Tight in spanish


pronunciation: ɑpɹ̩etɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

tight [tighter -comp., tightest -sup.]1 = ajustado, compacto, ceñido. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Factories and mills sprang up, and with them row upon row of tight boxlike workers' houses.


» in a (tight) corner = en un apuro, en (un) caso de apuro, en un aprieto, si fuera necesario, en caso de necesidad, en dificultades.

Example: 93 per cent of people surveyed say they have little or no faith in a elected representative to tell the truth if in a tight corner.

» in a (tight) spot = en un apuro, en (un) caso de apuro, en un aprieto, si fuera necesario, en caso de necesidad, en dificultades.

Example: She is of the view that the Russian president is definitely in a tight spot -- Russia is overstretching itself with expensive military ventures and incresingly isolating itself.

» keep + a (tight) lid on = mantener en secreto, mantener oculto, guardar en secreto.

Example: Thankfully they'd been able to keep a tight lid on the execution date, for fear of too many rubbernecks hanging around the prison.

» keep + a (tight) lid on = controlar, refrenar, contener.

Example: A visit from her maternal grandmother had left her greatly distressed but the therapist noted that she was keeping a tight lid on her emotions.

» run + a tight ship = gestionar con mucho control, controlar muy de cerca. [Referido generalmente a una empresa, organismo, institución, grupo o similar]

Example: He runs a tight ship, which ensures costs are kept to a minimum while never compromising customer service or quality of construction.

» tight deadline = plazo ajustado.

Example: While the question itself is not very common, you may be asked how you handle a tight deadline at your work.

» tight-fitting = ajustado, ceñido, apretado, entallado.

Example: Caution should be taken if subjects are clothed in tight-fitting swimsuit.

» tight-knit = muy unido, con mucha cohesión.

Example: A well-organised rural parish council can provide a far more tight-knit forum for debate and 'getting things done' than urban residents' associations.

» tight space = espacio confinado, espacio estrecho.

Example: All our loose products are available for delivery in bulk bags -- great for keeping a site tidy and for working in tight spaces.

» watertight = infalible, irrebatible.

Example: Before multimedia producers can protect their rights against users and reap the benefits of their investment, they must ensure that their own licensing position is watertight because they cannot sue to protect rights they do not have.

» watertight = hermético, estanco.

Example: It uses a heavy-duty seal and is therefore watertight, but not submersible.

» work on/under/to + a tight deadline = trabajar con un plazo ajustado.

Example: Like it or not, there will be times when you have to work on a tight deadline.

tight [tighter -comp., tightest -sup.]2 = firme, seguro, fuerte, apretado, estrecho, tirante, tenso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: The platen was lashed up tight to the toe of the spindle by cords which connected hooks at its four corners to another set of hooks at the four lower corners of the hose.


» airtight = hermético.

Example: Another modification using an unaltered sparking plug screwed into an airtight, closed vessel was developed.

» be a tight-ass/arse = ser pesetero, ser agarrado, ser roñoso, ser tacaño.

Example: Don't be such a tight-ass and pay the full price, it's cheap anyway.

» close + tight = cerrar muy bien.

Example: Adolescents cannot be led so easily, so unselfconsciously as children, and disenchantment can be a door that closes tight against attempts to reinvigorate dulled literary receptivity.

» find + Reflexivo + in a tight corner = encontrarse acorralado, encontrarse en un apuro, encontrarse en una situación apurada, encontrarse en una situación difícil.

Example: The hapless girl found herself in a tight corner and eventually sought solace in suicide.

» find + Reflexivo + in a tight knot = encontrarse en un apuro, encontrarse en una situación apurada, encontrarse en una situación difícil.

Example: He found himself in a tight knot where he had to choose between one thing or the other.

» find + Reflexivo + in a tight spot = encontrarse en un apuro, encontrarse en una situación apurada, encontrarse en una situación difícil.

Example: This poor stray dog living on the streets of India found herself in a tight spot when she got stuck between the bars of a gate.

» hang (on) + tight = esperar, esperar con paciencia, esperar pacientemente.

Example: All her life she's been told to hang on tight, that there's a man who'd make her his wife.

» hang (on) + tight = agarrarse fuerte(mente), cogerse fuerte(mente).

Example: Once we were both sitting on the back of the camel, we were told to hang on tight and lean way back.

» hold (on) + tight = agarrarse fuerte(mente), cogerse fuerte(mente).

Example: Getting a mammogram is like putting your bosom in a vice and then being told to hold on tight.

» hold (on) + tight = esperar, esperar con paciencia, esperar pacientemente.

Example: We told them to stock up on food and gas before the storm hit and then told them to hold on tight for the next few weeks.

» keep + a tight hold on = sujetar fuertemente, no soltar, controlar, dominar.

Example: A study of telly-addicts has found that in 45 per cent of homes mums keep a tight hold on the remote control.

» sit + tight = quedarse quieto, quedarse con los brazos cruzados, esperar sentado, esperar.

Example: All we can do is sit tight, accept cuts in our living standards, and wait for better times to return.

» sleep tight! = ¡que duermas bien!, ¡que descanses bien!.

Example: 'Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite' -- I remember my mother saying this when she tucked me in = "Buenas noches, ¡que duermas bien!, no dejes que no te coman los bichos", recuerdo que me decía mi madre mientras me acostaba.

» tight-fisted = tacaño, avaro, pesetero, rácano, agarrado, roñoso, roñica, ruin, cicatero.

Example: The money for modernizing Indian towns will have to come out of the pockets of leading merchants, men stereotyped as tight-fisted scrooges.

» tight-lipped = sin soltar prenda, sin decir palabra, en hermético silencio, en estricto secreto, sin decir ni mu, sin decir ni pío.

Example: Police remain tight-lipped over the sudden, unexplained death of a security guard in west Auckland.

» tightrope [tight-rope] = cuerda floja.

Example: This tightrope teaches the basics of funambulism, developing concentration, balance, and coordination skills as you traverse a 10 foot long tightrope.

» tightwad = tacaño, avaro, pesetero, rácano, agarrado, roñoso, roñica, ruin, cicatero.

Example: He is been described as a penny-pinching skinflint tightwad who would sooner die than part with a dollar.

» walk + the tight wire = andar por la cuerda floja, caminar por la cuerda floja.

Example: The Social Responsibilities Round Table of the ALA has been described as 'walking the tight wire between being somewhat independent and becoming part of the ALA establishment'.

» weather-tight = resistente a la intemperie, a prueba de la intemperie, resistente al clima, resistente a las inclemencias del tiempo.

Example: Newer homes are often more subject to condensation because they are constructed with better weather-tight materials than older homes.

tight [tighter -comp., tightest -sup.]3 = estricto, riguroso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Title indexes suffer from absence of tight terminology control.


» be a tight-ass/arse = ser porculero.

Example: Well maybe if she wasn't such a tight-ass anymore we would still be going out.

Tight synonyms

mean in spanish: , pronunciation: min part of speech: verb, adjective, noun close in spanish: , pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective fine in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective fast in spanish: , pronunciation: fæst part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun blind in spanish: , pronunciation: blaɪnd part of speech: adjective, noun hard in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective wet in spanish: , pronunciation: wet part of speech: adjective secure in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪkjʊr part of speech: verb, adjective little in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb shut in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃʌt part of speech: verb small in spanish: , pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective difficult in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪfəkəlt part of speech: adjective scarce in spanish: , pronunciation: skers part of speech: adjective stringent in spanish: , pronunciation: strɪndʒənt part of speech: adjective stiff in spanish: , pronunciation: stɪf part of speech: adjective tense in spanish: , pronunciation: tens part of speech: noun, adjective rigorous in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪgɜrəs part of speech: adjective nasty in spanish: , pronunciation: næsti part of speech: adjective equal in spanish: , pronunciation: ikwəl part of speech: adjective taut in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔt part of speech: adjective compact in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun snug in spanish: , pronunciation: snʌg part of speech: adjective, noun stingy in spanish: , pronunciation: stɪndʒi part of speech: adjective binding in spanish: , pronunciation: baɪndɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun drunk in spanish: , pronunciation: drʌŋk part of speech: adjective, noun demanding in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪmændɪŋ part of speech: adjective besotted in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪsɑtɪd part of speech: adjective hermetic in spanish: , pronunciation: hɜrmetɪk part of speech: adjective loaded in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊdəd part of speech: adjective potty in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑti part of speech: adjective, noun inebriated in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnebrieɪtəd part of speech: adjective tipsy in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪpsi part of speech: adjective miserly in spanish: , pronunciation: maɪzɜrli part of speech: adjective closed in spanish: , pronunciation: kloʊzd part of speech: adjective waterproof in spanish: , pronunciation: wɔtɜrpruf part of speech: adjective sealed in spanish: , pronunciation: sild part of speech: adjective mingy in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪndʒi part of speech: adjective closely in spanish: , pronunciation: kloʊsli part of speech: adverb watertight in spanish: , pronunciation: wɔtɜrtaɪt part of speech: adjective intoxicated in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɑksəkeɪtəd part of speech: adjective blotto in spanish: , pronunciation: blɑtoʊ part of speech: adjective squiffy in spanish: , pronunciation: skwɪfi part of speech: adjective airtight in spanish: , pronunciation: ertaɪt part of speech: adjective pixilated in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪksəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective soaked in spanish: , pronunciation: soʊkt part of speech: adjective pissed in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪst part of speech: adjective plastered in spanish: , pronunciation: plæstɜrd part of speech: adjective compressed in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmprest part of speech: adjective clinched in spanish: , pronunciation: klɪntʃt part of speech: adjective soused in spanish: , pronunciation: saʊzd part of speech: adjective tiddly in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪdli part of speech: adjective smashed in spanish: , pronunciation: smæʃt part of speech: adjective clenched in spanish: , pronunciation: klentʃt part of speech: adjective invulnerable in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnvʌlnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective sloshed in spanish: , pronunciation: slɑʃt part of speech: adjective sozzled in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑzəld part of speech: adjective crocked in spanish: , pronunciation: krɑkt part of speech: adjective fuddled in spanish: , pronunciation: fʌdəld part of speech: adjective slopped in spanish: , pronunciation: slɑpt part of speech: adjective choky in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃoʊki part of speech: adjective, noun constricting in spanish: , pronunciation: kənstrɪktɪŋ part of speech: adjective skintight in spanish: , pronunciation: skɪntaɪt part of speech: adjective viselike in spanish: , pronunciation: vɪslɪk part of speech: adjective ungenerous in spanish: , pronunciation: əndʒenɜrəs part of speech: adjective rainproof in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪnpruf part of speech: adjective tiddley in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪdli part of speech: adjective close-fitting in spanish: , pronunciation: kloʊsfɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective blind drunk in spanish: , pronunciation: blaɪnddrʌŋk part of speech: adjective waterproofed in spanish: , pronunciation: wɔtɜrpruft part of speech: adjective tight-fitting in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪtfɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective tightly fitting in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪtlifɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Tight antonyms

loose pronunciation: lus part of speech: adjective, adverb leaky pronunciation: liki part of speech: adjective
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