Tired in spanish


pronunciation: kɑnsɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

tire2 = cansarse (de). 

Example: Customers seem to be tiring of malls and chain stores, seeking a more personal service and wanting to bargain.

tired = cansado. 

Example: In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.


» be sick and tired of = estar harto de, estar hasta la coronilla de, estar cansado de, estar hasta las narices de.

Example: I am sick and tired of how Win 2000 runs DOS apps, but I need Windows for other reasons.

» be tired of = estar harto de, estar cansado de.

Example: I am sick of being sick and tired of being exhausted = Estoy harta de estar enferma y cansada de estar agotada.

» bone-tired = hecho polvo, agotado, destrozado, reventado, exhausto, fundido, molido, baldado, para el arrastre.

Example: This is a very comfortable way to end the day after a walkabout, when you are bone-tired.

» dog-tired = hecho polvo, agotado, destrozado, reventado, exhausto, fundido, molido, baldado, para el arrastre.

Example: After all, who has not felt dog-tired and drained, sometimes for long stretches, at one time or another?.

» feel + tired = sentirse cansado.

Example: Jeanne Leforte felt tired but elated when the session adjourned.

» get + tired = cansarse, fatigarse.

Example: 'I'm getting tired of it, really, and my bringing these problems home to my husband every night is not at all helpful, you know what I mean?' She lowered her voice.

» tired, the = trillado, lo. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.

» tired to death = muerto de cansancio.

Example: All danger of freezing was past, but he was as hungry as a bear and tired to death.

Tired synonyms

stock in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun banal in spanish: , pronunciation: bənɑl part of speech: adjective trite in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪt part of speech: adjective weary in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪri part of speech: adjective jaded in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒeɪdəd part of speech: adjective exhausted in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzɔstəd part of speech: adjective haggard in spanish: , pronunciation: hægɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun hackneyed in spanish: , pronunciation: hæknid part of speech: adjective bored in spanish: , pronunciation: bɔrd part of speech: adjective drawn in spanish: , pronunciation: drɔn part of speech: adjective commonplace in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑmənpleɪs part of speech: adjective, noun ragged in spanish: , pronunciation: rægəd part of speech: adjective worn in spanish: , pronunciation: wɔrn part of speech: adjective spent in spanish: , pronunciation: spent part of speech: adjective flagging in spanish: , pronunciation: flægɪŋ part of speech: adjective blear in spanish: , pronunciation: blɪr part of speech: adjective bleary in spanish: , pronunciation: blɪri part of speech: adjective threadbare in spanish: , pronunciation: θredber part of speech: adjective timeworn in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪmwɜrn part of speech: adjective careworn in spanish: , pronunciation: kerwɜrn part of speech: adjective fatigued in spanish: , pronunciation: fətigd part of speech: adjective drooping in spanish: , pronunciation: drupɪŋ part of speech: adjective shopworn in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃɑpwɔrn part of speech: adjective raddled in spanish: , pronunciation: rædəld part of speech: adjective whacked in spanish: , pronunciation: wækt part of speech: adjective wearied in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪrid part of speech: adjective washed-out in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑʃtaʊt part of speech: adjective well-worn in spanish: , pronunciation: welwɜrn part of speech: adjective fagged in spanish: , pronunciation: fægd part of speech: adjective played out in spanish: , pronunciation: pleɪdaʊt part of speech: adjective unoriginal in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective footsore in spanish: , pronunciation: fʊtsɔr part of speech: adjective bleary-eyed in spanish: , pronunciation: blɪrieɪjd part of speech: adjective world-weary in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrldwɪri part of speech: adjective blear-eyed in spanish: , pronunciation: blɪrijed part of speech: adjective aweary in spanish: , pronunciation: əwɪri part of speech: adjective burned-out in spanish: , pronunciation: bɜrndaʊt part of speech: adjective burnt-out in spanish: , pronunciation: bɜrntaʊt part of speech: adjective unrefreshed in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌnrɪfreʃt part of speech: adjective unrested in spanish: , pronunciation: ənrestɪd part of speech: adjective travel-worn in spanish: , pronunciation: trævəlwɜrn part of speech: adjective

Tired antonyms

rested pronunciation: restəd part of speech: adjective
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