Tiredness in spanish


pronunciation: kɑnsɑnθioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tiredness = cansancio. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Back-ache, eye strain, tiredness, irritability, absenteeism and inefficiency are some of the problems that result from bad workstation design.


» show + signs of tiredness = acusar cansancio, mostrar signos de cansancio, dar muestras de cansancio, dar indicios de cansancio, dar señales de cansancio.

Example: Each child may show signs of tiredness in slightly different ways.

Tiredness synonyms

fatigue in spanish: , pronunciation: fətig part of speech: noun weariness in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪrinəs part of speech: noun
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