Throne in spanish


pronunciation: tɹ̩oʊnoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

throne = trono. 

Example: If only every chair could be a throne and hold a king or a queen.


» abdicate + Posesivo + throne = abdicar al trono.

Example: If he makes this decision he would have to abdicate his throne as an English monarch.

» accession to the throne = ascenso al trono, subida al trono, advenimiento al trono, acceso al trono.

Example: One controversy surrounding the Prince's future accesion to the throne is his decision to be known as the 'Defender of Faith', as opposed to the traditional 'Defender of the Faith'.

» ascend (to) + the throne = ascender al trono, subir al trono.

Example: Prince Hal has proved his courage, but the conniving Falstaff and his companions lurk in the wings, waiting for Hal to ascend the throne.

» dethrone = destronar, derrocar.

Example: Farming dethroned as leading industry -- after some 10,000 years the plurality of working humans no longer are engaged in farming, but rather the delivery of services.

» enthrone = nombrar rey, coronar, exaltar, favorecer.

Example: Modern life 'enthrones reason over impulse'.

Throne synonyms

can in spanish: , pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb pot in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑt part of speech: noun stool in spanish: , pronunciation: stul part of speech: noun toilet in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔɪlət part of speech: noun commode in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmoʊd part of speech: noun potty in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑti part of speech: adjective, noun crapper in spanish: , pronunciation: kræpɜr part of speech: noun enthrone in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnθroʊn part of speech: verb

Throne antonyms

dethrone pronunciation: dɪθroʊn part of speech: verb
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