Tiptoe in spanish

Punta del pie

pronunciation: puntɑdelpie part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures



» stand on + tiptoes = de puntillas.

Example: A reduction of injury occurs when the subject stands on tiptoes, in the manner of dancers and sprinters.

tiptoe2 = andar de puntillas. 

Example: 30 years ago this library was a place with wooden bookcases, card catalog, wooden furniture and tiptoeing librarian.


» tiptoe around + an issue = evitar una cuestión, evitar un tema.

Example: It's about time that people stopped tiptoeing around issues regarding people's identity and called a spade a spade.

Tiptoe synonyms

tip in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪp part of speech: noun quiet in spanish: , pronunciation: kwaɪət part of speech: adjective pointed in spanish: , pronunciation: pɔɪntəd part of speech: adjective tippytoe in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪpɪtoʊ part of speech: verb
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