Thundering in spanish


pronunciation: tɹ̩emendoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

thunder2 = tronar, retumbar, rugir. 

Example: The juggernaut of 'new British' history thunders on with Smyth's textbook on the United Kingdom between 1660 and 1800.


» thunder by = pasar rugiendo por el lado.

Example: I stood on a solid hill, and it quaked like jelly or like some small house on the edge of a railway line when a heavy train thunders by.

thundering = estruendoso. 

Example: The thundering feet of the dancers was distracting, and the overall activity threatened to undermine the two singers.

Thundering synonyms

impressive in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmpresɪv part of speech: adjective noisy in spanish: , pronunciation: nɔɪzi part of speech: adjective
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