Timer in spanish


pronunciation: minuteɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

timer = temporizador, reloj automático. 

Example: The Web offers many downloadable CGI scripts for basic functions, including counters, timers, guest books, image maps, and server-push animations.


» egg timer = temporizador de cocina, temporizador de cocimiento, temporizador de aviso, programador de tiempo, temporizador de cocción.

Example: The article is entitled 'Egg Timers, Human Values, and the Care of Autistic Youths'.

» first-timer = primerizo, novato.

Example: The article has the title 'Penmanship: impressions of a first-timer'.

» longtimer = veterano.

Example: Findings concerning characteristics of recently arrived youth and of longtimers in correctional institutions are compared.

» market timer = especulador, especulador del mercado.

Example: This explains why even famous market timers rarely have winning streaks more than 4 to 5 years in length.

» oldtimer [old-timer] = veterano, viejo.

Example: Throughout the book, he demonstrates how racial tensions often overshadowed class and cultural differences between oldtimers and newcomers.

» part-timer = trabajador a tiempo parcial.

Example: France has the same problem which the US and other places do: student aides and part-timers and other non-professionals increasingly perform many library functions, including 'answering the fones...'.

» sand timer = reloj de arena.

Example: The article 'Integrating Measurement Projects: Sand Timers' presents a classroom project in which children use bottles and sand to explore mathematics.
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