Ticket in spanish


pronunciation: boʊletoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ticket1 = billete, boleto, ticket, tique, entrada, resguardo, localidad. 

Example: Frantic assistants fell over each other's feet trying to retrieve tickets from the rows and rows of issue trays = Los frenéticos auxiliares tropezaban unos con otros intentando coger los tickets de las filas y filas de cajones de préstamo.


» airflight ticket = billete de avión.

Example: Before worrying about dear airflight tickets to France, you need to consider the things you and your kids would enjoy in France.

» airline ticket = billete de avión.

Example: The Internet has caused a significant reduction in airline and train ticket sales by travel agencies.

» air ticket = billete de avión.

Example: The travel Grant will cover air ticket, registration fee and a small out-of-pocket allowance.

» be just the ticket = ser justo lo que se necesita, ser ideal, venir como anillo al dedo, venir de maravilla, venir de perilla, venir de perlas, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.

» be the ticket to success = ser la clave del éxito.

Example: Every politician running for office in the November elections recognized that law-and-order demagoguery was the ticket to success.

» book of tickets = abono, taco de entradas, taco de tickets.

Example: These books of tickets are transferable and can therefore be shared with family, friends, colleagues, and guests.

» discount ticket = billete de tarifa especial, descuento.

Example: All employees can access the intranet where they can find information on the company fitness centre, employee anniversaries, and discount tickets to local attractions.

» free ticket = billete gratis, entrada gratis, entrada gratuita.

Example: If you give blood in January you get a free ticket to any of the theme parks in Orlando.

» get + a ticket = multar, poner una multa, imponer una multa.

Example: If you get a ticket for speeding, running a red light, reckless driving or other moving violations these could potentially show up as points on your record.

» grandstand ticket = billete de tribuna.

Example: Grandstand tickets for Saturday and Sunday will still need to be purchased ahead of time.

» just the ticket = justo lo que se necesita, como anillo al dedo.

Example: The article 'Just the ticket' describes how a resource library can provide answers to many questions that concern anxious health care users = El artículo "Como anillo al dedo" describe cómo una biblioteca de recursos puede dar respuesta a muchas cuestiones que preocupan a los usuarios de la asistencia sanitaria.

» lottery ticket = boleto de lotería, billete de lotería.

Example: Gambling creates problems such as the sale of lottery tickets to minors and those who cannot afford it, and encourages unlawful practices such as theft and insider trading.

» meal ticket = vale de comida, cupón de comida, ticket de comida, tique de comida.

Example: Even if you don't get lunch vouchers or meal tickets at work, you'll have no doubt seen someone pay for their restaurant bill with them.

» meal ticket = fuente de ingresos, sustento.

Example: He's more meal ticket than husband, and wants out = El es más una fuente de ingresos que un esposo y quiere dejarlo.

» one-way ticket = viaje de ida.

Example: High morale and enthusiasm for institutional goals will make adaptation and innovation a one-way, no-looking-back ticket into the information age.

» pawn ticket = papeleta de empeño, papeleta del monte.

Example: In Illinois, the pawn ticket is a bearer document -- it means that whoever has the physical possession of the ticket can pick up or redeem your merchandise.

» reader's ticket = carnet de lector.

Example: The reader's ticket is placed alongside the stack of transaction cards and a button is depressed to activate the camera in the photocharger.

» return ticket = billete de ida y vuelta. [Más comúnmente usado en el inglés británico]

Example: They will also receive a grant to cover the costs of accommodation and an airplane return ticket.

» ringside ticket = asiento de primera fila, butaca de primera fila, asiento junto al cuadrilátero.

Example: Ringside tickets for a heavyweight boxing event can go as high as $1600 a piece.

» round-trip ticket = billete de ida y vuelta. [Más comúnmente usado en el inglés americano]

Example: A round-trip ticket costs $16.60 and a one-way fare is $8.50 -- the ticket agent can tell you which gate to use.

» sales ticket = factura, recibo.

Example: Reimbursement will not be made until original sales tickets are furnished.

» season ticket = abono, abono de temporada, pase de temporada, ticket de temporada.

Example: In time, it could even portend a new trend in how season tickets are sold, across a spectrum of various sports.

» season ticket holder = abonado, socio.

Example: They know season ticket holders are willing to fork out the extra cash, because you never want to miss out on the excitement of a playoff run.

» standby ticket = billete en lista de espera.

Example: Back in the day, the best way to get last minute flights was to arrive at the airport and ask for a standby ticket.

» that's the ticket! = eso es, justo lo que se necesita, como anillo al dedo.

Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.

» ticket agency = agencia de venta de billetes, agencia de venta de entradas.

Example: Monthly and quarterly tickets as well as other bus passes can be bought from ticket agencies throughout the region.

» ticket agent = agencia de venta de billetes, agencia de venta de entradas.

Example: A round-trip ticket costs $16.60 and a one-way fare is $8.50 -- the ticket agent can tell you which gate to use.

» ticket book = abono, taco de entradas, taco de tickets.

Example: Best of all, the ticket books are sold at a discount!.

» ticket book holder = abonado, socio.

Example: Ticket book holders now receive discounted fares to alternate destinations.

» ticket inspector = revisor, inspector.

Example: It all happened when he was jerking off in the train washroom and the ticket inspector knocked at the door.

» ticket sale = venta de entradas.

Example: The show, which only started gestating in May, has already pulled in over a million dollars in ticket sales.

» ticket scalper = revendedor de entradas.

Example: Ticket scalpers are vultures who hoard tickets with the express aim of making rip-off profits.

» ticket to = pasaje a.

Example: The article 'Book your ticket to success' looks at the variety and range of business books available for the newly created or emerging manager.

» ticket tout = revendedor de entradas.

Example: The article 'Taking out the ticket tout' discusses how internet-based secondary ticketing is already a major success in the US.

» train ticket = billete de tren.

Example: The Internet has caused a significant reduction in airline and train ticket sales by travel agencies.

ticket2 = multa. 

Example: I'm frankly surprised she has only been stopped by the police once -- I was with her and she fast-talked her way out of a ticket.


» parking ticket = multa por aparcamiento indebido.

Example: They do do everything from issuing parking and speeding tickets to making arrests.

» speeding ticket = multa por exceso de velocidad.

Example: They do do everything from issuing parking and speeding tickets to making arrests.

» speed ticket = multa por exceso de velocidad.

Example: The cameras clock your speed and if you are going faster than you are supposed to, you can get a speed ticket in the post.

» traffic ticket = multa de tráfico.

Example: Lower average high school grades were associated with car ownership, high weekly mileage, speeding, driving after drinking, & having traffic tickets & crashes.

ticket3 = programa político, programa electoral. 

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

ticket4 = multar. 

Example: The Mayor's car was ticketed for speeding last week, but who was at the wheel?.

Ticket synonyms

fine in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective
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