Thumping in spanish


pronunciation: deskoʊmunɑl part of speech: noun
In gestures

thump2 = golpear, dar un golpe, dar una paliza, aporrear, zurrar, dar un puñetazo, pegar un puñetazo, sacudir un puñetazo. 

Example: He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize that someone was talking to him until he got thumped on the head.


» tub-thump = predicar vehementemente, defender vehementemente, hablar vehementemente.

Example: A topic I like to tub thump about is what to do with low IQ workers in a modern, technological society.

thumping = descomunal, colosal, monumental, enorme, aplastante, bestial. 

Example: Labour's David Lammy stormed to victory in the Tottenham Parliamentary election with a thumping majority.


» thumping headache = dolor de cabeza espantoso, jaqueca terrible.

Example: Today, I woke up with a thumping headache and a sister screaming because she just got her period.

» thumping noise = ruido sordo y fuerte.

Example: There is a thumping noise under the car that sounds like someone is hammering.

» thumping sound = sonido sordo y fuerte.

Example: Survivors spoke of a loud thumping sound and then a sudden lurch by the boat to one side.

» thumping success = éxito aplastante, éxito contundente, éxito rotundo, éxito total.

Example: Their quilted jackets are a thumping success as they not only look trendy but are very comfortable as well.

» thumping win = victoria aplastante, victoria contundente.

Example: Mexico are all smiles after a thumping win over Jamaica in rugby.

» tub-thumping = demagógico.

Example: This tub-thumping declaration smacks of popular piety that nobody would disagree with and that doesn't require proof at all in this context.

Thumping synonyms

big in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective large in spanish: , pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective dull in spanish: , pronunciation: dʌl part of speech: adjective clump in spanish: , pronunciation: klʌmp part of speech: noun humongous in spanish: , pronunciation: hjumɔŋgəs part of speech: adjective thump in spanish: , pronunciation: θʌmp part of speech: noun, verb thud in spanish: , pronunciation: θʌd part of speech: noun whopping in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑpɪŋ part of speech: adjective clunk in spanish: , pronunciation: klʌŋk part of speech: noun walloping in spanish: , pronunciation: wɔləpɪŋ part of speech: noun thudding in spanish: , pronunciation: θʌdɪŋ part of speech: adjective nonresonant in spanish: , pronunciation: nɑnrezənənt part of speech: adjective unreverberant in spanish: , pronunciation: ənrɪvɜrbɜrənt part of speech: adjective
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