Tide in spanish


pronunciation: mɑɹ̩eɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tide1 = marea. 

Example: A search of the term 'shellfish' selects a further 126 terms, of which the six most highly ranked are: oysters, mussels, clams, tides, estuaries, and seafoods.


» a flood tide of = una avalancha de.

Example: Children experience so much that is new and unknown to them every day -- a flood tide of sensual emotions, events, ideas, data of all kinds.

» at high tide = en auge, en alza.

Example: The global economy is at high tide and Canada is expected to ride the wave with six per cent export growth this year.

» at high tide = cuando la merea está alta, durante la pleamar, en pleamar.

Example: All barnacles are filter feeders -- extending feathery legs into the water at high tide to comb plankton from the water.

» a tide of = una ola de.

Example: Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.

» at low tide = cuando la marea está baja, durante la bajamar, en bajamar.

Example: Rock pools are found in the intertidal zone, covered in seawater when it is high tide and exposed to the wind and sun at low tide.

» caught in the tide = atrapado por la marea, arrastrado por la marea.

Example: She was known for her moving accounts of innocent civilians caught in the tide of war.

» ebbing tide = marea.

Example: She slumbered well into the morning, untethered thoughts swimming against an ebbing tide of narcotic dreams.

» ebb tide = bajamar.

Example: At the Pandora wreck site, tides occur twice daily, and have a stronger ebb tide than flood tide.

» flood tide = pleamar.

Example: At the Pandora wreck site, tides occur twice daily, and have a stronger ebb tide than flood tide.

» go against + the tide = ir (en) contra (de) la corriente, ir contra corriente, luchar (en) contra (de) (la) corriente.

Example: When going against the tide, one must not be afraid of isolation.

» go with + the tide = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

» high tide = marea alta, pleamar.

Example: Rock pools are found in the intertidal zone, covered in seawater when it is high tide and exposed to the wind and sun at low tide.

» low tide = marea baja, bajamar.

Example: The ocean is constantly moving from high tide to low tide, and then back to high tide.

» rip tide = aguas turbulentas, aguas revueltas.

Example: This article examines the political shoals, currents, and rip tides associated with off campus library programmes and suggests that awareness and involvement are key ways to avoid running aground.

» swim against + the tide = ir contra corriente, ir (en) contra (de) la corriente, luchar (en) contra (de) (la) corriente.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

» swim with + the tide = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

» the tides of war = los avatares de la guerra.

Example: The die had been cast, and the tides of war were gradually turning in our favour.

» tide table = calendario de mareas.

Example: An example of an almanac which is concerned less with statistical information and world events and more about tide tables and so on is the Nautical Almanac.

» turn back + the tide = hacer cambiar las cosas, luchar contra la corriente, cambiar el curso de.

Example: Quite frankly, I believe it is too late in the day to turn back the tide; the murky, overwhelming waters are too deep to be rolled back.

tide2 = corriente, movimiento, tendencia, aumento, incremento. 

Example: What has happened is that yet another institution has so overlapped with our own that we are being swept along on the tide of the technological revolution.


» flow with + the tides = adaptarse a los cambios.

Example: The public library, if managers can learn to flow with the tides, can be a major player in the new century.

» rising tide = aumento notable, incremento notable, crecimiento acelerado.

Example: Depository libraries in the USA can no longer cope with the rising tide of government information and they serve only a select segment of the population.

» stem + the tide of = detener, controlar, poner freno a.

Example: This article discusses some strategies that are being developed to stem the tide of losses caused worldwide by piracy.

» the rising tide of = el crecimiento de.

Example: Depository libraries in the USA can no longer cope with the rising tide of government information and they serve only a select segment of the population.

» the tide + turn = la suerte + cambiar.

Example: However, due particularly to the contacts which Community organizations have had in recent years with British documentalists the tide is beginning to turn.

» tide-over = hasta pasar a una nueva situación.

Example: These payments cover the following: tide-over allowances for workers, including redundancy payments, resettlement allowances, and vocational training for those having to change their employment.

» tide + turn = situación + cambiar.

Example: However, due particularly to the contacts which Community organizations have had in recent years with British documentalists the tide is beginning to turn.

» turn + the tide on = hacer cambiar las cosas, luchar contra, cambiar el curso de.

Example: The article 'Turning the Tide on Toxics' lists some of the toxic chemicals found around the home.

tide + Nombre + over3 = ayudar. 

Example: Reading aloud, in these circumstances, might be the only contact the adolescent gets with literature, tiding him over to the time when he is prepared to read for himself again.



» Christmastide = Navidad, Pascua.

Example: Christmastide is what is traditionally called the Twelve Days of Christmas: Christmas Day is the first day and 5 January is the twelfth day.

» Eastertide = Pascua.

Example: Eastertide, or the Easter Season, begins on Easter Sunday and continues until Pentecost in the Christian liturgical calendar, thus spanning a total of seven weeks.

» Whitsuntide = Pentecostés.

Example: Whitsuntide, or the Feast of Pentecost, starts on the 7th Sunday after Easter, and celebrates the descent of the Holy Ghost to the 12 Apostles at Pentecost.

» Yuletide = Navidad.

Example: Yule, also referred to as Yuletide, winter solstice, and Christmas, is a solar festival of pagan origin that marks the time when the days grow longer and the nights grow shorter.

Tide synonyms

surge in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrdʒ part of speech: noun lunar time period in spanish: , pronunciation: lunɜrtaɪmpɪriəd part of speech: noun

Tide antonyms

ebb pronunciation: eb part of speech: noun
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