Throe in spanish


pronunciation: ɑgoʊniɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» be in + Posesivo + death throes = agonizar.

Example: What I sense now is that the whaling industry is in its death throes.

» be in the death throes = agonizar.

Example: On the other hand Nokia looks to be in the death throes as it partners with Microsoft to boost its flagging sales.

» death throes = últimos coletazos, agonía, agonía de muerte, últimos estertores, estetores de muerte.

Example: It seems these huge explosions are caused by the death throes of stars twenty times the size of our Sun, which burn themselves out and explode.

» in the throes of = en el período penoso de, en trance de, en período de, en medio de, entre medio de, en mitad de.

Example: The scope and methodology of enumeration is, however, in the throes of revolution.
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