Tidy in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩denɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective, verb
In gestures

tidy [tidier -comp., tidiest -sup.]1 = ordenado, en orden. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Their duty is to come in before school each morning and check that the book checking system is in order and that the library is tidy and presentable.


» keep + Nombre + neat and tidy = mantener ordenado.

Example: This is the only way anyone has ever devised for keeping all the fiction neat and tidy on the shelves.

» keep + Nombre + tidy = mantener Algo ordenado.

Example: The computer room must be kept tidy so that staff are less likely to trip on wires or accidentally pull equipment off shelves.

» neat and tidy = pulcro, impecable, ordenado, arreglado, asendado.

Example: Singers and other entertainers in Burma have been warned to cut out saucy behaviour and be neat and tidy or face the consequences.

» tidy minded, the = hacendosos, los. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: A great deal of difficulty encountered by historical researchers stems from the too ready tendency of the tidy minded and those with difficulties over space availability to throw away that which they consider unimportant.

tidy2 = bien, claro. 

Example: This was all very tidy, but who was to judge significance?.

tidy up3 = arreglar, poner en orden. 

Example: Government agencies have taken the trouble to create a standard format for their publications and generally tidy up their presentation until in physical appearance their reports look like a collection of pamphlets or paperbound books.


» tidy + Posesivo + bedroom = ordenar + Posesivo + dormitorio, ordenar + Posesivo + habitación.

Example: This an ideal gift for the person who would much rather be mucking out the stables than tidying their bedroom!.

Tidy synonyms

neat in spanish: , pronunciation: nit part of speech: adjective straight in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective trim in spanish: , pronunciation: trɪm part of speech: noun, verb hefty in spanish: , pronunciation: hefti part of speech: adjective orderly in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrdɜrli part of speech: adjective considerable in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsɪdɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective respectable in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪspektəbəl part of speech: adjective trig in spanish: , pronunciation: trɪg part of speech: noun sizable in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective sizeable in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective straighten in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪtən part of speech: verb kempt in spanish: , pronunciation: kempt part of speech: adjective clean up in spanish: , pronunciation: klinʌp part of speech: verb shipshape in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃɪpʃeɪp part of speech: adjective clean-cut in spanish: , pronunciation: kliənkʌt part of speech: adjective goodly in spanish: , pronunciation: gʊdli part of speech: adjective groomed in spanish: , pronunciation: grumd part of speech: adjective neaten in spanish: , pronunciation: nitən part of speech: verb tidy up in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪdiʌp part of speech: verb ruly in spanish: , pronunciation: ruli part of speech: adjective uncluttered in spanish: , pronunciation: ənklʌtɜrd part of speech: adjective goodish in spanish: , pronunciation: gʊdɪʃ part of speech: adjective straighten out in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪtənaʊt part of speech: verb well-kept in spanish: , pronunciation: welkept part of speech: adjective square away in spanish: , pronunciation: skwerəweɪ part of speech: verb slicked up in spanish: , pronunciation: slɪktʌp part of speech: adjective unlittered in spanish: , pronunciation: ənlɪtɜrd part of speech: adjective

Tidy antonyms

untidy pronunciation: əntaɪdi part of speech: adjective
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