Thrusting in spanish


pronunciation: empuxɑndoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

thrust2 = empujar, lanzar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio thrust]

Example: The prosecutor said that the defendant pulled a knife with about a 10cm blade from his belt before thrusting it towards the victim.


» thrust + Nombre + forward = impulsar.

Example: The acid rain literature illustrated the 1st paradigm, where journals from the unadjusted literature were thrust forward in the adjusted literature, and no unadjusted journal fell into obscurity.

» thrust + Nombre + inside/in/into = meter. [De manera rápida y/o con fuerza]

Example: If the food has its own packaging, read the instructions carefully before thrusting it inside the microwave.

» thrust + Nombre + on/upon = imponer.

Example: Different responsibilities will be thrust upon librarians as their work becomes an increasingly vital complement to academic work, in particular assisting academics and students alike in creating order out of the chaos that is the Internet.

Thrusting synonyms

thrust in spanish: , pronunciation: θrʌst part of speech: noun, verb poke in spanish: , pronunciation: poʊk part of speech: verb, noun jab in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒæb part of speech: noun, verb poking in spanish: , pronunciation: poʊkɪŋ part of speech: noun jabbing in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒæbɪŋ part of speech: noun
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