Tissue in spanish


pronunciation: texidoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tissue1 = tejido. 

Example: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.


» body tissue = tejido del cuerpo, tejido corporal.

Example: Corrosives can burn and destroy body tissues on contact = Los corrosivos pueden quemar y destruir los tejidos del cuerpo, si entran en contacto con ellos.

» bone tissue = tejido óseo.

Example: Nature will take its course, allowing your bone tissue to fuse with the titanium post.

» cancerous tissue = tejido canceroso.

Example: Cancerous cells and tissues have abnormal growth rates, shapes, sizes, and functioning.

» connective tissue = tejido conjuntivo.

Example: A bone spur, sometimes called a heel spur, can form where the connective tissue (fascia) connects to your heel bone (calcaneus) = El espolón óseo, a veces denominado espolón calcáneo, se forma en el lugar donde el tejido conjuntivo (la fascia) se une al hueso del talón (el calcáneo).

» fatty tissue = tejido adiposo.

Example: Male physiology shows that there exists far less fatty tissue covering hipbone than on females.

» necrotic tissue = tejido necrótico, tejido gangrenoso.

Example: One patient who spontaneously coughed up necrotic tissue via the bronchus survived.

» scar tissue = tejido de cicatrización, tejido de cicatriz, tejido cicatricial, tejio cicatrizal.

Example: Muscular fibrosis is the excessive formation of fibrous bands of scar tissue in between muscle fibers.

» scar tissue formation = cicatrización.

Example: Extensive scar tissue formation inside or next to organs may interfere with the organ's function.

» subcutaneous tissue = tejido subcutáneo.

Example: She continued to dissect through her dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and musculature until she had exposed her carotid artery.

» tissue culture = cultivo de tejidos.

Example: This study indicates the need of fungicides/bactericides as adjuvants in tissue culture medium for obtaining sterile and viable shoots.

» tissue of lies = trama de mentiras.

Example: Rather, it was a deliberate, premeditated 'tissue of lies' from start to finish.

» tissue oxygenation = oxigenación de los tejidos.

Example: The programme has recently included the following topics: congenital abnormalities, cellular aging, tissue oxygenation, thromboses, hearing problems, perinatal care and electrocardiography.

tissue2 = pañuelo de papel. 

Example: The publisher offered the author the opportunity to purchase unlimited numbers of copies of her life's work before the remainder are recycled into tissue or newsprint.


» box of tissue = caja de pañuelos de papel, caja de kleenex.

Example: Library patrons had with them a range of other possessions, including boxes of tissue, electronic translators, cameras, walking aids (e.g., canes), baby bottles, skateboards, and even bicycles = Además, los usuarios tenían otra serie de objetos personales como, por ejemplo, cajas de pañuelos de papel, traductores electrónicos, cámaras, utensilios para ayudar a caminar (por ej., bastones), biberones, monopatines e incluso bicicletas.

» tissue box = caja de pañuelos de papel.

Example: Before you all reach for the tissue box, thinking that my life may be in peril, I should point out that androgenic alopecia means I'm as bald as a badger.

» tissue paper = papel de seda.

Example: Flexible moulds made of laminated paper called 'flong' were first used in Lyons in 1829 and were blotting and tissue paper pasted together, and the mould was formed by beating damp flong on the face of the type.

» tissue sheet = papel de seda.

Example: The heat melts the wax on those areas which correspond with the image areas of the original, and the melted wax is absorbed into the tissue sheet.

» wet tissue = toallita, toallita húmeda.

Example: To prevent puffy eyes, put a damp hanky or a wet tissue over your eyes and relax.

Tissue synonyms

weave in spanish: , pronunciation: wiv part of speech: verb, noun tissue paper in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪsjupeɪpɜr part of speech: noun
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