Tin in spanish


pronunciation: estɑnjoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tin1 = latón, lata. 

Example: The cataloguing of Napoleonic miniatures (model soldiers made of tin or pewter) is used to demonstrate the feasibility of extending AACR2 to the realm of museums.


» tin can = lata.

Example: This is a soft, adorable snowman easy to make from a tin can and bag of cotton balls.

» tinfoil [tin foil] = papel de aluminio, papel de plata, papel Albal.

Example: The dog snatched the sandwiches still wrapped in their tinfoil and scoffed the lot before the unsuspecting picnickers had time to react.

» Tin Pan Alley = mundo de la música popular, el.

Example: The 1920s and 1930s have come to stand out as the golden age of the Tin Pan Alley song.

» tinplate = hojalata.

Example: Their products were charming and much less expensive than American clockwork toys because they used tinplate gears rather than brass.

» tin-roofed = con techo de latón.

Example: The remains of the tin-roofed food stalls still smouldered near the temple and adjoining settlement on a craggy hilltop about 4000 ft high.

tin2 = estaño. 

Example: Printing types were cast in an alloy of lead, antimony, and tin called type-metal.


» tinplate = estañar, soldar con estaño.

Example: Radioactive isotopes of iron and lead are being used to work out a new technology in tinplating.

tin3 = lata. [Recipiente de metal]

Example: Thousands of tins of putrefying and poisonous meat were seized from this firm.


» biscuit tin = caja de galletas.

Example: The author documents a variety of shapes and decorative motifs characteristic of biscuit tins produced for commercial British bakeries, 19th-20th cs.

» tin of tuna = lata de atún.

Example: Her mid-morning meal is normally about 10:30 and consists of about a cup of wholewheat pasta, two tins of tuna, onion and mayo.

» tin opener = abrelatas. [Más frecuentemente usado en el inglés británico]

Example: The van in front of me took some impact and looked like someone had opened it with a tin opener.

Tin synonyms

can in spanish: , pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb put up in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtʌp part of speech: verb canister in spanish: , pronunciation: kænəstɜr part of speech: noun sn in spanish: , pronunciation: sn part of speech: noun cannister in spanish: , pronunciation: kænɪstɜr part of speech: noun tin can in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪnkæn part of speech: noun atomic number 50 in spanish: , pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun
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