Tipped in spanish


pronunciation: inklinɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

tip4 = tocar ligeramente. 

Example: He kicked a superb volley from the edge of the area, but found that the quality was matched by the goalie's full-stretch dive to tip it away for a corner kick.


» tip forward = inclinarse hacia delante.

Example: From the way his left shoulder is tipped forward, from the set of his head and the length of his stride, one gets the feeling that he is a fully clothed sprinter just leaving the starting blocks.

» tip it down with + rain = llover a mares, llover a cántaros, llover a mantas.

Example: When they left it was tipping it down with rain, with bolts of lightning all around them, but on Sunday they woke up to glorious sunshine.

» tip over = volcar.

Example: These five photographs show houses tipped over or destroyed by the 1913 flood.

» tip + Posesivo + hat to + Nombre = saludar a Alguien levantando el sombrero ligeramente, felicitar a Alguien, congratular a Alguien.

Example: There's nothing else you can do except tip your hat to them, offer them congratulations and wish them all the best in the future.

» tip + the balance = romper el equilibrio, desequilibrar la balanza.

Example: The outcome in Colorado could help tip the balance in a Senate now almost evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.

» tip + the balance + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: By analysing huge volumes of digital data, they were able to identify any trend or method that could tip the balance in the Democrat's favour.

» tip + the scales = romper el equilibrio, desequilibrar la balanza.

Example: If, however, there was a perceived value in providing online access to the index, this would tip the scales in favour of automation.

» tip + the scales + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: It was above all her air of not being touched by anything, her manner of seeming as it were above everything, that tipped the scales in favour of her rival.

» tiptoe = andar de puntillas.

Example: 30 years ago this library was a place with wooden bookcases, card catalog, wooden furniture and tiptoeing librarian.

tip5 = dar una propina. 

Example: If you are at a restaurant where you have been at the bar for a while before going to your table, close the tab at the bar and tip the bartender.



» poison-tipped = con la punta envenenada.

Example: Her Cheshire cat grin masks the poison-tipped claws of a lethal adversary = Su sonrisa de oreja a oreja esconde las garras con las puntas envenenadas de un adversario letal.

Tipped synonyms

inclined in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnklaɪnd part of speech: adjective leaning in spanish: , pronunciation: linɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective tilted in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪltəd part of speech: adjective canted in spanish: , pronunciation: kæntɪd part of speech: adjective atilt in spanish: , pronunciation: ətɪlt part of speech: adjective filter-tipped in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪltɜrtɪpt part of speech: adjective

Tipped antonyms

untipped pronunciation: əntɪpt part of speech: adjective
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