Throughout in spanish

En todo

pronunciation: entoʊdoʊ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

throughout1 = a lo largo de, en todo, por todo, de todo, en, durante, en el transcurso de, durante todo. 

Example: Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.


» (all) through(out) the night = durante (toda) la noche.

Example: All throughout the night, our soldiers worked with their specially-trained search and rescue dogs to locate casualties trapped in the rubble.

» throughout history = a través de la historia, a lo largo de la historia.

Example: Throughout history, women have always done the cooking around the house.

» throughout + Posesivo + life = durante (toda) + Posesivo + vida, a lo largo de (toda) + Posesivo + vida.

Example: This gave her an appetite for change and for other cultures that has stayed with her throughout her life.

» throughout the course of = en el transcurso de.

Example: I would like to thank all those who at various times throughout the course of the project assisted so ably in seeing the work through to its completion.

» throughout the world = en todo el mundo, de todo el mundo, en el mundo entero.

Example: In 1953 UNESCO estimated that 269,000 books were produced throughout the world.

» throughout the year = a lo largo de todo el año, durante todo el año.

Example: Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.

» through(out) the years = a través de los años.

Example: Through the years, the large Muslim minority in the military outposts was relegated to second class status, much like other colonised peoples.

throughout2 = desde principio a fin. 

Example: Throughout, the code is based upon clearly stated principles.

throughout3 = en todo el proceso, en todo momento. 

Example: Nevertheless my debts are real, and I particularly want to thank David Foxon for his illuminating commentary on the final sections, and D. F. McKenzie for his encouragement throughout.

throughout4 = siempre. 

Example: In this section of the course you will be introduced to the Universal Decimal Classification which will be referred to throughout as the UDC.

Throughout synonyms

passim in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsim part of speech: adverb
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