Thrown in spanish


pronunciation: ɑroʊxɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

throw3 = echar, tirar, arrojar. [Verbo irregular: pasado threw, participio thrown]

Example: The point to be made for the novice abstractor is that editors are not ghouls who must be thrown raw meat before a check is issued.


» lock + Nombre + up and throw away the key = encerrar a Alguien y tirar la llave.

Example: In my country we lock rapists up and throw away the key so they don't hurt anyone else.

» overthrow = derrocar. [Verbo irregular: pasado overthrew, participio overthrown]

Example: The result was that by the close of the 1940s new interests were developing which were destined to overthrow the preeminence of microfilm as a documentation concern.

» throw + a case + out of court = desestimar un caso, desestimar un pleito.

Example: The case against two journalists accused of stealing semi-naked photographs of Kensit was thrown out of court today when the actress failed to turn up.

» throw across = cruzar.

Example: The gangplank (illustrated by the dotted line in Figure 1) can be thrown across without weakening the chain of command, as long as this relationship is advisory and not policy making = La pasarela (ilustrada por la línea de puntos de la Figura 1) se puede cruzar sin debilitar la cadena de mando, en tanto en cuanto esta relación sea consultiva y no para la elaboración de políticas.

» throw + a dead cat on the table = hacer una maniobra de distracción, jugar al despiste, levantar una cortina de humo, correr una cortina de humo. [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo]

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» throw + a fit = tener una rabieta, tener un berrinche, dar un berrinche, montar en cólera, cabrearse, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse, ponerse histérico, perder la olla, írsele la olla, írsele la pinza.

Example: The diva then threw a fit when told they couldn't serve her a milkshake.

» throw + a hissy fit = montar en cólera, cabrearse, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse.

Example: Perhaps I should have thrown a hissy fit, but I just couldn't be bothered.

» throw + Alguien + in jail = meter en chirona, meter en la cárcel, meter en prisión, encarcelar, enviar a la cárcel, enviar a prisión.

Example: If the judge believes she has violated the deal, he can throw her in jail for 90 days.

» throw + (a) light on/upon = arrojar luz sobre, aclarar, esclarecer, revelar.

Example: It may be that a study of such associations might throw further light on the kinds of relationship we need to cater for in our index vocabularies.

» throw + a (monkey) wrench in the works = joderlo todo, fastidiarlo todo, estropearlo todo, jorobarlo todo, aguarlo todo.

Example: We have all been there: a flat tire on the way to work, a power outage that puts the refrigerator on the blink -- life simply has a way of throwing a wrench into the works.

» throw + a party = dar una fiesta, hacer una fiesta.

Example: The thought of throwing a party may seem daunting, however entertaining 20 people can sometimes be easier than giving a dinner party for 6 people.

» throw (a)round + money = desperdiciar dinero, derrochar dinero, malgastar dinero.

Example: I'm not a great fan of the money thrown around in football, but if you can't beat them you might as well join them.

» throw + a spanner in the works = joderlo todo, fastidiarlo todo, estropearlo todo, jorobarlo todo, aguarlo todo.

Example: Last Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI threw a spanner in the works with his long-awaited, much-rumored, and oft-debated apostolic letter which more or less gives any priest the choice of which Mass to offer.

» throw + a tantrum = emberrincharse, enrabietarse, emberrenchinarse, dar una rabieta, dar un berrinche, tener un berrinche, montar en cólera.

Example: During the course of the observation, the researcher witnessed the teacher deal once with physical violence by helping a particularly dangerous student to 'take time out' instead of throwing a tantrum.

» throw + a/the spotlight on = llamar la atención sobre, centrar la atención en, prestar atención a, resaltar, destacar.

Example: The media's job is to throw the spotlight on what is of interest to the public.

» throw away = tirar, deshacerse, desprenderse de.

Example: The person who never throws away a newspaper is regarded as an eccentric; the person who never throws away a book is more likely to be regarded as a bibliophile no matter what the resulting motley assortment of books may be.

» throw + a wobbler = ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse histérico, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, volverse loco, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse, volverse histérico, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios, perder la olla, írsele la olla, írsele la pinza.

Example: Of course there are things they don't like, and sometimes one of them throws a wobbler -- which sets the other one off!.

» throw + a wobbly = ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse histérico, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, volverse loco, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse, volverse histérico, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios, perder la olla, írsele la olla, írsele la pinza.

Example: The good thing about having it in writing is that you`re then well within your rights to throw a wobbly and demand you get what you paid for.

» throw back + beers = beber cerveza.

Example: He can share a table with the toughest of hombres and throw back beers with unswerving eyes, enjoying every minute of it.

» throw + caution to the wind = liarse la manta a la cabeza.

Example: If, on one night of the year, you throw caution to the wind and indulge in a few small candy bars, it won't kill you.

» throw + doubt on = arrojar dudas sobre, poner en duda, poner en entredicho, poner en tela de juicio.

Example: Such low figures throw doubt on the applicability of US findings to the UK situation.

» throw down = tirar al suelo, arrojar al suelo, tirar contra el suelo, arrojar contra el suelo.

Example: And when Moses threw his shepherd's crook down it became a snake.

» throw down + the gauntlet = retar, desafiar, arrojar el guante, echar el guante.

Example: And, as if by way of indicating that he had thrown down the gauntlet, she added, 'I can be unpleasant. I warn you' = E, insinuando que le había desafiado, ella añadió: "Puedo ser desagradable. Te lo advierto".

» throw + good money after bad = seguir malgastando el dinero, seguir tirando el dinero.

Example: Although it is hard to pull the plug on a project with a weak business case, failing to do so does throw good money after bad.

» throw + hints = dar pistas, dejar caer insinuaciones, hacer insinuaciones, insinuarse, tirar los tejos.

Example: Now it is the turn of Libya to throw hints that it too needs to be mollycoddled.

» throw in = añadir, agregar, incluir.

Example: There is a real difference of interest between the needs and purposes of research libraries and the public libraries, and I would also throw in the school and almost certainly junior college libraries.

» throw (in) + a red herring = hacer una maniobra de distracción, jugar al despiste, levantar una cortina de humo, correr una cortina de humo.

Example: It was you who would always throw a red herring to diver attention on some matters that you, your son and your brothers were involved in.

» throw in + the towel = arrojar la toalla, tirar la toalla, darse por vencido, perder la esperanza.

Example: No one among librarians, suppliers or publishers is throwing in the towel but the position this format takes in library collections in the near future is unsettled.

» throw into = echar dentro de.

Example: For those of you who are not familiar with OCLC and the way we work the data base is not a vast receptacle into which we throw any kind of record that anybody wants to put in.

» throw into + doubt = poner en duda.

Example: In this culture, girls must be virgins at marriage & must not demonstrate overt pleasure at the beginning of the marriage lest their virginity be thrown into doubt.

» throw into + oblivion = arrojar al olvido.

Example: For he's a ray of hope in a world where musicians are moulded, marketed and catapulted to stardom one moment, thrown to oblivion the next.

» throw into + relief = poner de relieve, poner de manifiesto.

Example: The employment of machines, far from replacing man, can serve to enhance his social value and status by throwing into relief those human tasks that machines cannot perform.

» throw in/up + the sponge = tirar la esponja, arrojar la esponja, darse por vencido, perder la esperanza.

Example: He looked at her reproachfully for a moment, and then announced that he was ready to throw up the sponge.

» throw + mud at = poner como un trapo, poner verde, poner tibio, poner por los suelos.

Example: It bothers me coming on the forum, as with all other forums, and seing how easy it is for people to throw mud at others in this virtual word.

» throw + new light on = presentar Algo desde una nueva perspectiva, presentar Algo desde un nuevo ángulo, presentar Algo desde una nueva óptica.

Example: The research aimed to quantify the extent of the changes and to throw new light on the value of libraries.

» throw + Nombre + a curved ball = dar un revés.

Example: He couldn't understand why life had again dealt him a bad hand, threw him a curved ball -- why someone like her was now a mere name on a gravestone.

» throw + Nombre + for a loop = desconcertar, impactar, asombrar, dejar desconcertado, dejar impactado, dejar helado, dejar asombrado, dejar pasmado, dejar de una pieza, dejar estupefacto, dejar de piedra.

Example: The unexpected sound of his voice -- she had no idea how he got her number -- threw her for a loop.

» throw + Nombre + in a new light = presentar Algo desde una nueva perspectiva.

Example: Rather it has thrown them in a new light, and provided new means of both protecting and breaching the security of data.

» throw + Nombre + in at the deep end = meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil, enfrascar a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil.

Example: The article is entitled 'User education in a college library; observations of one thrown in at the deep end!'.

» throw + Nombre + off = arrojar desde, tirar desde, lanzar desde.

Example: My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat.

» throw + Nombre + off = desequilibrar, desconcertar, dislocar.

Example: I asked a number of times what was going on, and she kept denying anything saying that it was the trip that threw her off.

» throw + Nombre + off balance = desequilibrar, desconcertar, desencajar, dislocar, desajustar.

Example: At first, analyzing the way he went about his work eroded his confidence, threw him off balance, dimmed some of his energetic spirit.

» throw + Nombre + off course = desconcertar, hacer perder el rumbo, hacer perder el norte, hacer desviarse de rumbo.

Example: His sudden death in 2006 threw her off course for a year before she could settle down to translate her copious notes into the novel.

» throw + Nombre + off track = desconcertar, hacer perder el rumbo, hacer perder el norte, hacer desviarse de rumbo.

Example: If you look around at the people you know, every one of them has done something stupid that threw them off track.

» throw + Nombre + on the ground = tirar al suelo, arrojar al suelo, tirar contra el suelo, arrojar contra el suelo.

Example: And when Moses threw it on the ground it became a serpent.

» throw + Nombre + out = tirar, desechar.

Example: Well, I happened to inherit a full set of Trollope, and I had the guts to throw it out.

» throw + Nombre + out = echar a la calle, echar fuera.

Example: 'Nah,' Kate chuckled, getting his drift, and then said 'I would've just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!' = "No" se rió Kate, entendiendo lo que él quería decir, y después dijo "!Hubiera irrumpido y les hubiese retado a echarme a la calle!".

» throw + Nombre + out of = echar fuera de, echar de, tirar de.

Example: Bouncer who threw girl out of nightclub for having 'manky' feet is found guilty of assaulting her and a friend.

» throw + Nombre + out of alignment = desajustar.

Example: Programs based on 'pages' may readjust only to the end of the page, and this will throw succeeding text out of alignment.

» throw + Nombre + out of proportion = desproporcionar, exagerar.

Example: What do you guys think, is this all being thrown out of proportion or is Simon now covering his behind?.

» throw + Nombre + out (of) the door = echar de la casa, poner de patitas en la calle.

Example: She alleged Eric picked her up, opened the front door, and threw her out of the door while she was wearing only underwear and a tank top.

» throw + Nombre + out (of) the window = tirar por la ventana, arrojar por la ventana, echar por la ventana.

Example: They obeyed and threw her out of the window, and as she fell the walls were sprinkled with her blood.

» throw + Nombre + out of whack = desequilibrar, desconcertar, dislocar, desencajar, desajustar.

Example: When this is all sorted out I think we're going to find that he was probably taking too much of the wrong prescription and it just threw him out of whack.

» throw + Nombre + out on + Posesivo + ear = poner de patitas en la calle, despedir.

Example: And, for some reason, it seemed more important than ever to find out about her birth mother and her family before they threw her out on her ear for tricking them.

» throw + Nombre + to the lions = echar a los leones.

Example: It's a sin to judge a book by its cover -- get to know her before you throw her to the lions.

» throw + Nombre + to the wolves = echar a los leones.

Example: But all I did was throw her to the wolves and when we met again, all that sweet innocence, that shining beauty, was ruined.

» throw + Nombre + under the bus = echar a los leones, echar los perros, soltar los perros.

Example: She feels he has 'thrown her under the bus' by speaking out against her.

» throw off + the yoke of = liberarse del yugo de.

Example: In 1898, the Philippines were able to 'throw off the yoke of Spanish imperialism,' only to be annexed by the US which was determined to make it a democracy in the American image.

» throw + oil on the fire = echar leña al fuego.

Example: The situation is extremely difficult, as we well know, and there are always people in whose interest it is to throw oil on the fire.

» throw + oil on the flames = echar leña al fuego.

Example: The US understandably cares about the balance of power in the Caucasus, but why does it need to evoke 1968 and throw oil on the flames?.

» throw + open the door to = abrir la puerta a.

Example: We have two programs that have begun to put tables of contents on the Web -- throwing open the door to those who browse the Internet for information as well as those who use our online public access catalog.

» throw-out = encarte desplegable. [Material anejo a un documento superior en tamaño a éste]

Example: A throw-out is an annex to a document of a larger size than the document to which it belongs.

» throw out = despedir, soltar.

Example: It was the size of a truck and was breaking apart as it crashed down, throwing out little bits of hot shrapnel that zinged past me.

» throw out + false leads = dar pistas falsas.

Example: In such situations an attentive silence following a 'no' may be more productive than adding to the confusion by throwing out more false leads.

» throw + Posesivo + arms up in horror = rasgarse las vestiduras, escandalizarse, horrorizarse.

Example: This is far from traditional fly fishing and some anglers will throw their arms up in horror but others will love it.

» throw + Posesivo + cap in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: He says he will accept whatever outcome the 2011 election brings even if he decides to throw his cap in the ring.

» throw + Posesivo + hat in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: Psychologist have found that unselfish workers who are the first to throw their hat in the ring are also among those that coworkers most want to, in effect, vote off the island.

» throw + Posesivo + money down the drain = tirar el dinero por la ventana, tirar el dinero, ser una pérdida de dinero.

Example: Many of those would-be first time buyers choose to continue renting even though they are throwing their money down the drain.

» throw + Posesivo + weight around = mandonear.

Example: So they are stifling growth in the industry by throwing their weight around in the interest of greed.

» throw + Reflexivo + into = lanzarse a, tirarse a, precipitarse a, meterse de lleno en, dedicarse de lleno a.

Example: Freshers' week is a festival to launch you into university life and as your first week at University, you should throw yourself into it and give everything a go!.

» throw + Reflexivo + off/from = arrojarse (al vacío) de/desde, lanzarse (al vacío) de/desde, tirarse (al vacío) de/desde, precipitarse (al vacío) de/desde.

Example: A 13-year-old girl threw herself off an overpass just days after a shaming video was posted online by her father.

» throw + shadow = proyectar sombra.

Example: Because of book stacks the light may be artificial, but this is acceptable if it is designed properly and does not throw shadows onto the stacks.

» throw + the baby out with the bath water = pagar justos por pecadores, tomar medidas demasiado drásticas.

Example: The article carries the title 'Telecommunications perspectives: `keeping a secret; encryption revisited (or, are we throwing the baby out with the bath water?)'.

» throw + the book at = castigar duramente, aplicar el máximo castigo a Alguien, meterle un puro a Alguien, meterle un paquete a Alguien.

Example: I hope they throw the book at him, as anybody should be able to go anywhere they want without getting attacked.

» throw together = improvisar, preparar de un modo rápido.

Example: A quality design cannot be thrown together on short notice.

» throw up = poner de manifiesto, revelar, producir, presentar, poner de relieve.

Example: Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.

» throw up = devolver, vomitar.

Example: He fell so hard that it made him throw up and both his legs swelled and went black and blue.

thrown1 = Participio pasado del verbo throw (echar). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]

Example: The point to be made for the novice abstractor is that editors are not ghouls who must be thrown raw meat before a check is issued.


» be thrown = sorprenderse.

Example: A customer arriving at an equiry desk with a question might be rather thrown by a staff member who said that they would go 'surfing' for the information, but it might take a couple of hours!.

» overthrown = Participio pasado del verbo overthrow (derrocar).

Example: This article analyses 4 descriptive cataloguing orthodoxies of the past -- corporate authorship, uniform personal headings, main entry, dominance of the card catalogue -- maintaining that each has been overthrown either overtly or covertly.

thrown2 = arrojado, tirado, lanzado. 

Example: Then the car engine blew in an explosion that made the hood bunch up from the impact of thrown pistons.

Thrown synonyms

down in spanish: , pronunciation: daʊn part of speech: adverb tangled in spanish: , pronunciation: tæŋgəld part of speech: adjective thrown and twisted in spanish: , pronunciation: θroʊnændtwɪstəd part of speech: adjective
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