Tinea in spanish


pronunciation: tinjɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tinea = tinea, tiña, dermatofitosis. 

Example: Ringworm is a common skin disorder otherwise known as tinea that can affect the skin on the body, the scalp, the feet or the groin.


» tinea corporis = tiña corporal, tiña, tinea, dermatofitosis.

Example: Both tinea corporis, also referred to as 'ringworm' and tinea cruris or 'jock itch' are conditions frequently seen by primary care doctors and dermatologists.

» tinea cruris = tiña inguinal, tiña crural, tinea cruris.

Example: Both tinea corporis, also referred to as 'ringworm' and tinea cruris or 'jock itch' are conditions frequently seen by primary care doctors and dermatologists.

Tinea synonyms

ringworm in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋwɜrm part of speech: noun roundworm in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndwɜrm part of speech: noun genus tinea in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒinəstɪniə part of speech: noun
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