Tie in spanish


pronunciation: koʊɹ̩bɑtɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

tie1 = corbata. 

Example: This article looks at hair, eyes, makeup, jewellery, ties, suits, braces, footwear, perfume and other aspects of dress, and describes what is considered appropriate and correct for librarians.


» black tie = traje de etiqueta, frac, traje de frac, chaqué, esmoquin, smoking.

Example: Indeed the musicians came on stage wearing black ties, and Toshiko Mariano, a wisp of a girl pianist, was dressed in an evening gown.

» bow tie = pajarita.

Example: Contrary to popular myth, it is not difficult to tie a bow tie = Al contrario de las creencias populares no es difícil ponerse una pajarita.

» kipper tie = corbata ancha de colorines.

Example: Goatee beards, sideburns, kipper ties and flares are the things that we will look back on and remind us of our youth.

» white tie and tails = traje de etiqueta, frac, traje de frac, chaqué, esmoquin, smoking.

Example: Our members come from all walks of life but we maintain a strict standard of dress with men in white tie and tails and women in evening gowns.

tie2 = asociación, lazo, relación, vínculo, atadura. 

Example: Eastern European countries longing for western scientific ties have wanted to participate in the Internet for a long time, but were excluded by government regulations.


» blood tie = lazos sanguíneos.

Example: Such universal ideals had to be replaced with nationalism, a concept of the nation based not on social contract, but on hereditary blood ties.

» breaking of ties = ruptura de lazos.

Example: Political changes have lead to the breaking of ties between many libraries in the former Soviet Republics.

» break + ties with = romper los lazos con, romper las relaciones con, cortar los lazos con, cortar las relaciones con.

Example: Adolescents do not seek to break ties with parents or adults so much as to revise their relationships in a more adult direction.

» cut + ties with = romper los lazos con, romper las relaciones con, cortar los lazos con, cortar las relaciones con.

Example: The tough part about cutting ties with a family memmber is the ties are never completely cut.

» family ties = lazos familiares.

Example: She was an internationally respected library leader who attempted to create an independent life without abandoning her strong family ties.

» forge + ties with = establecer relaciones con, entablar relaciones con.

Example: Russia is to start pricing its huge oil and gas exports in euros instead of dollars as part of a stragetic shift to forge closer ties with the European Union.

» severing of ties = ruptura de lazos.

Example: In 1994 changes at both Manches and HERTIS resulted in the setting up of an inhouse service and severing of the ties with HERTIS.

» sever + Posesivo + ties with = romper los lazos con, romper las relaciones con, cortar los lazos con, cortar las relaciones con.

Example: Those civil servants leave the United Kingdom to work in a Community institution automatically sever their ties with their own government service.

» tie-in = producto promocional. [Producto relacionado con un libro, película, acontecimiento que se comercializa generalmente para despertar el interés del público]

Example: A new book on cookery or gardening by a well-known writer in the field (perhaps helped along with a television series 'tie-in') will generally sell in good numbers on publication.

» ties = lazos. [En encuadernación, modo de mantener las dos cubiertas de un libro cerradas mediante dos trozos de material en forma de cuerda fijos a los bordes de las mismas y atados en lazo]

Example: Many books were still large and solid, their blind-tooled covers secured with clasps or ties.

» tie-up = relación, asociación.

Example: The report of findings may consist simply of a few pages, or be a trends and proposals report, or may suggest tie-ups with other groups.

tie3 = atadura, lazo. 

Example: Her shoulder length hair was pushed back and held with a tie.


» cable tie = brida.

Example: I took some cable ties and secured his hands behind his back, bound his ankles together, and called the cops.

» tie-back = alzapaño, cinta para recoger la cortina.

Example: Give your room a stylish look by making plaited tie-backs for your curtains.

» tie-dyed = teñido anudado. [Adjetivo usado para describir aquellas prendas de vestir con las que se ha hecho un nudo antes de teñirlas para evitar que el tinte la afecte a todo el tejido, obteniendo así diseños únicos]

Example: The only people that were allowed to wear these 'tie-dyed' garments were priests and the wealthy.

tie4 = empate. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Journal ranking: the issue of allotting rank numbers when there is a tie'.


» cup tie = encuentro de copa, eliminatoria de copa.

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

» in a tie = en igualdad de condiciones.

Example: In a tie, the data suggests the nod would go to search engines = En igualdad de condiciones, los datos nos dan a entender que serían los buscadores los que ganarían el pulso, en última instancia.

» scoreless tie = empate a cero.

Example: But in the end, neither team moved a muscle, as the two battled to a scoreless tie.

» tie-break = decisorio, decisivo, de desempate.

Example: In order to try to separate the two songs we have introduced a tie-break poll.

» tie-breaker [tiebreaker] = decisorio, decisivo, de desempate. 

Example: The article 'The Mathematical Equivalent of the Penalty Shootout' describes a library's mathematics competition question design policy and gives examples of tie-breaker questions.

» tie-breaking [tiebreaking] = de desempate, que desempata, decisorio, decisivo.

Example: 'Casting vote' means tie-breaking vote.

tie5 = asociar (a), unir (a), vincular (a), atar (a), amarrar. 

Example: Chain indexing is closely tied to the structure (but not necessarily the terminology) of the classification scheme.


» be closely tied to = estar estrechamente ligado a.

Example: He had been wrapped up in a new project that was closely tied to the company's new growth.

» hogtie = atar de pies y manos.

Example: Four soldiers then carried him, hogtied, to the next processing station for interrogation and propped him in a kneeling position.

» re-tie = volver a atar. 

Example: Take the goose and untie the string around the parson's nose area and fill the cavity with onions and seasoning and re-tie the string.

» tie down = coartar, limitar, restringir.

Example: There are many able people still tied down with the routine 'running' of their libraries.

» tie-dye = atar y teñir. [Técnica de teñir una prenda de vestir haciendo un nudo con ella para evitar que el tinte la afecte a todo el tejido, obteniendo así diseños únicos. Tercera persona tie-dyes, Participio presente tie-dyeing, pasado y participio pasado tie-dyed]

Example: There are two main ways to tie-dye; by submerging the fabric into the dye or by applying the dye from a bottle.

» tie in (with) = cuadrar (con), relacionarse (con), ligar.

Example: It seems to me that this would tie in with the different types of methodologies you mentioned earlier.

» tie + Nombre + shut = cerrar atando.

Example: He was wearing a caplet that had a high, lacey collar and bows to tie it shut.

» tie off = estrangular.

Example: Rubber band ligation is a procedure in which the hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands, cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid.

» tie one on = emborracharse, agarrarse un pedo, ponerse beodo, ajumarse.

Example: Good news for anyone who has ever had that queasy feeling the morning after tying one on: A study has found that an extract of prickly pear can prevent a severe hangover.

» tie + Posesivo + hair back = recogerse el pelo.

Example: Please wear cotton fabric clothing, long, tight-fitting sleeves, old jeans, and if you have long hair, please tie it back.

» tie + Posesivo + shoelaces = atarse los cordones de los zapatos.

Example: She ballooned to nearly 17 stone and struggled with small tasks such as tying her shoelaces, as the bulk of her large belly would prevent her from bending over.

» tie + the knot = casarse, desposarse, contraer matrimonio, unirse en matrimonio.

Example: According to their friends, the couple made a spur-of-the-moment decision to tie the knot during a holiday = Según sus amigos, la pareja tomó la decisión de casarse de improviso durante las vacaciones.

» tie + the knot = firmar un acuerdo. [Generalmente entre empresas]

Example: The article is entitled 'Oracle and Sun tie the knot'.

» tie + the pieces together = dar el último repaso, conjuntarlo todo, coordinarlo todo.

Example: The six essential planning guidelines are: identify the project, nail down the details, determine conversion methodology, develop a realistic conversion schedule, determine who is going to do your conversion, and tie the pieces together.

» tie together = relacionar, asociar, aglutinar.

Example: Time is automatically recorded to tie the two records together.

» tie up = atar.

Example: Short wedges, or quoins, were then put in between the long wedges and the inside of the chase, loosely at first so that the string with which the pages were tied up could be unwound and removed.

» tie up = bloquear.

Example: Your estate will be tied up in probate if you do not name a beneficiary in your will.

» tie up + all the loose ends = atar (los) cabos sueltos, no dejar ni un cabo suelto.

Example: The third act is of course the denouement, when everything is made clear, all the loose ends are tied up, and the curtain falls.

» tie up + capital = inmovilizar capital.

Example: Therefore to bind up more copies of an edition than could be sold within a short period of time tied up capital without any compensation.

» untie = desatar, soltar.

Example: Bridling a horse safely starts with untying the horse.

tie6 = empatar. 

Example: If such a game is still tied after extra-time it is usually decided by kicks from the penalty mark, commonly called a penalty shootout.

Tie synonyms

bind in spanish: , pronunciation: baɪnd part of speech: noun draw in spanish: , pronunciation: drɔ part of speech: verb bond in spanish: , pronunciation: bɑnd part of speech: noun link in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb connect in spanish: , pronunciation: kənekt part of speech: verb association in spanish: , pronunciation: əsoʊsieɪʃən part of speech: noun wed in spanish: , pronunciation: wed part of speech: verb, noun affiliation in spanish: , pronunciation: əfɪlieɪʃən part of speech: noun marry in spanish: , pronunciation: meri part of speech: verb standoff in spanish: , pronunciation: stændɔf part of speech: noun sleeper in spanish: , pronunciation: slipɜr part of speech: noun necktie in spanish: , pronunciation: nektaɪ part of speech: noun crosstie in spanish: , pronunciation: krɔsti part of speech: noun tie-in in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪn part of speech: noun tie-up in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪʌp part of speech: noun linkup in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪŋkəp part of speech: noun railroad tie in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪlroʊdtaɪ part of speech: noun tie beam in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪbim part of speech: noun

Tie antonyms

disconnect pronunciation: dɪskənekt part of speech: verb, noun untie pronunciation: əntaɪ part of speech: verb unlace pronunciation: ənleɪs part of speech: verb unbrace pronunciation: ənbreɪs part of speech: verb rotavirus pronunciation: roʊtəvaɪrəs part of speech: noun
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