of the item or the motives for, or occasion of, its production or publication.

» parallel title = título paralelo. [Título en otra lengua y/o escritura, presentado como idéntico o equivalente al propiamente dicho]

Example: A bibliographic record should not contain more than ten main or added entries and not more than ten parallel titles.

» periodical title = título de publicación periódica.

Example: Periodical titles in older records may be abbreviated.

» permuted title index = índice permutado de títulos.

Example: This update comprises a bibliography of 910 references to on-line information retrieval covering the approximate time period 1984 to early 1985, permuted title (KWIC) index and author index.

» permuted title indexing = indización permutada de títulos.

Example: Permuted title indexing selects keywords from the title to be used as subject headings.

» related title block = bloque funcional de títulos relacionados.

Example: In UNIMARC the related title block, block 5 -- , contains titles other than the title proper related to the item being catalogued and generally appearing on the item.

» retain + a title = retener un título, mantener un título.

Example: Ireland have retained the title after winning on points difference against England.

» running title = título repetido. [Título, abreviado o no, del libro que se repite en la cabecera o pie de cada página.]

Example: The running title is the title, or abbreviated title, of the book repeated at the head of each page or at the head of the versos.

» search by + title key = buscar por título.

Example: For example, the Library already has access to nearly 600,000 monographic records online so that they can be searched by title key and name-title key as well as by LC card number.

» serial title = título de la publicación periódica.

Example: This sequence of current serials may be arranged according to serial titles.

» serial(s) title = publicación seriada. [Modo de referirse a un documento por una de sus partes, el título]

Example: Its major purpose was to determine which serials titles are used over a four-campus library system.

» series title = título de la serie.

Example: The series area includes the series title, an indication of the responsibility for the series (often series editors), and the number of the individual work within the series, if the work is one of a numbered series.

» series title page = portada de la serie. [Portada adicional que recoge el título de la serie y que puede recoger otra información como la mención de responsabilidad, información numérica, título de la obra dentro de la serie, etc]

Example: The series title page is an added title page bearing the series title proper and usually, though not necessarily, other information about the series.

» short-title = título breve, anteportada, portadilla.

Example: By the seventeenth century it was becoming common to protect the title page with an initial blank leaf; which in turn, by the eighteenth century, often had a short-title printed on it (the half-title) = En el siglo XVII era cada vez más normal proteger la portada con una hoja en blanco inicial sobre la que en el siglo XVIII frecuentemente se imprimía un título breve (la anteportada).

» short title catalogue = catálogo de títulos abreviados.

Example: The services centre on an online short title catalogue and an online registration file.

» sleeve title = título de la funda. [Título que aparece en la funda de un documento por contraposición al que aparece en la portada]

Example: The term 'other title information' includes subtitles, avant-titres, etc., but does not include variations on the title proper (e.g. spine titles, sleeve titles, etc.).

» sought title = título buscado por el usuario.

Example: Which title is the sought title?.

» spine title = título del lomo. [Título que aparece en el lomo de una obra, a veces abreviado]

Example: The spine title is the title which appears on the spine of an item.

» subject-type title indexes = índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia.

Example: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.

» subtitle [sub-title] = subtítulo. [Título secundario que a veces sigue al título principal para aclararlo]

Example: The term 'other title information' includes subtitles, avant-titres, etc., but does not include variations on the title proper (e.g. spine titles, sleeve titles, etc.).

» supplied title = título facticio. [Título formado de acuerdo con el contenido de la publicación, por carecer ésta de él]

Example: A supplied title is a title provided by the cataloguer for an item that has no title proper on the chief source of information or its substitute.

» title added entry = asiento secundario por título. [Asiento resultante de utilizar como punto de acceso el título de la publicación, que no es el encabezamiento principal]

Example: Title added entries are indicated only when the rule involves consideration of the title as a possible main entry heading.

» title-a-line = título por línea.

Example: The latter are mainly used for short (title-a-line) periodicals catalogues.

» title and statement of responsibility area = área de título y de mención de responsabilidad. [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar la información relativa al título y a la(s) persona(s) o entidad responsable de la publicación]

Example: The first element of the title and statement of responsibility area is the title proper.

» title approach = acceso a la información por el título.

Example: The title approach to documents and the information that they contain arises in a variety of different contexts.

» title-based = a partir de los títulos.

Example: Title-based subject indexes have been used as indexes to local abstracting and indexing publications = Los índices de materias a partir de los títulos se han utilizado para indizar las publicaciones de resúmenes hechas por la propia biblioteca.

» title-based arrangement = ordenación por títulos.

Example: In this sense, a title-based arrangement is attuned to the requirements of retrospective searching.

» title catalogue = catálogo de títulos. [Catálogo alfabético de títulos]

Example: Title catalogues contain entries with titles as the heading.

» title change = cambio de título.

Example: A list of title changes and cessations is included at the end of each issue.

» title deeds = escritura. [Documento que declara la propiedad de algo]

Example: A cartulary is a work in which the muniments, that is the title deeds to lands, properties, rights and privileges of a monastery, church, corporation or landholding family are recorded.

» title display = pantalla de títulos.

Example: We can look at the full record for an article in the title display by selecting the 'show full records' option.

» title entry = encabezamiento por título.

Example: Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.

» title index = índice de títulos.

Example: Title indexes are indexes in which the title is used as the headings or access point in entries.

» title key = clave de búsqueda por el título.

Example: Access is available by author/title key and classmark, as well as by control number and charging number.

» title-like phrase = frase a modo de título.

Example: Note that headings when read backwards with appropriate prepositions inserted make a title-like phrase describing the subject.

» title main entry = entrada por el título.

Example: Title main entries are normally made in instances where there is difficulty in identifying a suitable author's name.

» title of honour = título honorífico.

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.

» title of nobility = título nobiliario.

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.

» title page = portada. [Página al comienzo de una obra o de parte de ella que lleva su título completo y, casi siempre, el nombre del autor y los datos de publicación]

Example: For books, the chief source of information for some elements of the description is the title page.

» title page cataloguing = catalogación según la portada. [En catalogación, obtención de los datos a incluir en el asiento basándose sólamente en la portada, sin ningún intento por crear encabezamientos uniformes para la obra en cuestión]

Example: But a descriptive approach to bibliographic cataloging would be title page cataloging; the result of this approach in our catalogs would be appalling.

» title proper = título propiamente dicho. [Título principal de una publicación, es decir, el título en la forma en que aparece en la portada o en el sustituto de ésta]

Example: This latter does not, for example, have a title proper or edition area.

» title race = lucha por el título.

Example: Sevilla ended Real Madrid's unbeaten start to the season with a 2-1 victory on Sunday which underlined the Spanish title race will be a three-horse race.

» title role = papel protagonista, papel principal.

Example: Marie-Nicole Lemieux in the title role provides a blazing star performance.

» titles bulletin = boletín de títulos.

Example: Titles bulletins are lists of titles arranged under subject headings or classification numbers, and distributed at appropriate regular intervals.

» title screen = pantalla-portada, portada. [En tecnología de la información, pantalla de presentación de información relativa al nombre del programa y otros datos como la mención de responsabilidad, etc]

Example: In the case of a computer file, the title screen is a display of data that includes the title proper and usually, though not necessarily, the statement of responsibility and the data relating to publication.

» title search = búsqueda de títulos.

Example: This package enables the library to carry out the following functions: title searches; keyword searches; generating overdues; generating chasers; printing applications, generating loan statistics; generating reports.

» title statement = mención de título.

Example: There should be at least one uniform title or title statement.

» title term = palabra del título.

Example: This article reports a study undertaken, using the bibliographic records of the University of Michigan's library catalogues, to examine the value of title terms as entry vocabulary to controlled lists.

» title-term indexing = indización por palabras del título.

Example: It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.

» title unit entry = asiento de título.

Example: The title-unit entry represents a book as an individual entity under its own title, and the catalog based on it is therefore necessarily a list of books, much as was the finding catalog of the pre-Panizzi days.

» title win = conquista de título.

Example: And while they are still hurting, we are still flying high after one of the most improbable title wins we've ever seen.

» title word = palabra del título. [Cualquiera de los términos que aparecen en el título de un documento]

Example: The Science Citation Index CD Edition gives you access to the world's most important science & technology journals by title word, author's name, author's address or institutional affiliation, and journal.

» title word dictionary = índice invertido de las palabras del título.

Example: We can open the title word dictionary to check for spelling variations of our search terms by pressing 'Alt-D'.

» title word search = búsqueda por palabra del título.

Example: The following example will illustrate how the SCI CD Edition can be used to do a title word search.

» trade title = título comercial. [Libro en venta al público]

Example: Generally, we buy from an annual universe of perhaps 35,000 to 40,000 English-language, American-published trade titles.

» uniform title = título uniforme. [Título adoptado para catalogar una obra conocida por varios]

Example: A uniform title is the particular title by which a work that has appeared under varying titles is to be identified for cataloguing purposes.

» vie for + a title = luchar por un título, competir por un título.

Example: There is fierce competition for the world's fastest police car with the Italians and Germans vying for the title.

» win + a title = ganar un título.

Example: He was both the coach of a national team that never lost a match and a club that never won a title.

» working title = título provisional.

Example: The Anglo American Authority File is the working title for an agreement between the British Library and the Library of Congress to develop a common authority file.

title2 = título, obra, documento. [Modo de referirse a un documento por una de sus partes, el título]

Example: If the title is selected by a book club this helps boost the print-run and overall sales.


» journal title = revista. [Modo de referirse a un documento por una de sus partes, el título]

Example: Results show that a relatively small number of journal titles supplied a majority of the articles sent.

» media title = material multimedia.

Example: MediaSource is a locator of rental, loan and sales sources for specific media titles.

» periodical title = publicación periódica. [Modo de referirse a un documento por una de sus partes, el título]

Example: In addition to their regular tasks, which keep them working at full tilt at all times, 15,000 periodical titles had arrived and had to be processed.

» title cessation = cese de publicación de una revista.

Example: A list of title changes and cessations is included at the end of each issue.

» title fill rate = porcentaje de títulos servidos.

Example: The following 3 measures of materials availability can be used as indicators of library effectiveness: title fill rate, subject and author fill rate, and browsers' fill rate = Se pueden utilizar las siguientes tres medidas sobre la disponibilidad del material como indicadores de la eficacia de la biblioteca: procentaje de títulos servidos, porcentaje de autores y materias servidas y porcentaje de satisfacción de consultas imprecisas.

» title hold = reserva.

Example: If there is a title hold on the copy, an error message is displayed and the master number is not changed.

title3 = titular, dar título. 

Example: In the eighth edition of a work which has been variously titled throughout its long life some valuable comments were made about the functions of bibliography.


» entitle = titular. 

Example: The article is entitled '2,400-bps modems: the pros and cons of searching in the fast lane' = El artículo se titula "Los modems de 2.400 bps: los pros y los contra de la búsqueda a toda pastilla".

» entitle to = tener derecho a, dar derecho a.

Example: Article 17 reads: 'Persons entitled to the privileges of the Library shall, upon request, open their parcels for inspection upon leaving the Library'.

» retitle = cambiar el título. 

Example: The sixth edition was retitled Sears list of subject headings as a recognition of Sears' contribution.

» subtitle = subtitular.

Example: The film, which is subtitled, is pungently innovative and radical.

Title synonyms

claim in spanish: , pronunciation: kleɪm part of speech: noun, verb deed in spanish: , pronunciation: did part of speech: noun entitle in spanish: , pronunciation: entaɪtəl part of speech: verb championship in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃæmpiənʃɪp part of speech: noun deed of conveyance in spanish: , pronunciation: didʌvkənveɪəns part of speech: noun statute title in spanish: , pronunciation: stætʃuttaɪtəl part of speech: noun
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