Till in spanish

Hasta que

pronunciation: ɑstɑke part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

till1 = hasta. [Forma abreviada de until]

Example: In this case when the <Page Down> key was pressed the display scrolled till the cursor reached the end of record.


» fight until/till + the end = luchar hasta el final.

Example: Although they fought until the end, they could not get back into the game and succumbed to a 61-37 defeat.

» from dawn (to/till/until) dusk = desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer, de sol a sol.

Example: Each monk labored from dawn to dusk, six days a week, copying books by hand.

» shop 'til you drop = comprar hasta caer muerto, comprar hasta reventar.

Example: The article is entitled 'Shop 'til your modem drops. Internet shopping network is making strides as it learns how to sell in cyberspace'.

» till dawn = hasta el amanacer.

Example: Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.

» Till death do us part = Hasta que la muerte nos separe.

Example: 'Till death do us part' is a 'comedy' programme in the sense that it treats significant issues in a mature way = "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" es un programa de "humor" en el sentido de que trata asuntos importantes de una forma madura.

» till now = hasta ahora.

Example: Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.

» till the end of time = hasta el final de los tiempos.

Example: The article 'Till the end of time' predicts that automated record processing will be the major distinguishing feature of libraries at the close of this century.

» till then = hasta entonces.

Example: Till then things seems to be dicey.

» till today = hasta hoy (día), hasta la actualidad.

Example: He remains my favorite commetator till today due to his knowledge of the game.

» until/till hell freezes over = hasta que las ranas críen pelos, hasta el final de los tiempos, hasta el día del juicio final.

Example: But while he detested abolitionism, he passionately loved the Union and felt even greater hatred toward secessionists, vowing to 'fight them till hell freezes over'.

» until/till it/they + come + out of + Posesivo + ears = hasta que + salir + por las orejas.

Example: Someone in the sports world once told me that you can drink water until it comes out of your ears but it doesn't necessarily mean it will rehydrate you.

» until/till kingdom come = hasta que las ranas críen pelos, hasta el final de los tiempos, hasta el día del juicio final.

Example: It's a battle that's going to rage on till kingdom come.

» until/till + Pronombre + be + sick of it = hasta hartarse, hasta hastiarse, hasta el hastío.

Example: When preparing a speech, practice your presentation until you're sick of it.

» until/till + Pronombre + be + sick of + Pronombre = hasta hartarse de, hasta hastiarse de.

Example: He drank sports drinks until he was sick of them to combat the dehydration caused by the fever.

» until/till the cows come home = hasta que las ranas críen pelos, hasta el final de los tiempos, hasta el día del juicio final, hasta que + Pronombre + dar + las uvas.

Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.

» until/till the early hours (of the morning) = hasta (las) altas horas de la madrugada, hasta la madrugada, hasta las tantas (de la madrugada), hasta (las) altas horas de la noche, hasta las tantas (de la noche).

Example: A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.

» up till now = hasta ahora.

Example: Nevertheless, femininity has up till now always been the dominant trait of the alienation of women, and masculinity that of men.

» up till then = hasta entonces.

Example: He felt that, up till then, libraries had carried out their information function in a very passive way, relying, by and large, on the printed and published word.

till2 = caja, caja registradora. 

Example: A British politician is usually caught with his hand up a woman's skirt while a Canadian politician is usually caught with his hand in the till.


» balance + the till = hacer caja, cuadrar la caja.

Example: At the end of each day you will balance the till and tidy the shop and close the premises.

» cash up + the till = hacer caja, cuadrar la caja.

Example: Jason realised there was a problem as he was cashing up the till when the power went off.

» pay at + the till = pagar en caja.

Example: Prices change based on demand and the price you pay at the till is the current price on the screen.

till3 = sedimento glacial, depósito glacial. 

Example: Vast areas of the northern midwest are covered by till deposited by continental glaciers.


» glacial till = sedimento glacial, depósito glacial.

Example: In many places these rocks have been overlain by glacial till composed of materials coarser than the underlying rocks.

till4 = cultivar, labrar, arar. 

Example: Chapter 5 will focus on staffing issues and opportunities -- the roots and substance of a properly tilled organizational garden.


» till + the land = labrar la tierra, arar la tierra.

Example: Is it possible to produce food grains and vegetables by just spreading seeds without tilling the land and sowing the seeds in a cultivated land?.

Till synonyms

trough in spanish: , pronunciation: trɔf part of speech: noun cashbox in spanish: , pronunciation: kæʃbɑks part of speech: noun money box in spanish: , pronunciation: mʌnibɑks part of speech: noun boulder clay in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊldɜrkleɪ part of speech: noun public treasury in spanish: , pronunciation: pʌblɪktreʒɜri part of speech: noun
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