Threat in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmenɑθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

threat = amenaza. 

Example: The 'threat' is less tangible when viewed from the standpoint of providers and consumers of such courses.


» address + a threat = hacer frente a una amenaza, afrontar un reto.

Example: This paper has described several endeavours which illustrate how we can address the threats from technological discontinuities.

» asymmetric threat = amenaza asimétrica.

Example: Put simply, asymmetric threats are a version of not 'fighting fair,' which can include the use of surprise and weapons in ways unplanned by a nation.

» bomb threat = amenaza de bomba.

Example: Prompt responses are required to bomb threats and reports of such dangerous or criminal conduct as sprinkling acid on chairs or clothing, mutilating books, tampering with the card catalog, or obscene behavior.

» challenge + a threat = enfrentarse a un problema.

Example: This paper considers two areas in UK librarianship in which action might serve to challenge these threats.

» death threat = amenaza de muerte.

Example: He's considering entering the witness protection program after he received a mountain of death threats for besmirching their idol's good name.

» make + threats = amenazar.

Example: He knew that Kate Lespran was not one to make empty threats.

» military threat = amenaza militar.

Example: In a world divided by ideology, by trade barriers, by military threats and nuclear fears, we librarians are not powerless.

» nuclear threat = amenaza nuclear.

Example: The article 'Myths and alibis' suggests that the enormity of the nuclear threat is now sufficient to prompt Western librarians to acknowledge the political and moral dimensions of their work.

» pose + a threat = presentar una amenaza, amenazar.

Example: Some would speculate that optical publishing poses a threat to online information retrieval.

» terror threat = amenaza terrorista.

Example: Terror threats have sounded the death knell for traditional Christmas festivities in Peshawar.

» threat of war = amenaza de guerra.

Example: The combination of trade deficit, budget deficit, and threat of war has international investors completely on edge.

» threat-reduction mechanism = mecanismo de reducción de situaciones difíciles. [Comportamiento por el cual la persona evita verse en situaciones embarazosas]

Example: Manoeuvres that have been used, as the the percipient observer well knows, include simplifications and routines to save time, such as the activation of what psychologists call 'threat-reduction mechanisms'.

» under threat = bajo amenaza, en peligro, amenazado.

Example: Products under threat include; greeting cards, circulars, information sheets, newspapers and magazines.

Threat synonyms

scourge in spanish: , pronunciation: skɜrdʒ part of speech: noun menace in spanish: , pronunciation: menəs part of speech: noun terror in spanish: , pronunciation: terɜr part of speech: noun
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