Tick in spanish


pronunciation: gɑrɑpɑtɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

tick1 = marca, señal. 

Example: Those terms to appear in the lead position, ie are required as access terms, are indicated usually by placing a tick (check) over them.


» tick box = casilla, recuadro de selección.

Example: Click the tick box to confirm that you have the right to upload the selected files = Haga clic en lacasilla para confirmar que tiene permiso para subir los ficheros seleccionados.

tick2 = tictac. 

Example: About three years ago, my dad took a breath, and he heard a tick, like a clock and that tick then occurred each time he took a breath.


» be back in a tick = volver en un segundo, volver en un instante.

Example: I have to finish up some paperwork but I'll be back in a tick.

tick3 = garrapata. 

Example: The diseases and infestations caused by mites, lice, bed bugs, fleas, and ticks are discussed.


» animal tick = garrapata.

Example: Leaders should be aware of the rare incidence of Lyme disease, which is transmitted by animal ticks.

» tick-borne = transmitido por garrapatas.

Example: Vaccinations included in the study were for flu, tetanus, diphtheria tick-borne encephalitis, polio, pneumococcus and hepatitis A, B and C = Las vacunas que se incluyeron en el estudio era para la gripe, el tétano, difteria, la encefalitis transmitida por garrapatas, la polio, neumococos y la hepatitis A, B y C.

tick (off)4 = señalar, marcar. 

Example: In particular note, for example by ticking them, those terms that merit a turn in the lead position, and those that do not.


» tick + all the boxes = reunir todas las condiciones, satisfacer todas las condiciones, reunir todos los criterios, satisfacer todos los criterios, reunir todos los requisitos, satisfacer todos los requisitos, venir como anillo al dedo, ser justo lo que se necesita, ser ideal.

Example: Open plan living with light, bright sun-filled rooms, this family home boasting a flexible floor plan ticks all the boxes for family living.

tick5 = hacer tictac. 

Example: The granddad clock was ticking in the hallway just outside the room as Maria took his tea cup and left for the kitchen.


» Posesivo + biological clock + be + ticking = pasársele el arroz a Alguien. [Usado generalmente para referirse a una mujer que está alcanzando la edad cuando ya no puede tener hijos]

Example: Scientifically speaking, the fertility of a woman ebbs with her age, which is the reason it is said that her biological clock is ticking as the chances of her getting pregnant decline as she grows older.

» the clock + be + ticking = el tiempo + acabarse, la cuenta atrás + haber comenzado.

Example: The clock is ticking -- the permit granted for construction of the proposed power plant is set to expire this summer.

» tick over = estar en marcha, ir tirando.

Example: It seems to me that the Dewey engine is still ticking over, though there's an occasional knocking and it could no doubt do with a good tuning.

» time bomb + tick away = bomba de relojería + empezar la cuenta atrás.

Example: The article is entitled 'The year 2000: the computer time bomb is 'ticking away'.

tick6 = funcionar. 

Example: The article 'Is your infrastructure ticking?' discusses the issues associated with managing information technology (IT) infrastructure in large organizations.


» make + Nombre + tick = hacer Algo funcionar.

Example: It is perfectly feasible to use a microcomputer without any idea of what makes it 'tick'.

Tick synonyms

beat in spanish: , pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun click in spanish: , pronunciation: klɪk part of speech: verb, noun ticking in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun ticktock in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪktɑk part of speech: noun ticktack in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪktæk part of speech: noun retick in spanish: , pronunciation: retɪk part of speech: verb
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