Times in spanish


pronunciation: beθes part of speech: noun
In gestures

time1 = momento, ocasión. 

Example: Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.


» a better time = un mejor momento, una mejor ocasión.

Example: The response to the user cannot be put aside until a better time.

» about that time = por aquel entonces.

Example: About that time, the council as one of their austerity measures had issued a moratorium on all hiring except for 'absolutely essential services'.

» about this time = entonces.

Example: About this time several of the old crones of the tribe offered their ribald advice on how the new couple should conduct themselves off in the forest together.

» access time = hora del acceso.

Example: The log file contains the log of all the accessed URLs, their access time and the IP address of the caller.

» a first and last time = una primera y última vez.

Example: There's a first and last time for everything.

» a number of times = varias veces.

Example: In a strange kind of way, he saved my life a number of times and gave me purpose when I was a young woman.

» any number of times = cuantas veces se quiera.

Example: A student may repeat a course any number of times to improve the grade in the course.

» any time soon = pronto.

Example: Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.

» a stitch in time saves nine = más vale prevenir que curar, más vale una vez rojo que ciento amarillo.

Example: It is better too, for the help to be given before the problem has grown to a crisis -- a stitch in time saves nine.

» at an inconvenient time = en un momento inoportuno, a una hora intespestiva, en mal momento.

Example: This forced update could happen at an inconvenient time so we recommend that you manually update when convenient.

» at lunch time = a la hora del almuerzo, en el almuerzo.

Example: If taking this medicine 3 times a day, take the first dose when you wake up, the second at lunchtime and the last before going to bed (or at supper time).

» at odd times = a deshora(s), fuera del horario normal.

Example: Maybe that guy has sleep apnea, and falls asleep at odd times, like when driving?.

» at one and the same time = al mismo tiempo.

Example: If he is to fulfil the high tasks of his calling he must be at one and the same time a scholar and a businessman.

» at some point in time = en algún momento.

Example: However, for many libraries a quite different decision has to be faced at some point in time.

» at supper time = a la hora de la cena, en la cena.

Example: If taking this medicine 3 times a day, take the first dose when you wake up, the second at lunchtime and the last before going to bed (or at supper time).

» at the right time = en el momento adecuado, en el momento oportuno.

Example: The information worker can overcome this indifference by monitoring his clients' needs attentively and providing the right product at the right time.

» at the wrong time = en el momento erróneo, en el momento equivocado, en el momento inoportuno.

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» at various times = en diferentes momentos, a veces, de vez en cuando, en diferentes ocasiones, en distintas ocasiones, en distintos momentos.

Example: At various times the library holds computer classes for children and adults.

» be as good a time as any = ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro, ser un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro.

Example: Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.

» beer time = hora de la cerveza, la .

Example: I'm embarrassed that you are my house guest and have to ask at 4pm if it's beer time yet -- it's always beer time on holidays around here.

» be in the right place at the right time = estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado, estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado, estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno.

Example: She attributes her success to being in the right place at the right time.

» be the perfect time to = ser el momento perfecto para, ser el momento idóneo para, ser el momento ideal para.

Example: Homes are selling fast in Amarillo according to local realtors showing that now is the perfect time to buy a house.

» better times = tiempos mejores.

Example: The strategy is to maintain a steadily growing base line which can expand in better times.

» bide + Posesivo + time = esperar la oportunidad, esperar + Posesivo + oportunidad, esperar el momento adecuado, esperar el momento oportuno, esperar el momento propicio.

Example: After faking her own death, Nora disguised herself and went undercover while biding her time to bring forth the world's ruin.

» countless times = sinfín de veces, infinitas veces, infinidad de veces, innumerables veces, muchísimas veces.

Example: Countless times I would be pulled over drunk by state police without a license and when I would present my military I.D. I was simply told to sleep it off.

» crunch time = situación de crisis, momento de crisis, momentos difíciles.

Example: Before she reaches the end of her tether and does something she may later regret, she knows she has to make a decision -- it's crunch time in their relationship.

» dinner time = hora de la cena, la.

Example: We worked from sun to sun, with one hour and a half to rest at noon or dinner time.

» do + one thing at a time = tomarse las cosas con calma, hacer cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: Doing one thing at a time is more efficient and mentally healthier for me.

» eating time = hora de comer, hora de la comida.

Example: Why does your toddler throw food everywhere at eating time?.

» even at the very best (of times) = incluso en el mejor de los casos, aun en el mejor de los casos.

Example: Having lived abroad in Istanbul and now London, I know a lot about our reputation over here, which even at the very best of times is far from good.

» feeding time = hora de comer, hora de la comida. [Usado generalmente para los animales o a una persona a la que hay que dar de comer, como los bebés]

Example: The oinking does not take place during feeding time, but rather all the time = Los gruñidos no ocurren durante la hora de comer, sino más bien continuamente.

» fill + Posesivo + time = ocupar el tiempo.

Example: People seem to be adjusting well to not having access to television by filling their time doing other things.

» find + (the) time to = encontrar tiempo para, hacer tiempo para, sacar tiempo para.

Example: The library has 9 staff who, apart from serving the 1,500 visitors a month, also find time to compile subject guides to the collection.

» for the last time = por última vez.

Example: He said he had voted for the last time in any presidential election since its is a waste of time.

» freeze in + time = congelar en el tiempo.

Example: Many of the stories associated with this infamous experiment are wild such as whispers of men frozen in time for months and rumors of men traveling through time.

» give + Nombre + a hard time = hacerle a Alguien pasar apuros, hacerle a Alguien pasarlo mal, hacerle a Alguien sudar la gota gorda, hacerle a Alguien pasar un mal rato, poner a prueba.

Example: When she rejected him everyone around the table gave him a hard time and called him a loser.

» last time = la última vez.

Example: When they arrived, the body was there, but in a different position than they saw it last time.

» lose + Reflexivo + in time = perderse en el tiempo.

Example: Kate's wavy hair style looked as if she had lost herself in time.

» make + (the) time to = encontrar tiempo para, hacer tiempo para, sacar tiempo para.

Example: Take the time to make the time to enjoy the little things, because someday you will look back and realize they were the big things.

» many times over = muchísimas veces.

Example: During a human lifetime every molecule of the body is replaced many times over.

» mealtime [meal time] = hora de comer, hora de la comida.

Example: Comments were made on the starting time of the conference, mealtimes, the quality of speakers and the subject of next conference.

» Número + times as many = Número + veces más.

Example: That is, a library that has three different files to look up loses nine times as many potential users as a library that has only one file.

» Número + times out of + Número = de cada + Número + veces + Número.

Example: If in desperation they do ask at the library, nine times out of ten what they want takes no more than a minute or two to find.

» Número + times the number of = Número + veces más de.

Example: It has been shown that manual services can retrieve 2 to 7 times the number of relevant references obtained by computerised services.

» oftentimes [often times] = a menudo, con frecuencia, frecuentemente.

Example: Oftentimes, we conduct our research on related areas to help solve problems in our own field.

» ofttimes [oft-times] = a menudo, con frecuencia, frecuentemente. 

Example: Within each of us, ofttimes, there dwells a mighty and raging fury.

» one last time = por última vez, una última vez.

Example: And, if you use harsh cleansers on your sink, be sure to wash it really well with soap and water and then rinse it one last time with hot water to get rid of any residue.

» one thing at a time = cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: There is no royal road to anything, one thing at a time, all things in succession.

» planting time = época de plantar.

Example: Spring is the most important planting time here in the west, and nurserymen are hard pressed for time to fill all the orders.

» processing time = tiempo de proceso.

Example: In the case of a Japanese company, the introduction of this new system resulted in the number of operatives from 215 to 12 and the processing time from 35 days to one and a half days.

» several times = varias veces.

Example: I saw Mitch take her aside several times and she was almost in tears after being lectured.

» since time out of mind = desde tiempo inmemorial.

Example: They have been farming this land since time out of mind.

» starting time = hora de comienzo.

Example: Comments were made on the starting time of the conference, mealtimes, the quality of speakers and the subject of next conference.

» start time = comienzo, hora de comienzo, inicio, hora de inicio, tiempo de inicio.

Example: Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.

» supper time = hora de la cena, la.

Example: When the look of the sky informed us that it was getting along toward suppertime, we climbed down and said 'So long' and 'See you tomorrow,' and went our separate ways in the dusk.

» take + one thing at a time = tomarse las cosas con calma, hacer cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: There are times that I need to remind myself that I need to take one thing at a time.

» take + time by the forelock = coger la ocasión por los pelos, aprovechar la oportunidad, la ocasión la pintan calva.

Example: So by taking time by the forelock, I learned that 'prevention is better than cure'.

» the first few times = las primeras veces.

Example: It was funny the first few times you said it, now it's annoying.

» the first time = la primera vez.

Example: I didn't really fancy the traditional skiing but got hooked the first time I saw anyone on a wakeboard.

» the first time around = la primera vez, el primer intento, la primera tentativa.

Example: Because your uterus has already been down this road before, and your abdominal muscles might not be as taut as they were the first time around, your second pregnancy will start showing sooner.

» the good times and the bad (times) = los buenos y los malos tiempos.

Example: They have been through the good times and the bad, the break-ups and the make-ups.

» the last time = la última vez que.

Example: 'The Last Time They Met' is a love story that draws together a myriad of issues and themes to challenge the reader = "La última vez que se reunieron" es una historia de amor que combina un gran número de cuestiones y temas para desafiar al lector.

» there + be + a time and a place for everything = cada cosa tiene su tiempo y lugar, hay un tiempo y lugar para cada cosa.

Example: While we don't believe in censorship, we do believe there is a time and a place for everything.

» the right place at the right time = el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado.

Example: There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.

» the time of all times = el mejor momento de todos.

Example: Now is the time of all times to bury the tomahawk, throw aside all differences and unite in one great purpose of saving the State from further turmoil.

» the time of + Posesivo + death = la hora de + Posesivo + muerte.

Example: Abraham Lincoln wore these carpet slippers until the time of his death.

» third time lucky = a la tercera va la vencida.

Example: The big question ahead of tomorrow's cup meeting is will it be third time lucky for Russian high jumper Ivan Ukhov?.

» three times = tres veces.

Example: A boy on trial in the shooting death of his principal told investigators that he 'just freaked out' and pulled the trigger three times = Un chico juzgado por haber matado a tiros al director dijo a los investigadores que ?sencillamente había perdido los papeles? y apretó el gatillo tres veces.

» three times over = tres veces, por partida triple.

Example: Scientists claim they've found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth's mantle so vast that could fill the Earth's oceans three times over.

» travel through + time = viajar por el tiempo, viajar en el tiempo, viajar a través del tiempo.

Example: Many of the stories associated with this infamous experiment are wild such as whispers of men frozen in time for months and rumors of men traveling through time.

» trigger time = hora de inicio.

Example: Cyberattacks involve routers acting at a predesignated time or trigger time and flooding various targeted Web sites with data -- effectively shutting down the Web site.

» unearthly time = hora intempestiva.

Example: Of course, the call to prayer from the local Mosque wakes virtually everyone at 5:30 (or some unearthly time like that).

» until that time = hasta entonces, hasta aquel momento, hasta aquel entonces.

Example: Canada had depended mainly on British preferential tariffs until that time.

» up to the present time = hasta la presente, hasta el presente, hasta el momento.

Example: Up to the present time treatment of infantile paralysis has consisted in attempting to save as much as possible of the injured muscles.

» visiting times = horario de visita(s), horas de visita(s).

Example: Any visitor needing to visit outside the scheduled visiting times will only be allowed to do so in exceptional circumstances.

time2 = período de tiempo, época. 

Example: The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.


» after such a long time = después de tanto tiempo.

Example: He can't stop smiling thinking of seeing her again after such a long time, his heart is racing and beating loud.

» airtime = tiempo de emisión.

Example: Results showed that male broadcast commentators also significantly monopolized airtime, even in the presence of female sportscasters, across men's & women's games.

» Anglo-Saxon times = época anglosajona, la.

Example: In Britain, death by hanging was the principal form of execution from Anglo-Saxon times until capital punishment was suspended in 1964.

» any time of the year = en cualquier época del año.

Example: Some of you may think waiting lines are only long during the holidays, but retailers know the checkout line can be long any time of the year.

» a time long ago = hace mucho tiempo, una época ya pasada, una época muy remota.

Example: I remember a time long ago when I thought I would never want to live anywhere except New York.

» a time long past = hace mucho tiempo, una época ya pasada, una época muy remota.

Example: For many the wolf-whistle represents a time long past.

» at + Posesivo + time of need = cuando lo + necesitar, cuando + Pronombre + surgir la necesidad.

Example: The reference librarian can work with individuals at their time of need.

» bad economic times = crisis económica, recesión económica.

Example: With rare exceptions, law firms prosper during good and bad economic times.

» be a great time = pasáselo bien, pasárselo bomba.

Example: That was also the conference where we presented her with a leather jacket ... it was a great time.

» be before + Posesivo + time = adelantarse a + Posesivo + tiempo, adelantarse a + Posesivo + época, ser demasiado avanzado para + Posesivo + tiempo.

Example: He was before his time in teaching them to think for themselves rather than cram facts in order to pass exams.

» be born before + Posesivo + time = nacer antes de + Posesivo + tiempo.

Example: And so for that reason alone she has to be considered one of the great women of the 20th century and a visionary born before her time.

» before + Posesivo + time = antes de + Posesivo + tiempo.

Example: In many ways, she could be considered a woman before her time.

» be in advance of + Posesivo + time = adelantarse a + Posesivo + época, adelantarse a + Posesivo + tiempo, ser muy avanzado para + Posesivo + época.

Example: However since they were so much in advance of their time they didn't sell well and are gathering dust somewhere.

» be time to go = ser hora de irse, ser hora de marcharse.

Example: He politely got up and explained they had an early morning and it was time to go.

» colonial times = época colonial.

Example: In colonial times, and residually in so-called postcolonial times, the knowledge of Indigenous peoples occupied the realm of the 'primitive', an obstacle to progress along the path to modern civilisation and was largely ignored or suppressed.

» cope with + difficult times = hacer frente a tiempos difíciles.

Example: The author outlines strategies developed by the publishing industry, booksellers and library managers to cope with difficult times.

» desperate times call for desperate measures = las situaciones desesperadas requieren medidas desesperadas.

Example: Desperate times call for desperate measures, and we have not seen this kind of desperation for jobs in America since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

» die before + Posesivo + time = morir antes de tiempo.

Example: From suicide to auto accidents and airplane crashes, these music legends died before their time.

» difficult economic times = crisis económica, recesión económica.

Example: This sector has been something of a social 'shock absorber' in recent difficult economic times.

» difficult times = tiempos difíciles.

Example: In less difficult times the height of stacks was only two metres so that all could easily reach the top shelf.

» drastic times call for drastic measures = las situaciones difíciles requieren medidas drásticas, las situaciones difíciles requieren medidas extraordinarias.

Example: Drastic times call for drastic measures: Zimbabwe's economy is plunging toward total ruin and the government is looking for ways to stanch the bleeding it has inflicted on itself.

» during + Posesivo + time off = durante + Posesivo + descanso, durante + Posesivo + vacaciones.

Example: This short adventure is designed for those who are hard pushed for time and want to do something active during their time off.

» during times of crisis = en tiempos de crisis, en época(s) de crisis.

Example: Neighbours can be a real godsend during times of crisis.

» embattled time(s) = tiempos turbulentos, tiempos difíciles.

Example: Amidst mounting pressure over external and internal scandals, this is a truly embattled time for the United Nations.

» experience + difficult times = pasar dificultades, pasarlo mal.

Example: Consumer publishing is experiencing difficult times and there are specific developments which are influencing the market for children's books.

» face + difficult times = pasar dificultades, pasarlo mal.

Example: This may be a reason why the publishing industry is facing such difficult times.

» face + prison (time) = condenar a la cárcel, condenar a prisión, sentenciar a la cárcel, sentenciar a prisión.

Example: Landlords could face prison time for failing to check tenants immigration status.

» find + times hard = pasarlo difícil, tener dificultades, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: The same applies to our farmers who also are finding times hard, despite many people thinking they are made of money and having it easy.

» good economic times = bonanza económica.

Example: With rare exceptions, law firms prosper during good and bad economic times.

» go through + a rough time = atravesar una mala racha, pasar (por) una mala racha, atravesar un mal momento, atravesar un momento malo, pasar (por) un mal momento, pasar (por) un momento malo.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» hard times lie ahead = se avecinan malos tiempos.

Example: Hard times lie ahead, the halcyon days are gone -- perhaps forever.

» have + a devil of a time = pasarlas negras, vérselas negras, pasarlas canutas, vérselas canutas, pasarlas moradas, vérselas moradas, pasar las de Caín, pasarlas putas, aguantar carros y carretas.

Example: As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.

» have + a difficult time = pasar dificultades, pasarlo mal, no ser fácil.

Example: Videotext services have had a notoriously difficult time becoming accepted in the US marketplace.

» have + a hard time = tener dificultades, encontrar Algo difícil, pasar apuros, costar mucho trabajo, pasarlo mal, pasarlo difícil, sudar la gota gorda, pasar un mal rato, pasarlas canutas, pasar por momentos difíciles, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.

» have + an easy time = tenerlo fácil, tenerlo todo hecho.

Example: Men have an easy time deciding how to dress for this event because all they have to do is choose khakis over dress slacks and leave off the tie they would wear during the week.

» have + a rotten time = pasarlas negras, vérselas negras, pasarlas canutas, vérselas canutas, pasarlas moradas, vérselas moradas, pasar las de Caín, pasarlas putas, aguantar carros y carretas.

Example: I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.

» have + a rough time = atravesar una mala racha, pasar (por) una mala racha, tener una mala racha, costar mucho trabajo, pasarlo muy mal, tener dificultades, encontrar Algo difícil, pasar apuros, pasarlo muy difícil, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: I've been having a rough time these past two months getting over a breakup.

» have + a shitty time = pasarlas negras, vérselas negras, pasarlas canutas, vérselas canutas, pasarlas moradas, vérselas moradas, pasar las de Caín, pasarlas putas, aguantar carros y carretas.

Example: You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.

» have + a torrid time = sufrir lo indecible, pasar lo indecible, pasarlas canutas, vérselas canutas, pasar las de Caín.

Example: The courts are having a torrid time in trying to handle these cases that seem to be on the increase on a daily basis.

» have + a tough time = costar mucho trabajo, pasarlo muy mal. tener dificultades, encontrar Algo difícil, pasar apuros, pasarlo muy difícil, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.

» have + a whale of a time = disfrutar como un enano, pasárselo bomba, pasárselo pipa, pasárselo genial, pasárselo a lo grande, pasárselo en grande, pasárselo fabuloso, pasárselo la mar de bien, pasárselo cañón, gozar como un enano, gozar de lo lindo, pasárselo bárbaro, pasárselo de fábula, pasárselo de miedo.

Example: She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.

» have + plenty of time to spare = tener mucho tiempo libre, disponer de mucho tiempo libre.

Example: Dexter Rundle had plenty of moments to spare, however, for his next appointment was not until half past eleven.

» have + the time of + Posesivo + life = pasarlo a lo grande, pasarlo en grande, disfrutar como un enano, divertirse de lo lindo, disfrutar de lo lindo, correrse una juerga, divertirse como nunca, pasárselo como nunca, pasárselo pipa, pasárselo de lo lindo, disfrutar muchísimo, pasárselo bomba, pasárselo cañón, gozar como un enano, gozar de lo lindo, pasárselo bárbaro, pasárselo de fábula, pasárselo de miedo.

Example: We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.

» in a long time = en mucho tiempo, durante mucho tiempo.

Example: As he walked off the field, I shook his hand and told him that I hadn't seen such a gutty performance in a long time, and I sincerely meant it.

» in a relatively short span of time = en un tiempo relativamente corto.

Example: Hurricanes affect large coastal areas and inland in a relatively short span of time.

» in a relatively short time = en un tiempo relativamente corto.

Example: 'We've come a long way in a relatively short time and achieved some wonderful results,' said Perry = "Hemos recorrido un largo camino en un tiempo relativamente corto y hemos logrado unos maravillosos resultados", dijo Perry.

» in no time at all = en apenas nada, en casi nada, rapidísimo, al instante, instantáneamente, en nada de tiempo, en seguida, en un santiamén, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un periquete, en un p(l)is p(l)as, en un suspiro, al momento.

Example: In no time at all, the printing revolution also changed institutions, including the educational system.

» in + Posesivo + time = en + Posesivo + época, en + Posesivo + vida.

Example: His writings on cataloguing and bibliography may serve as a fundamental basis for those who wish to understand the approaches to these topics in his time.

» in these times = en estos tiempos.

Example: In these times of fiscal austerity there is growing pressure for academic institutions to show positive results.

» in times gone by = en el pasado, antaño, otrora.

Example: In times gone by, every young woman worked on assembling her bridal trousseau, even before she became engaged.

» in times of = en tiempos de, en épocas de.

Example: In times of financial restraint, library services to children and young adults are reduced disproportionately to services for adults.

» in times of adversity = en tiempos de adversidad.

Example: The importance of libraries to progress and emancipation is never clearer than in times of adversity.

» in times of change = en tiempos de cambio.

Example: Every airline needs to adapt in times of change with safety being the number one priority.

» in times of crisis = en tiempos de crisis, en época(s) de crisis.

Example: These trust funds will enable EU countries to pool resources to provide coordinated and prompt financial assistance in times of crisis.

» in times of difficult(y/ies) = en tiempos difíciles, en épocas difíciles, en momentos de dificultad(es).

Example: In times of difficulty we long for something beyond the here and now, beyond the day-to-day, beyond what we can see.

» in times of need = en tiempos difíciles, en épocas difíciles, en momentos de dificultad(es).

Example: Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.

» in time(s) of peace = en tiempos de paz, en épocas de paz.

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» in time(s) of war = en tiempos de guerra, en épocas de guerra.

Example: In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.

» in times of yore = antaño, en otro tiempo, en otros tiempos.

Example: In times of yore, the umbrella was part of the royal regalia, or symbol of rank.

» lifetime [life time] = vida, vida útil. [Nombre]

Example: Bibliography and Library science reflect the changes that took place in Bliss's lifetime.

» lifetime [life-time] = vitalicio, de por vida, por toda una vida, por toda la vida. [Adjetivo]

Example: The aim of the project was to help create lifetime readers with a critical eye for good books.

» make up for + (the) lost time = recuperar el tiempo perdido.

Example: The stronger the repressive measures used to control the inmates, the greater their desire to make up for lost time (often dishonestly) once released.

» medieaval times [medieval times, -USA] = época medieval, período medieval.

Example: Dubrovnik, Croatia, is a walled city, preserved as it existed in medieval times.

» night-time = nocturno, durante la noche, por la noche.

Example: End user searching on BRS/After Dark, the night-time version of the BRS Search Service, has been offered to users of Ottawa University Library since July 83.

» of all time(s) = de todos los tiempos.

Example: The list of the most notable African-Americans of all times is vast, varied and virtually endless.

» of + Posesivo + time = de su época.

Example: The archives of mediaeval universities are sparse and fragmented, in sharp contrast with the fact that these institutions were among the most regulated, structured and stable of their time.

» Once upon a time = Érase una vez, Había una vez. [Forma tradicional de empezar un cuento]

Example: Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village.

» pass through + difficult times = pasar dificultades, pasarlo mal.

Example: The author discusses the history of and services offered by the Folger Shakespeare Library which has passed through difficult times and emerged with a new building and a new personality.

» prolong + time = prolongar el tiempo.

Example: The technique aims both to prolong the time in service of such maps and to improve their aesthetic appearance.

» real-time system = sistema de tiempo real. [En informática, sistema automatizado que realiza cualquier operación al instante sin que se produzca ninguna demora]

Example: The next step is to convert from batch operation to an on-line, real-time system.

» Roman times = época romana, la; tiempos de los romanos, los.

Example: The author describes libraries that were built during Roman times.

» savings in time = ahorro de tiempo.

Example: Advantages include savings in time and effort for staff, instructors and students, and greater speed and range of services = Entre las ventajas están el ahorro del tiempo y del esfuerzo del personal, de los instructores y de los estudiantes y una mayor velocidad y variedad de servicios.

» since mediaeval times = desde la época medieval.

Example: Wattle fences, traditionally made from willow, have been in use since medieval times.

» spare time = tiempo libre.

Example: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.

» summertime = verano.

Example: Her 'tour of duty' extended from the end of September 1987 to the end of March of the following year, summertime for the Southern Hemisphere.

» take + time and effort = llevar tiempo y esfuerzo.

Example: The transition will take considerable time and effort.

» take + time off = tomarse unos días de asuntos propios, tomarse unos días de vacaciones, tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo.

Example: One of the senior librarians took time off without permission and refuses to discuss it = Uno de los bibliotecarios de rango superior se tomó unas vacaciones sin permiso y se niega a hablar de ello.

» take + time off work = tomarse unos días de asuntos propios, tomarse unos días de vacaciones, tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo.

Example: The law automatically gives you rights to take time off work in certain circumstances.

» take + time out = tomarse unos días de asuntos propios, tomarse unos días de vacaciones, tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo, tomarse un descanso.

Example: It is therefore important that a manager takes time out to improve communication weaknesses.

» term time = período escolar, período lectivo.

Example: A Herefordshire mother says she's facing a jail sentence for taking her daughter on holiday during term time.

» that time is long past = esa época ya pasó hace tiempo.

Example: There was a time, in US academia, when this was not possible, but that time is long past.

» there was a time when = hubo una época en la que.

Example: There was a time when they could actually influence things -- these days they're just barking at the moon hoping they're not in the next layoff.

» the spirit of the times = el espíritu de la época.

Example: These letters all reflect the spirit of the times and of this newlywed immigrant couple from America.

» time factor = factor tiempo.

Example: The time factor was shown to be important in enough cases to be significant.

» time-sensitive [time sensitive] = sensible al tiempo. [Referido a algo que se ve afectado de algún modo por el paso del tiempo, por ejemplo, porque se queda obsoleto, etc.]

Example: The Internet provides librarians with unprecedented access to time-sensitive information resources.

» time-tested = demostrado válido por el tiempo.

Example: As the librarian is responsible for the work regardless of who actually does it, only safe time-tested methods are recommended.

» trying times = tiempos difíciles.

Example: People facing trying times wonder if the work they've been engaged in matters anymore.

» wait for + better times = esperar mejores tiempos.

Example: All we can do is sit tight, accept cuts in our living standards, and wait for better times to return.

» wintertime = invierno.

Example: This hawthorn bush has a fine crop of berries that will be of great interest to the birds this wintertime.

time3 = tiempo. 

Example: Because not all files need to be reorganized at once, but only those which are very full, the time required for this procedure is reduced to a minimum.


» absorb + time = absorber tiempo, llevar tiempo.

Example: While staff should be able to perform some routine tasks, such as the replacement of bulbs in microfilm readers, the maintenance and adjustment of equipment should not be allowed to absorb staff time.

» access time = tiempo de acceso. [En tecnología de la información, tiempo que tarda un ordenador en obtener información de su dispositivo de almacenamiento y presentárselo al usuario]

Example: Access time is the time taken by a computer to obtain information from its backing store.

» adapt to + the times = adaptarse a los tiempos.

Example: Those that adapt to the times and evolve to meet the needs of a changing world will thrive.

» a frozen moment in time = un momento determinado, un período determinado.

Example: The printed catalog could only represent a frozen moment in time.

» afternoon times = horas posteriores al mediodía.

Example: Afternoon times must be entered as 1300 to 2359.

» after-school time = horas después de la escuela, horario extraescolar, después de la escuela.

Example: Today, far too many children spend most of their out-of-school time in unsupervised, non-educational activities.

» a given moment in time = un momento determinado.

Example: Librarians have no control over the effect that a book will have on a particular reader at a given moment in time.

» ahead of + Posesivo + time(s) = adelantado a su tiempo, adelantado a su época.

Example: Again, the idea shows that Brown was ahead of his times.

» ahead of time = con antelación.

Example: George Cunha stressed the importance of having a written disaster plan ahead of time and that replacement was generally cheaper than recovery.

» ahead of time = antes de tiempo, antes de la hora prevista.

Example: I'll go on stage and make an announcement about how we're gonna get schlonged by letting everybody in ahead of time, and these guys can pass a basket around the audience for contributions.

» a little time = un poco de tiempo.

Example: That done we had a little time to cool down a little, mingle and generally catch up with those we know from previous years.

» all in good time = todo a su (debido) tiempo.

Example: I need a New Year change but all in good time.

» all of the time = todo el tiempo, siempre.

Example: Many others besides Rothstein have suspected the truth of these figures for years, bearing in mind Robert Kennedy's hardbitten politician's conclusion that `one fifth of the people are against everything all of the time= Muchos otros junto con Rothstein han sospechado durante años de la verdad de estos datos, teniendo presente la conclusión del político escarmentado Robert Kennedy de que "una quinta parte de la gente está en contra de todo siempre".

» allow + (enough) time for = dejar (suficiente) tiempo para, permitir (suficiente) tiempo para.

Example: For successful applicants the deadline for submission of full papers is May 31, 2012 to allow time for review of papers.

» all the time = continuamente, siempre, cada dos por tres, constantemente, durante todo el tiempo.

Example: Improvements are, however being made all the time: the dividing line between microcomputer and minicomputer is already blurred.

» all-time = de todos los tiempos, sin precedentes, nunca visto, insuperable, el más.

Example: Nevada's all-time leading scorer is leaving school to get a head start on the NBA's 2007 draft.

» a long time ago = hace mucho tiempo.

Example: It sounds like the cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago.

» amount of time = período de tiempo.

Example: If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.

» ample time = mucho tiempo, bastante tiempo, suficiente tiempo.

Example: The format of each workshop is to be determined by the organizers, but it is expected that they contain ample time for general discussion.

» ancient times = antigüedad.

Example: Thus, libraries of ancient times stored clay tablets, papyrus rolls, parchment scrolls and so on.

» around this time of year = en esta época del año.

Example: Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.

» arrival time = hora de llegada.

Example: The arrival times are well advertised.

» arrive ahead of + time = llegar antes de lo previsto, llegar pronto.

Example: Arrive ahead of time, dress formally and smartly and portray confidence and composure with your posture and body language.

» arrive in + time = llegar a tiempo.

Example: Overdue issues are recognized from the prediction pattern by the programm because an expected issue has not arrived in time.

» arrive on + time = llegar a tiempo, llegar puntualmente.

Example: Inez Benefield and Zoe Tabary had arrived on time and were working.

» a second time = una segunda vez, por segunda vez.

Example: The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.

» a second time around = una segunda vez, por segunda vez.

Example: Will Fiat fare better a second time around in US market?.

» a short time ago = hace poco tiempo, hace muy poco tiempo.

Example: What was billed a short time ago as the largest merger in the history of publishing, between Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, collapsed in 1998.

» as of this time = hasta la presente, hasta el presente.

Example: As of this time, little literary materials for children are being included in automated data bases.

» as time goes by = a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso del tiempo, con el transcurso del tiempo, con el tiempo.

Example: As time goes by, the modern inventive mind multiplies these media and the bibliographical picture becomes increasingly complicated.

» as time passed (by) = con el tiempo, con el paso del tiempo, con el transcurrir del tiempo, a medida que pasaba el tiempo. [Expresión usada con una frase en el pasado]

Example: As time passed by, she realised that most South Africans preferred orange squash to the bitter tangy taste of lemon squash.

» as time passes (by) = con el tiempo, con el paso del tiempo, con el transcurso del tiempo, a medida que pasa el tiempo. [Expresión usada con una frase en el presente]

Example: As time passes by, our collections grow ever larger and the problems of storage and retrieval become ever more pressing.

» as time went by = a medida que pasaba el tiempo, con el paso del tiempo, con el transcurso del tiempo, con el tiempo.

Example: As time went by, the colors started to fade and the paint began to flake from the heat and light of the sun.

» at a given moment in time = en un momento dado.

Example: Librarians have no control over the effect that a book will have on a particular reader at a given moment in time.

» at a given point in time = en un momento dado.

Example: It is easy to install appropriate guiding at a given point in time.

» at a later time = posteriormente, más tarde.

Example: Participants were asked to group documents based on how similar they were to each other and such that the groups would help them to remember how to find them at a later time.

» at all times = en todo momento, en todo instante, siempre, en cada momento, en cada instante.

Example: One obligation resting upon every public institution in a democracy is that of standing ready at all times to render an account of itself to the people.

» at any given time = en un momento dado.

Example: One aspect of this is the 'staleness' of Web search engines; that is, a search engine goes stale for users when a significant number of hits it returns at any given time point to Web pages that are no longer viable.

» at any moment in time = en cualquier momento.

Example: The analysis explores whether individual characteristics adequately explain the labor market situation of individuals at any moment in time.

» at any one time = en un momento dado, en cualquier momento, siempre.

Example: Any one document may be required by author, title, subject, form or other characteristics, but this one document can only be grouped according to one of these characteristics at any one time.

» at any point in time = en cualquier momento.

Example: Clearly, with computer-based systems a list of the terms in the language at any point in time can normally be printed, so this would specify the indexing language.

» at any time = en cualquier momento.

Example: Each user has a password which he can change at any time = Cada usuario tiene una contraseña que puede cambiar en cualquier momento.

» at any time of the day or night = a cualquier hora del día o de la noche.

Example: This bibliographic retrieval system permits users without previous training to search the medical literature themselves at any time of the day or night.

» at a particular point in time = en un momento concreto, en un momento de

Times synonyms

multiplication in spanish: , pronunciation: məltəpləkeɪʃən part of speech: noun modern times in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdɜrntaɪmz part of speech: noun present time in spanish: , pronunciation: prezənttaɪm part of speech: noun contemporary world in spanish: , pronunciation: kəntempɜreriwɜrld part of speech: noun modern world in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdɜrnwɜrld part of speech: noun
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