Three in spanish


pronunciation: tɹ̩es part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

three (3) = tres (3). 

Example: Indexing languages may be of three distinct types.


» 3-party [three-party] = entre tres partes.

Example: The development and use of 3-party telecommunications (also known as operator-assisted computing) as a technique of delivering on-line services to remote users is described.

» Goldilocks and the Three Bears = Ricitos de oro y los tres osos.

Example: 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' is a fairytale about a curious girl with golden hair.

» like three sheets to the wind = borracho, ebrio, beodo, mamado.

Example: There definitely are things you should stay away from, unless you're already like three sheets to the wind and you don't give a fuck.

» one in three = un tercio, una tercera parte, uno de cada tres.

Example: One estimate is that about one in three children and young people of school age are what might be called 'real users' of the public library, and about one in ten adults.

» on three occasions = en tres ocasiones, tres veces.

Example: I guess I'm becoming quite the New Yorker because on three occasions I had to give directions to other tourists.

» rule of three, the = regla de tres, la. [En catalogación, norma que establece que cuando un documento tiene más de tres autores sólo el primer autor será objeto de entrada secundaria]

Example: In cases where more than 3 authors share responsibility for the creation of a work, the so-called Rule of Three dictates that the catalogue should provide added entry under only the 1st author named.

» The Three Little Pigs = los tres cerditos.

Example: From childhood, we shiver as the shifty-eyed wolf terrorizes Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.

» the three musketeers = los tres mosqueteros.

Example: The motto of the three musketeers was, 'One for all, and all for one'.

» the three Wise Men = los (Tres) Reyes Magos.

Example: The festival ended with Epiphany on 6 January which traditionally was the day when the three Wise Men came to visit Jesus.

» things + come in threes = no hay dos sin tres. [Comúnmente precedido del adjetivo good o bad]

Example: They say that good things come in threes - so it is no surprise that today's website update is three updates in one.

» third = tercio.

Example: England has many examples of such town libraries founded in the first third of the 17th century.

» third (3rd) = tercero (3º).

Example: We said that this facet appears third in the citation order.

» three-bed house = casa de tres dormitorios.

Example: Thirteen illegal immigrants living in a cramped cockroach-ridden three-bed house.

» three-bedroom house = casa de tres dormitorios.

Example: Three-bedroom house to rent in Luton for around £950.

» three-by-five card = ficha de tres por cinco pulgadas. [Forma de referirse a la ficha catalográfica expresando su tamaño normal (7 centímetros y medio de ancho por 22 y medio de largo)]

Example: I think that Mr. Scilken's point was that there's so much material on the traditional three-by-five card that it's less useful, that it's distracting, in fact, and does a disservice to the public library.

» three-cornered = de tres bandos, de tres partes, de tres partidos, de tres picos.

Example: In a remarkable turn-around on the previous three-cornered contest in 1993, the Nationals polled less than 10% of the vote.

» three-course meal = comida de tres platos, comida de dos platos y postre.

Example: When you've had a long day, and don't have the energy to prepare a three course meal or for those unexpected guests that drop in without a minute to spare, here's a quick meal to serve.

» three-decker = novela en tres volúmenes. [Modo de denominar a las novelas publicadas en el siglo XIX que solían tener una extensión de tres volúmenes]

Example: The physical dimensions of novels then tended to increase, and during the 1820s a standard form of three substantial volumes -- the three-decker as it was later nicknamed -- became established, and dominated the production of English fiction in book form from the 1830s to the 1880s.

» three-dimensional (3D) = tridimensional, en tres dimensiones.

Example: Someone searching for information about 'Three-dimensional cinematographic projection' might consult the index under 'Film projection'.

» three-dimensional object = objeto tridimensional.

Example: Non-book media is defined as information-bearing media which are not in the form of a book such as visual images, geographical artifacts, three-dimensional objects, music scores and recorded sound and microfilms.

» threefold = tripartito, triple.

Example: The rationale, then, for a separate chapter of this work devoted to the cataloguing of the works of corporate bodies is threefold.

» three-fourths (3/4) = tres cuartos (3/4).

Example: Selves may be considered full when three-fourths of their capacity is reached.

» three-horse race = lucha entre tres.

Example: Sevilla ended Real Madrid's unbeaten start to the season with a 2-1 victory on Sunday which underlined the Spanish title race will be a three-horse race.

» three is a crowd = tres es una multitud.

Example: They say that three is a crowd but not to us because we are so close and have known each other for such a long time .

» three-legged race = carrera de tres piernas.

Example: The sack race and three-legged race have been banned from a school sports day because the children might fall over and hurt themselves.

» three-month colic = cólico del lactante.

Example: Infant colic (also known as baby colic, three-month colic, and infantile colic) is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries without any discernible reason.

» three-page = de tres páginas.

Example: A three-page summary of the study is available from the authors via electronic mail.

» three-part = tripartito.

Example: Nowadays there is a clear three-part division of the book trade into publishers, wholesalers, printers, and retailers, but in the hand-press period the functions of book traders overlapped to a much greater extent.

» threepence = tres peniques.

Example: Pamphlets usually sold at between threepence and sixpence.

» three-point = que consta de tres puntos.

Example: So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).

» three pronged = triple, a tres bandas.

Example: Over the next 5 years, a three pronged strategy will be followed.

» three-quarters (3/4) = tres cuartos (3/4).

Example: The average costs of books bought rose from 1.54 to 1.70 with over three-quarters of sales in paperback form.

» three-seater = de tres asientos, con tres asientos, de tres plazas, con tres plazas. [Nombre y adjetivo]

Example: Ok, you are on the fence between a two seater or a three seater -- my choice is the three seater.

» three-seater sofa = sofá para tres, sofá de tres plazas.

Example: The living area is furnished with a three-seater sofa, two-seater sofa and 2 armchairs.

» three-sided = de tres caras.

Example: Galleys are two- or three-sided trays, nowadays made of metal and three or four times as long as they are wide.

» threesome = ménage à trois. 

Example: In such situations, the desire or opportunity may arise to involve a third individual in their relationship - to form a threesome.

» threesome = trío, grupo de tres. 

Example: This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.

» three-step = en tres etapas, en tres fases.

Example: This section, then, identifies a three-step process for the compilation of a thesaurus or a subject headings list.

» three-storeyed house = casa de tres plantas.

Example: The relationship between houses and three-storeyed houses is a genus/species relationship.

» three-tiered = a tres niveles, de tres niveles.

Example: Neither does it have a donjon, but the three-tiered turret positioned on the south-west side of the castle grounds was its symbol.

» three times = tres veces.

Example: A boy on trial in the shooting death of his principal told investigators that he 'just freaked out' and pulled the trigger three times = Un chico juzgado por haber matado a tiros al director dijo a los investigadores que ?sencillamente había perdido los papeles? y apretó el gatillo tres veces.

» three times over = tres veces, por partida triple.

Example: Scientists claim they've found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth's mantle so vast that could fill the Earth's oceans three times over.

» threeway = triple.

Example: I & R manuals stress the importance of conference telephone facilities that enable threeway hook-ups to take place between client, I & R service and outside agency.

» twenty-three (23) = veintitrés (23).

Example: This will raise the number of entries in the alphabetical index to twenty-three, with seventeen entries in the classified file.

» two's company, three's a crowd = dos son compañía, tres multitud.

Example: In marriage, two's company, three's a crowd.

3 (three) = 3 (tres). 

Example: Most of them -- there are 24 people on the library staff; 6 in reference (3 males and 3 females) -- have not personally experienced sexual harassment and haven't been aware that it exists.


» 3/4 (three-fourths) = tres cuartos (3/4).

Example: Selves may be considered full when three-fourths of their capacity is reached.

» 3/4 (three-quarters) = tres cuartos (3/4).

Example: The average costs of books bought rose from 1.54 to 1.70 with over three-quarters of sales in paperback form.

» 3D (three-dimensional) = tridimensional, en tres dimensiones.

Example: Someone searching for information about 'Three-dimensional cinematographic projection' might consult the index under 'Film projection'.

» 3-party [three-party] = entre tres partes.

Example: The development and use of 3-party telecommunications (also known as operator-assisted computing) as a technique of delivering on-line services to remote users is described.

» (as) easy/simple as 1,2,3 = tan fácil como coser y cantar, más fácil que freír un huevo, tan fácil como freír un huevo, pan comido, cosa hecha, paseo militar.

Example: Calculating the amount of lye you need for your next soap recipe is as easy as 1,2,3.

» a third (1/3) = un tercio (1/3).

Example: To sum up it may be said that overall annual energy costs can be reduced by as much as a third by careful planning.

» omega-3 = omega 3.

Example: There is mounting evidence that omega-3 fatty acids from fish help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

» one third (1/3) = un tercio (1/3), una tercera parte.

Example: One third (1/3) of a-v material bought by New York libraries is for the young but placed in the adult section.

Three synonyms

cardinal in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective iii in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪɪi part of speech: noun triad in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪæd part of speech: noun trinity in spanish: , pronunciation: trɪnəti part of speech: noun leash in spanish: , pronunciation: liʃ part of speech: noun trio in spanish: , pronunciation: trioʊ part of speech: noun troika in spanish: , pronunciation: trɔɪkə part of speech: noun trey in spanish: , pronunciation: treɪ part of speech: noun 3 in spanish: , pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective trine in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪn part of speech: noun threesome in spanish: , pronunciation: θrisəm part of speech: noun triplet in spanish: , pronunciation: trɪplət part of speech: noun tierce in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪrs part of speech: noun ternary in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrneri part of speech: adjective tercet in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrsət part of speech: noun terzetto in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrzetoʊ part of speech: noun ternion in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnjən part of speech: noun deuce-ace in spanish: , pronunciation: duseɪs part of speech: noun
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