Thumb in spanish


pronunciation: pulgɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

thumb1 = pulgar. 

Example: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes.


» as a general rule of thumb = como norma general.

Example: As a general rule of thumb, you want front and side fans to intake, rear and top to exhaust.

» as a rule of thumb = como regla general, como norma general.

Example: As a rule of thumb, most major libraries have chosen not to renew their periodical subscriptions.

» be all (fingers and) thumbs = ser torpe con las manos, ser muy patoso.

Example: The first time I did it I was all fingers and thumbs, but practice brings the reward of ease.

» be a thumbs up for = contar con + Posesivo + aprobación, contar con + Posesivo + beneplácito, parecer estupendo, parecer fabuloso.

Example: For the most part, this was a pleasant, enjoyable read -- so this is a thumbs up for me.

» be under + Posesivo + thumb = estar dominado por Alguien.

Example: They hate her for not being under their thumb, for saying and doing anything without fear of them.

» get + the thumbs down = ser rechazado, recibir rechazo.

Example: Would-be inventors get four to five minutes to present their product's concept and business plan before getting the thumbs up or down for funding.

» get + the thumbs up = ser aprobado, recibir aprobación.

Example: Would-be inventors get four to five minutes to present their product's concept and business plan before getting the thumbs up or down for funding.

» give + Nombre + the thumbs down = rechazar, denegar.

Example: Ultimately these guys are professionals and can tell you whether the property as a whole should be given the thumbs up or down.

» give + Nombre + the thumbs up = aprobar, dar el beneplácito, dar el visto bueno, dar (la) luz verde.

Example: Ultimately these guys are professionals and can tell you whether the property as a whole should be given the thumbs up or down.

» have + a green thumb = dársele a Uno bien las plantas, tener buena mano con las plantas.

Example: Traditionally, someone who works well with plants is said to have a green thumb, or green fingers.

» have + Nombre + under + Posesivo + thumb = dominar a Alguien, tener a Alguien metido en un puño.

Example: She sounds like she enjoys having people under her thumb and gets off on the whole control thing.

» keep + Nombre + under + Posesivo + thumb = dominar a Alguien, tener a Alguien metido en un puño.

Example: He should have kept her under his thumb, watched her like a hawk, mistrusted her and protected her like a good jealous hubby usually does.

» rule of thumb = norma general, criterio general. [Hábito de actuación]

Example: Here, as elsewhere, one applies a second rule of thumb: retain self-control.

» stick out like + a sore thumb = desentonar, no pegar ni con cola, dar la nota, dar la nota discordante.

Example: Many of us disabled can't help sticking out like a sore thumb -- it goes with the territory.

» suck + Posesivo + thumb = chuparse el dedo.

Example: If your child is still sucking his thumb, picking his nose until it bleeds or having trouble sleeping consult a children's therapist, it could be a sign of anxiety.

» thumb holes = índice digital. [En un libro de referencia, muescas que se hacen en el borde externo para indicar las diferentes secciones del mismo; siendo este tipo de índice más comúnmente usado en diccionarios]

Example: Tabs should be used in card or sheaf catalogues, and thumb holes in the latter where possible.

» thumb index = índice digital. [En un libro de referencia, muescas que se hacen en el borde externo para indicar las diferentes secciones del mismo; siendo este tipo de índice más comúnmente usado en diccionarios]

Example: The librarian should provide the means whereby the catalogue user can quickly locate the required section of the catalogue just as a thumb index helps the person consulting a reference book to locate the appropriate section or chapter.

» thumb-mark = huella dejada por el pulgar.

Example: Copies can generally be recognized by such signs as set-off from fresh-made proofs, inky thumb-marks, and a general air of dog-eared grubbiness.

» thumbnail = imagen en miniatura, miniatura.

Example: High quality (400dpi) TIFF files were stored on archival tape, and JPEG thumbnails and full-size images placed on server to be accessed by CGI script.

» thumb + pages = hojear.

Example: She thumbed the pages slowly, explaining that the study had been conducted to try to ascertain student attitudes toward the media center, why they used it, which facilities they used, and to see if they had suggestions for bettering it.

» thumb-screw = palomilla, tuerca de mariposa.

Example: Chases with thumb-screws in two of the sides for locking up the forme without the use of quoins were used in France and Germany until the seventeenth century.

» thumbs down = desaprobación, rechazo.

Example: The article 'Apple Macintosh: thumbs up? thumbs down?' considers whether online searchers should use Apple Macintosh machines.

» thumbs up = aprobación, aceptación.

Example: The article 'Apple Macintosh: thumbs up? thumbs down?' considers whether online searchers should use Apple Macintosh machines.

» thumbtack = chincheta.

Example: The posters can be pinned on the panels provided by using thumbtacks.

» thumbtack = coger con chinchetas, pillar con chinchetas, colgar con chinchetas.

Example: He thumbtacked the drawing and the clipping on the bulletin board and they looked impressive.

» thumb twiddler = holgazán, vago, gandul, golfo, ocioso, zángano.

Example: Lincoln was not a thumb twiddler like his predecessor in the White House, James Buchanan.

» Tom Thumb = Pulgarcito.

Example: Some children may have had the misfortune to have lived for three or four years without having heard the stories of Tom Thumb or Cinderella.

» twiddle + Posesivo + thumbs = mirarse el ombligo, sentarse de brazos cruzados, estar de brazos cruzados, estar mano sobre mano, sentarse sin hacer nada, perder el tiempo, estar sin hacer nada.

Example: We don't want people to sit around twiddling their thumbs -- it's not good for their thumbs and it's not good for our community = No queremos a gente que se cruce de brazos sin hacer nada; no es nada bueno ni para sus brazos ni para nuestra comunidad.



» thumb + a lift = hacer autostop, hacer dedo.

Example: The article 'Exploiting new technologies -- or 'thumbing a lift on the communications highways of tomorrow'' reviews current trends in telecommunications and their application to information services.

» thumb index = hacer un índice digital. [En un libro de referencia, muescas que se hacen en el borde externo para indicar las diferentes secciones del mismo; siendo este tipo de índice más comúnmente usado en diccionarios]

Example: The practising classifier is almost obliged to thumb index the volumes to make their use less time-consuming.

» thumb + Posesivo + nose at = mofarse de, burlarse de, hacer caso omiso, despreciar, menospreciar.

Example: America is criminalizing those who object to its military plans, and is thumbing its nose at the Geneva Convention.

Thumb synonyms

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