Timber in spanish


pronunciation: mɑdeɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

timber = madera. 

Example: To match the small amount of existing furniture which was reused, internal joinery and furniture is in a light coloured timber.


» timber-framed = con estructura de madera, de estructura de madera.

Example: The first phase of occupation was represented by at least one timber-framed house with a central hearth, dated to the early 13th c.

» timber industry, the = industria maderera, la; industria de la madera, la.

Example: The author discusses historico-geographical approaches to studying New Zealand's frozen meat and timber industries.

» timberland = bosque maderero, bosque maderable, terreno maderero, terreno maderable.

Example: In the south central United States more than 22 million acres of timberland are now poorly stocked.

» timberline, the = línea de vegetación, la; línea de vegetación arbórea, la; línea de los árboles, la; línea arbolada, la. [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Trees don't grow above the timberline because of high winds, low soil moisture, cold temperatures, and lack of oxygen.

» timber trade, the = industria maderera, la; industria de la madera, la.

Example: Countries with lots of forest stand to benefit from the lucrative timber trade, but at what cost to their ecological footprint?.

» timber yard = almacén de maderas.

Example: Once a very common piece of equipment in most timber yards for moving trees for processing and cut logs such cranes are now rare.

Timber synonyms

quality in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑləti part of speech: noun tone in spanish: , pronunciation: toʊn part of speech: noun forest in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrəst part of speech: noun lumber in spanish: , pronunciation: lʌmbɜr part of speech: noun timbre in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪmbɜr part of speech: noun woodland in spanish: , pronunciation: wʊdlænd part of speech: noun timberland in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪmbɜrlænd part of speech: noun
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