Thru in spanish

A través de

pronunciation: ɑtɹ̩ɑbesde part of speech: none
In gestures

through [thru, -USA]1 = mediante, a través de, por, por medio de. [A veces escrito thru en inglés americano]

Example: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.


» all the way through = por todo, durante todo.

Example: The first four tracks continue all the way through the conference.

» all the way through = siempre, constantemente, continuamente.

Example: All the way through, the Jews are portrayed as bloodthirsty.

» all through arrangement = ordenación letra a letra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal; mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]

Example: All three of these publications adopt a 'word by word' (or 'nothing before something') rather than a 'letter by letter' (or 'all through') arrangement.

» all through filing = ordenación letra a letra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal; mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]

Example: The first decision is whether filing is to be letter by letter (all through) or word by word.

» all-through method = método de ordenación letra a letra.

Example: One is known as the 'letter by letter' or 'all-through' method and the other as the 'word by word' or 'nothing before something' method.

» all through + Nombre = de todo + Nombre.

Example: In the past twenty or thirty years a growing number of teachers all through the educational system, from kindergarten to university, have challenged this situation.

» (all) through(out) the night = durante (toda) la noche.

Example: All throughout the night, our soldiers worked with their specially-trained search and rescue dogs to locate casualties trapped in the rubble.

» all through + Tiempo = durante todo + Tiempo.

Example: Labor continued to strive for better working conditions, shorter hours, and better pay all through the 1800s and early 1900s.

» as seen through the eyes of + Nombre = visto desde la perspectiva de + Nombre, según lo ve + Nombre, desde el punto de vista de + Nombre.

Example: A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian= Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".

» be half-way through = estar a mitad de.

Example: He announced earlier this year that he was half-way through writing his debut novel.

» be through the roof = estar por las nubes.

Example: The one justified reason to hate Valentine's Day is that chocolate prices are through the roof -- the bane of all chocolate addicts.

» be through with = terminar con, acabar con.

Example: Laurel is through with love; the last boyfriend put her through the wringer and she's got the police report to prove it.

» be wet through (and through) = estar empapado, estar calado hasta los huesos, estar hecho una sopa.

Example: Hair that is wet through and through cuts like butter, a good razor blade will cut through it smoothly and effortlessly.

» breakthrough [break-through] = logro, innovación, avance, adelanto. revelación.

Example: With the exception of a few prescient observers, most predictions of the 20th century overlooked such breakthroughs as the computer.

» come through = aparecer, surgir, hacerse evidente, hacerse patente.

Example: More sophisticated accreditation systems are coming through, but these are currently relatively little used in these areas, and are more common in ecommerce applications.

» drive-through (drive-thru) = servicio de atención al cliente en su propio automóvil.

Example: A drive-through or drive-thru refers to a type of business or part of a business that serves customers who pull up in their vehicles.

» fall (between/through) + the cracks = quedarse a medias, no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra.

Example: Thus we see many students falling between the cracks -- achieving neither mainstream success nor maintenance of their own cultural traditions.

» fall through + the net = escaparse de la red, escaparse.

Example: For several years the library has had a successful arrangement with a local bookstore to supply it with unusual and important local material that would otherwise fall through the net of its collection development effort = Desde hace varios años, la biblioteca mantiene un acuerdo satisfactorio con una librería local para que le suministre fondo local importante y poco común que, de otro modo, se le escaparía en el desarrollo de la colección.

» fall through + the net = escaparse de los beneficios de Internet. [Expresión con la que se describe a aquellas personas que generalmente por su situación geográfica o económica no tienen acceso a Internet y que, por ello, pierden ciertos beneficios]

Example: In the US, in spite of efforts to extend Internet access to a broad population, some segments of the population are 'falling through the net,' to their economic peril = En los Estados Unidos, a pesar de los esfuerzos por extender el acceso a Internet a la población en general, algunos sectores "se escapan de los beneficios de Internet", con el riesgo económico que esto implica.

» find + Posesivo + way (a)round/through + Complemento = utilizar, manejar.

Example: Those familiar with conventional lists of subject headings will have no difficulty in finding their way around a typical thesaurus.

» from ..., through ..., to ... = desde ..., pasando por ..., hasta ....

Example: The article entitled 'the (British) Society of Archivists' describes the development of the Society of Archivists from the founding of a Society of Local Archivists in 1946, through its change into the Society of Archivists in 1955, to the present.

» get + Nombre + through = ayudar a pasar por, ayudar a superar.

Example: Americans have stopped saving for a rainy day, living paycheck to paycheck and depending on credit cards to get them through emergencies = Los americanos han dejado de ahorrar para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles, viviendo al día y dependiendo de las tarjetas de crédito para ayudarles a superar las emergencias.

» get through to = llegar a.

Example: This article discusses how to interpret these elements in a patent document and how to get through to the technical information sought.

» get through = leer, terminar.

Example: Some children cannot get through a longer story or novel in less time.

» get through = superar, pasar, llegar al final de, atravesar.

Example: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.

» half-way through = a mitad de, en mitad de.

Example: This article describes the content of the project and the results which have been obtained until now, almost half-way through the project.

» help + Nombre + through = ayudar a salir de, ayudar a pasar, ayudar a atravesar.

Example: Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.

» leave + Nombre + halfway through = dejar a medias, dejar a medio hacer, dejar a medio acabar, dejar a medio terminar.

Example: And in keeping with the flightiness of youth, Thieriot leaves the commentary halfway through, because there's somewhere else he has to be.

» let through = dejar pasar.

Example: Three half-soaked security guards sat around a desk at the main entrance letting through more than they checked.

» lie through + Posesivo + teeth = mentir como un bellaco, mentir descaradamente.

Example: Like the rest of the populace, either these spokespeople are willfully ignorant of the truth of atomic dangers, or they are lying through their teeth about them.

» look at + Nombre + through + Posesivo + eyes = ver Algo a través de los ojos de Alguien.

Example: The author considers fiction that looks at war through children's eyes, examining personal and moral issues raised by war this century.

» make it through = salir adelante, sobrevivir, conseguir superar, conseguir pasar.

Example: He figures if he made it through WWII he can make it through anything, that's a great attitude.

» make it through to = conseguir pasar a.

Example: 16 songs have made it through to final night.

» once-through = de una pasada.

Example: A quick once-through reading to 'find out what is happening' is a good way to start, but several readings are usually necessary to get to know the case.

» right through = completamente.

Example: Next morning the heap, now damp right through, was set up on one end of the horse (later called the bank), a bench long enough to take two piles of paper end to end, and about as high as the coffin of the press.

» rise through the ranks = promoción, ascenso, avance profesional.

Example: Several respondents felt that women's rise through the ranks was less meteoric than that of their male colleagues.

» run + Nombre + through + Nombre = pasar por, comparar con, cotejar con.

Example: Thus, after we run our cards through the format recognition programs, there will still be many corrections to make at immense cost.

» see + Nombre + through + Nombre + eyes = ver + Nombre + desde la perspectiva de + Nombre.

Example: Yet there are managers who see their employees through Theory X eyes and prefer to manage from a hierarchical and tightly controlled perspective.

» see-through = transparente.

Example: Eventually the solution was found in long rectangular see-through plastic containers used for storing Christmas wrapping paper.

» see through = ver a través de, analizar desde una perspectiva, estudiar desde una perspectiva.

Example: This is an examination of attitudes towards the reference interview by librarians over the past 100 years as seen through the literature.

» see through = esclarecer, darse cuenta de.

Example: It is important to use oral history information in an informed and sophisticated way, and to be able to see through some popular misconceptions about it.

» see through = ver a través de, penetrar.

Example: Books can seldom be disbound for the benefit of bibliographers (although it is worth remembering that they sometimes have to be rebound, when they are completely dismembered), but we can now see through printing ink by means of betaradiography.

» sweep through = extenderse, propagarse.

Example: A killer bacteria resistant to antibiotics is sowing panic across Israel as it sweeps through hospitals leaving scores dead.

» think through = estudiar detenidamente, analizar detenidamente.

Example: The survey did not provide much evidence that ethical issues relating to the Internet are being thought through in any depth.

» through and through = completamente, por completo, hasta la médula, de pies a cabeza, de cabo a rabo.

Example: Drew and Myra both grew up in New York, city kids through and through.

» through + Década = durante la década de.

Example: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

» through force of habit = por la fuerza de la costumbre, por inercia, por rutina.

Example: They live still through force of habit and snobbery in a recent past, but the great majority in all places no longer have any sincere passion for art.

» through(out) the years = a través de los años.

Example: Through the years, the large Muslim minority in the military outposts was relegated to second class status, much like other colonised peoples.

» through the agency of = a través de, mediante, por medio de, por.

Example: This article argues that critical thinking, a long sought after goal in the US educational system, may be taught efficiently through the agency of library use instructions within the college environment.

» through the ages = a través de los tiempos, a través del tiempo.

Example: Coins and medals are a common form of bas-relief that have existed through the ages.

» through the back door = en secreto, a escondidas, con disimulo, a hurtadillas, subrepticiamente.

Example: Government bows to pressure from business to allow bribery through the back door.

» through the eyes of = a través de los ojos de.

Example: Take a peek at the world through the eyes of its youngest inhabitants via PapaInk, an online archive of children's artworks.

» view + Nombre + through fresh eyes = ver + Nombre + con nuevos ojos.

Example: In the process of sharing materials, ideas, and information with their overseas colleages, the Fellows viewed life and librarianship through fresh eyes.

» wet through to the skin = calado hasta los huesos, empapado hasta los huesos, hecho una sopa, empapado, chorreando.

Example: It rained all the way and we arrived about 12.45, wet through to the skin.

» work + a problem through = resolver un problema.

Example: She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.

through [thru, -USA]2 = de ... a. [A veces escrito thru en inglés americano]

Example: For example, a newspaper might be published Monday through Saturday, but not on Sunday.


» from ... through ... = desde ... hasta ....

Example: Virtually every discipline in the sciences, from astronomy through zoology, is represented since journals are indexed cover to cover.

» Monday through Friday = de lunes a viernes.

Example: The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

» Número + through + Número = de + Número + a + Número.

Example: Program function keys 13 through 24, if available, can be used like PF5 through PF12 to save command chains.

through [thru, -USA]3 = hasta. [A veces escrito thru en inglés americano]

Example: Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.

thru = Véase through para los distintos significados. [Variante gráfica de through usada en inglés americano]

Example: This new edition uses standard English spelling throughout with the exception of words such as 'thru' which are now American practice.


» Monday thru Friday = de lunes a viernes.

Example: Hours of operation are extended for the drive-up windows, which are open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.
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