Timing in spanish


pronunciation: sinkɹ̩oʊniθɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

time5 = cronometrar, tomar el tiempo. 

Example: The searches were timed and the retrieval steps and search terms were noted.


» mistime = Hacer Algo a destiempo, Hacer Algo a deshora.

Example: Videotext services have been widely misunderstood, misrepresented and mistimed and millions of dollars have been spent on highly visible failures = Los servicios de videotexto han sido ampliamente malentendidos, tergiversados y usados a destiempo y se han gastado millones de dólares en fracasos que han sido muy notorios.

» time out = desconectarse automáticamente transcurrido un tiempo determinado. [Utilizado generalmente en informática]

Example: While we hae no trouble connecting to some library catalogs, we keep timing out when trying to connect to Cornell or Yale.

» two-time = ser infiel, engañar con otro.

Example: He said he wanted to kill her because she had two-timed him and he loved her.

timing1 = momento escogido, momento oportuno. 

Example: Timing was important.


» sense of timing = sentido de la oportunidad.

Example: A good sense of timing is key to success.

timing2 = sincronización, temporización. 

Example: Synchronous transmission is a more efficient technique than asynchronous but requires more sophisticated timing equipment to ensure that the transmitting and receiving devices are kept in step.


» ignition timing = regulación del encendido.

Example: Chapter 14 covers the following: checking brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, hand/emergency brake, and ignition timing; and replacing brake pads and the timing chain.

» sense of timing = sincronización, temporización.

Example: She has an expressive face and a good sense of timing, but the style she follows leaves a lot to be desired.

» timing belt = correa de distribución.

Example: Chapter 12 covers the following: waxing a car; repairing tubeless tires, and repacking front wheel bearings, checking the timing belt, the ignition key, and the inlet manifold.

» timing chain = cadena de distribución.

Example: Chapter 14 covers the following: checking brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, hand/emergency brake, and ignition timing; and replacing brake pads and the timing chain.

» timing control = temporizador.

Example: A timing control is set prior to pressing a push-button which activates a light source within the machine so that the correct exposure can be given.
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