Tile in spanish


pronunciation: ɑθulexoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tile1 = azulejo, baldosín, baldosa, teja. 

Example: Staff rescued 137,000 volumes amidst mosquitos, falling tiles, heat and moisture.


» carpet tile = plancha de moqueta. [Trozo de moqueta en forma de cuadrado que se ensambla como las losas de cerámica]

Example: Placing CD-ROM equipment in a reference room poses wiring difficulties that the flexibility of carpet tiles and flat wire installation should alleviate.

» ceiling tile = plancha del techo, placa del techo.

Example: Evacuation of the building was followed by a recovery process which included covering stacks with plastic, locating damaged books, pulling down water-soaked ceiling tiles and removing computer terminals.

» ceramic tile = azulejo, baldosa, baldosín.

Example: The book presents the history of the techniques, production, and styles of hand-painted ceramic tiles and of their use in architecture in Europe.

» cover + the roof with tiles = tejar.

Example: He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.

» floor tile = baldosa, losa, loseta.

Example: Today's floor tiles can be created to look like many other materials too, and there really are no limits to the effects that can be created.

» mosaic tile = gresite.

Example: Mosaic tiles are widely used in swimming pools, fountains, lakes, water parks and many more.

» paver tile = baldosa, losa, loseta.

Example: Road Department officials said that using paver tiles to cover potholes on asphalt roads was slipshod.

» quarry tile = baldosa, losa, loseta.

Example: I am thinking of using 2 layers of unglazed quarry tiles on the floor of my oven instead of fire bricks...any thoughts? .

» roofing tile = teja.

Example: Clay was used to make pots, bricks, and roofing tiles.

» roof tile = teja.

Example: The determination of Cypriot provenances for amphorae and roof tiles provide important evidence regarding the economic status of Cyprus at that time.

» tile printer = impresora en mosaico. [Impresora capaz de producir imágenes o texto cuyas dimensiones son muy superiores al papel estándar imprimiento la parte proporcional de la imagen o texto; una vez terminado el proceso las hojas impresas deben ensamblarse para producir la imagen o texto deseado]

Example: If tile printer cannot cope with the graphic output from the program, additional devices such as a graph plotter may be required.

» wall tile = azulejo, baldosín.

Example: Wall tiles come in all types of sizes and colours but the colours of wall tiles people generally tend to go for are of a beige colour.

tile2 = alicatar, revestir de azulejos, enlosar, embaldosar, solar, tejar. 

Example: The hardest part of tiling a kitchen wall is picking the materials you want to use.

Tile synonyms

roofing tile in spanish: , pronunciation: rufɪŋtaɪl part of speech: noun
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